Rebirth of the best little prince

Chapter 512 Staying in the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion

"My lord. It's not good. The warehouse outside the city was sealed by the prefect Zheng and all our people were also caught by the prefect Zheng. The little one was also found when he went to the latrine... That's why It was left out." The sky in the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion just dawned.Suddenly a person broke in.Then loudly broke the tranquility of the morning.Liu Qingyun just fell into a demon.It takes a lot of energy to control the magic.And the sudden surge of internal strength.But at such an urgent time.It's annoying to be interrupted.Fortunately, Liu Qingyun has already been possessed once.There is no need to worry about going crazy again.

"Such a fuss. And AWOL. You can die." Liu Qingyun looked at the soldier in front of him.Scarlet color flashed in the eyes.Then slowly raise your hand.An invisible force.He rushed towards the soldier who didn't know what was going on.Liu Qingyun felt the surging power in his body.A sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.If I can get Jiuyin Juemai supplement.How strong will I be?Liu Qingyun is more and more eager to know how strong he can be.

"My lord...Ah..." This man wanted to say something else.But Liu Qingyun didn't give him this chance at all.And more than that.The person's body began to shrivel up.Finally turned into a mummy.Liu Qingyun looked at everything in front of the very beginning.Also a little surprised.But Liu Qingyun instantly understood that this was due to his internal strength.Liu Qingyun couldn't help laughing at this.This weird feeling.It really matches who I am now.Liu Qingyun felt that he was becoming more and more like a demon.It's just that what I want is more than that.

"It seems that Mr. Zheng or the King of Qin has noticed something. And the granary can't just be lost. It seems that we must find a way to get that granary back. Ghost armor army. Gather." Liu Qingyun glanced at the mummy.Then it turned into fly ash with a wave of his hand.Then look out the window.The sun has risen.It seems that taking advantage of this opportunity, I can make myself do something big.

"My lord......Report to my lord. The king of Qin is here. My lord, you should go and greet her in person." Liu Qingyun was preparing to gather the ghost armor army.Suddenly someone came to report.This made Liu Qingyun slightly surprised.I don't know why Li Yunfei appears now.And still in the capacity of King Qin.If so.But it is impossible to assemble the army.It's a matter of etiquette.If you don't show your sincerity.I am afraid that Li Yunfei will use this as an excuse.Take yourself down.

"Heh. Heh. I didn't expect that the king of Qin came so fast. It seems that he has already figured it out. Has he started to fight back? Things are getting more and more interesting. Well, since you came to declare war, I naturally can't I'm timid. Isn't this more interesting." Liu Qingyun did not expect that Li Yunfei would come to the door on his own initiative.And it still appeared as King Qin.But thinking about it, Liu Qingyun couldn't help but smile.There was a sneer.He knew this Li Yunfei's counterattack against him.But Liu Qingyun also has that self-confidence as long as Li Yunfei has no evidence.Never dare to do anything to yourself.

"My lord. This king of Qin said. Your lord must pick it up in person. Otherwise, he will stand at the gate of the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion. Don't leave." This servant.Can't help but touch the cold sweat on his forehead.After Liu Qingyun came back last night.Temperament changed drastically.It made people panic in the entire Metropolitan Governor's Mansion.So now this servant faces Liu Qingyun.It was like facing King Yama.

"I see. Set up the incense table and welcome His Royal Highness King Qin. Since he has already arrived at the door, we naturally can't be rude. Everyone line up to welcome him. Let His Royal Highness King Qin see our enthusiasm." Liu Qingyun did not expect Li Yunfei to say such words .It is clearly difficult to connect with the person who killed the Quartet last night.At the same time, Liu Qingyun also wanted to see what Li Yunfei was like.After all, Li Yunfei has always been wearing makeup.For Li Yunfei's true appearance.He's still curious.

"Squeak. Yah. Yah..." The vermilion door was slowly opened.Li Yunfei stood there.He couldn't help but took out the folding fan that never left his body.Then open it casually.The folding fan didn't change anything.It's just that there are a few more beauties on it.At this time Li Yunfei was wearing a brocade suit.There is no need for a white face.A pair of sword eyebrows.The eyes are even more piercing.The charming lips are slightly raised.Ruouowu with a smile.It is extraordinary at first glance.Liu Qingyun looked at Li Yunfei.It is also secretly praised in my heart.To be honest, Liu Qingyun also admires Li Yunfei's ability.It's as if nothing happened at all.I'm afraid this is not something everyone can do.

"Minister. Liu Qingyun. I was late to pick you up. Please forgive me. His Royal Highness Qin Wang. Thousands of years..." Liu Qingyun led the crowd to Li Yunfei.Then he prostrated himself on the ground.Just like that, Hulala bowed down.This is etiquette.Liu Qingyun had to do this.Liu Qingyun sneaked a peek.But he found that Li Yunfei was walking towards him slowly with square steps.I don't know what Li Yunfei is going to do.

"Heh. Heh. Master Liu, please get up. I heard that Master Liu is a clean and honest official. He works for the country and the people. When I saw him today, he really deserved his reputation. I didn't expect that at such a young age, he would lose his head worrying about the people like this. If all officials are With the mind of Mr. Liu, my Tang Dynasty will not be strong." Li Yunfei looked at Liu Qingyun's silver hair.Show a meaningful smile.It was exactly like seeing Liu Qingyun for the first time.

"His Royal Highness the King of Qin has praised you! It is my duty to serve the country and the people. What I have done is not as good as His Royal Highness Qin. How dare I claim credit for myself. Your Highness, King Qin. I have ordered the dining room to make cakes, wine and vegetables. His Royal Highness, Qin Wang. Laidun. So I will help Your Highness to clean up the dust. Please, Your Highness." Liu Qingyun looked at Li Yunfei.Although I don't know what kind of medicine Li Yunfei sells in the gourd.But since Li Yunfei doesn't want to mention what happened last night.Liu Qingyun is naturally so happy.Just go down the slope and donkey.He continued following Li Yunfei's words.

"That's good. The king is really tired these days. I really haven't eaten anything good. The third brother's place is really good. When the king came, the third brother told me. Let me come here to have a look .This time seems to be the right one. Master Liu. I look at Yangzhou, and this is the place where I can stay. The days when I am in Yangzhou, how about staying here." Li Yunfei listened To Liu Qingyun's words.Can't help but smile.Then he looked at Liu Qingyun and said.This is the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion.Really luxurious.Liu Qingyun dare to believe it.This is not inferior to the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion in Luoyang.You must know that Luoyang was the companion capital of the Sui Dynasty.And Li Yunfei's Metropolitan Governor's Mansion was where the former imperial palace was located.

"This... His Royal Highness King Qin is willing to stay here. Naturally, it is my honor. Even His Royal Highness King Wei will be very happy. Naturally, I will not have any objections. It's just that I am afraid that His Royal Highness King Qin will be here. I'm not used to living here. If this is the case, I will feel panicked." Liu Qingyun heard Li Yunfei's words.Immediately, I kept muttering in my heart.If Li Yunfei lived in the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion.Liu Qingyun's every move was under Li Yunfei's nose.Where else can I do anything.It's only relative.Li Yunfei might not be able to do anything.

"I don't need to worry about this, Mr. Liu. It's just that the king is used to being taken care of by maids. Therefore, Mr. Liu doesn't need to make other arrangements. The king just came in advance. Today, the maid of the king will also come. I heard that the magistrate of Yangzhou His daughter is a talented woman. It seems that today it is necessary to be accompanied by Master Liu. I have gone to see this talented woman. What do you say, Master Liu." Li Yunfei heard what Liu Qingyun said.Smile easily.Li Yunfei never mentioned disaster relief and plague from the beginning to the end.It's as if it's just to visit the mountains and play in the water.Liu Qingyun has some illusions.Is this still the Li Yunfei from last night?This is clearly two people.Liu Qingyun was puzzled.But it didn't show up.He just led the way in front of Li Yunfei with an apologetic smile.

"His Royal Highness King Qin. I really think highly of Yan'er. In front of His Highness, who would dare to call himself talented? Come on. Pass on food." Liu Qingyun led Li Yunfei to the hall.Then he ordered his servants to say.Following Liu Qingyun's instructions.A series of delicious pastries and dishes.A large table was filled.Li Yunfei suddenly showed a look of increased appetite.Then quickly wiped out the food in front of him.

"Oh, Mr. Liu. You don't know. Birds have faded from the mouth of the boat these days. Besides, it seems that there is nothing delicious in this Yangzhou. There are no people at all. Everyone is pale and emaciated. It looks like. Some people say that many people died of starvation. Really. Since there is no food, why don’t they eat meat. Isn’t it possible to survive this way.” Li Yunfei’s performance.Everyone was desperately holding back their laughter.It's just Li Yunfei's words.The people present were dumbfounded.Especially Liu Qingyun was stunned.Li Yunfei's performance is completely a person who doesn't understand people's feelings.Liu Qingyun couldn't help thinking of a certain emperor in history.But is Li Yunfei really such a person?

"Uh, His Royal Highness Qin. These foolish people are not as wise as His Royal Highness Qin. That's why they ended up like this. It's no wonder the others." Liu Qingyun didn't know whether Li Yunfei was acting or not.Could it be that there was a mistake last time.That person is not the real King Qin.Then why did he say such a thing at that time.But the person in front of him is really the king of Qin.It's really impossible to connect with the two of them.

"Yes. That's right. If everyone has the wisdom of this king, then can this king still be above these people? Heh. Heh. Today is really good. Lord Liu, let's have dinner with this king. After the meeting. I can just go to the magistrate's yamen with me." Li Yunfei looked at Liu Qingyun's expression.I secretly smiled in my heart.Just so you can't figure out what your own idea is.Then I started to eat and eat again.

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