"Master Liu, the way you call that Miss Zheng so close, is it true that Mr. Liu is also interested in this Miss Zheng?" Li Yunfei sat in the eight-carried sedan chair, lightly flapping the curtains with a folding fan, and then looked at the Immediately Liu Qingyun said, from the beginning to the end, Li Yunfei's performance was worthy of his reputation as a romantic prince, and Liu Qingyun also saw Li Yunfei's character.

"Your Highness is laughing. Weichen and Yan'er have decided to live their lives privately for a long time, but they didn't expect that there would be a sudden plague. After that, Yan'er couldn't afford to get sick. Since Weichen cares about the people, he has to worry about these refugees every day. Therefore, I neglected to care about Yan'er, but I didn't expect to be provoked by a charlatan, which caused a lot of misunderstandings between my minister and Yan'er," Liu Qingyun looked at Li Yunfei, and then said softly, but it was also true. Observing Li Yunfei's performance, but to his disappointment, a look of displeasure appeared on Li Yunfei's face.

"Bold, there is such a person who speaks nonsense with open eyes. Don't worry, Master Liu. Although I cherish beautiful women, it is my rule to be coquettish and not vulgar. I will definitely vent my anger on Master Liu," Li Yunfei shouted suddenly. , which surprised Liu Qingyun, and what he said afterwards was even more awkward.

"Uh,,,,,,," Liu Qingyun looked at Li Yunfei, wondering whether he was being tricked, why did Liu Qingyun think that Li Yunfei would talk about himself again, but seeing Li Yunfei's righteous indignation, it didn't seem like a fake, He could only carefully observe Li Yunfei's every move. Li Yunfei naturally saw Liu Qingyun's performance. This Liu Qingyun was really not simple. He was pretending so much that he couldn't dispel his guard. But Li Yunfei was not in a hurry, after all, his current goal It is to prevent Liu Qingyun from acting rashly, and he has already done it.

"Heh, heh, Mr. Liu, this king is talking about that doctor, why should you be surprised, besides, Mr. Liu is not the kind of person who opens his eyes and tells nonsense." Li Yunfei looked at Liu Qingyun as if he had eaten half a fly, He couldn't help showing a smug smile, of course Li Yunfei concealed it very well, and then took the folding fan away from his face, already turning into a serious look, as if he was very angry at Liu Qingyun being framed, but the more he If so, Liu Qingyun felt that he was at a disadvantage.

"What His Royal Highness Qin Wang said is that we will rely on His Royal Highness, and sound the gong to clear the way. Anyone who blocks the road will be expelled." Liu Qingyun looked at Yangzhou City, which had regained some vitality, and at the same time thought of something, then waved his hand and greeted a His subordinates came to the front and whispered: "Go to the plague patient and check carefully to see if the doctor is still there. Go quickly and report quickly. Don't let anyone find out when you go. I have an urgent need." !"

"Don't worry, my lord, I'll go back when I'm young, and I'll definitely handle things properly," a soldier nodded to Liu Qingyun, and then quickly disappeared in place. How could Liu Qingyun's small movements escape Li Yunfei's ears and eyes? However, since Li Yunfei dared to come, he was already fully prepared. When he saw the place where the soldier disappeared, Li Yunfei just smiled and did not take any other actions.

"Dang, when, when,,,,,,, His Royal Highness King Qin came to Yangzhou in person, everyone avoided, His Highness King Qin arrived, everyone avoided,,,,,,,," the bursts of gongs naturally attracted the attention of many people When they heard that Prince Qin was coming, everyone seemed to see hope and came to watch, but when they saw Li Yunfei accompanied by Liu Qingyun, these refugees couldn't help but their hearts sank, while those merchants were worried. few.

"Master Liu, look at how thin these people have become, tsk, tsk, tsk,,,,,,," Li Yunfei raised the car curtain again, said to Liu Qingyun next to him, and then made a tsk sound, While shaking his head, he seemed to be very sympathetic, "You said why they don't eat meat every day like Lord Liu, so it wouldn't be like this, everyone is skinny and bone-looking, what do you think, Lord Liu," Li Yunfei looked at Liu Qingyun with a smile on the corner of his mouth. It seemed that those refugees were playing monkeys in front of him. Li Yunfei's voice was not loud, but it was heard clearly by the people around him. No one would have thought that Li Yunfei would say such a thing. words come.

"What His Royal Highness Qin said is, come here, drive away these foolish people, so as not to spoil His Royal Highness Qin's elegance, Your Highness Qin, look at this, we are going to the magistrate's yamen, but I am afraid Mr. Zheng is busy with other things It's hard to pick you up." Liu Qingyun heard Li Yunfei's words and said to himself, no matter whether you are pretending or not, I want to see what kind of person you are, so Liu Qingyun simply sent troops to drive those refugees out. It became a mess, seeing the miserable appearance of those refugees, Liu Qingyun couldn't help but look at Li Yunfei's performance.

"That's great. I've been displeased with these people for a long time. It just so happens that I'm a little tired. When you arrive, just call me!" Li Yunfei still maintained his usual smile, making it impossible to see that he had a smile on his face. What dissatisfaction, and those refugees are like worthless in his eyes, Liu Qingyun looked at Li Yunfei, and sneered in his heart, as expected, what loves the people like a son, what a good prince, it's just a superficiality, and he still looks down on those poor people in his heart, but this is also relatively It is in line with the actions of a prince. After all, a person who was born rich and honored, how would he know the miserable life of the lower classes.

"Yes, don't worry, Your Highness King Qin, I will definitely not let anyone disturb His Highness," Liu Qingyun watched Li Yunfei put down the car curtain with a smile, but he was thinking in his heart, if Li Yunfei in front of him was King Qin, then he would have killed him yesterday Who is the person? However, if you think about it, it is not impossible for these two people to be the same person. Everything will have to wait for my subordinates to come back. Personally speaking, one of them must be a fake, and only one of them should be kept. Liu Qingyun glanced at the sedan chair in front of him, and it seemed that it would be more beneficial for him to keep the King Qin.

"Liu Qingyun, wait, I will let you know what it means not to report, but the time has not come, and there will always be a day when you regret it." The moment Li Yunfei put down the car curtain, the smile on his face was instantly chilled. Instead, he clenched his fists, and then closed his eyes, as if thinking about something.

Along the way, Li Yunfei and Liu Qingyun were thinking about their own affairs, and walked slowly towards the prefect's yamen. Today is indeed a lively day, and Luoyang's support has arrived. The closer to the direction of the prefect's yamen, the tighter the defense , Liu Qingyun looked at those soldiers, all of them were tall and straight like pine trees, with resolute faces, they were definitely elite soldiers. It has indeed arrived, but I don't know if it is the one in the sedan chair.

"Who is it? Martial law has been enforced here, leave quickly," the soldiers suddenly pulled out the long knives from their waists, and looked at Liu Qingyun and his group warily. There is no place to look for, and it doesn't take much effort to get here. Isn't this a good opportunity to test, Liu Qingyun glanced at the leader who looked like a general, and couldn't help but dismounted and walked forward, presumably to go up and talk.

"Heh, heh, this general, I am the Chief of the Governor's Mansion of Yangzhou, His Highness King Qin is sitting in this sedan chair, I believe this general has heard of it, after all, His Highness King Qin is also the Governor of Luoyang, "Liu Qingyun stretched out his finger to the sedan chair, as if to let the leader of the army obediently give way. Of course, Liu Qingyun wanted more than that, but to use this person to determine whether the person in the sedan chair was really King Qin.

"Nonsense, my little prince has just arrived in Yangzhou not long ago, but how could he come to you? Who dares to pretend to be His Royal Highness Qin Wang?" Said.

"This general, you can't be so rude. Wait for me to talk to His Royal Highness King Qin, so as not to cause misunderstandings, but if someone dares to impersonate, it will be a death penalty." Le, but he said so, and then walked slowly towards the sedan chair, he wanted to see how Li Yunfei would deal with the matter in front of him.

"What's so noisy? Why did Mr. Liu stop? I still want to see Miss Zheng, who is both talented and beautiful." Sitting in the sedan chair, Li Yunfei suddenly felt the sedan chair stop, and then there was a noise, Li Yunfei couldn't help but It was strange for a while. Of course, Li Yunfei also heard Liu Qingyun's words, and knew what Liu Qingyun must be planning. However, Li Yunfei was not afraid of Liu Qingyun's plans, because he was the real King of Qin, so he would not be afraid of the inquiries of these Luoyang soldiers. asked aloud.

"His Royal Highness, Luoyang soldiers blocked the way. It seems that there is a martial law over there, so you need to talk about it yourself," Liu Qingyun smiled, and then said loudly to Li Yunfei, and the next thing is to witness It's time, he already knew from his subordinates that the doctor seemed to be healing his godson, so Li Yunfei and the doctor in front of him were two people.

Liu Qingyun was waiting for Li Yunfei to speak, but there was a moment of silence in the sedan chair. Liu Qingyun narrowed his eyes slightly, revealing a cold light, as if he knew that he had been cheated. Liu Qingyun's body instantly entered a state of alert, ready to attack Li Yunfei in the sedan chair at any time. Take a fatal blow, but just when Liu Qingyun was about to strike, a folding fan appeared in the sedan chair, and then gently opened the sedan door, revealing Li Yunfei's unchanging smiling face,

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