Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 166: Chapter 71 Japan's No. 1 Shit Stirring Stick

[Volume 21] Chapter 166: Chapter 71 Japan's No. 2 Shit Stirring Stick ([-])


Konoe Fummaro never looked at Prince Zairen from the beginning to the end, because in the eyes of Konoe Fummaro, Prince Zainin, like Prince Asuka Hatohiko, is a guy who thinks about problems with his ass, relying on his status as a royal family. Playing some small plots and tricks is something that can't be put on the table, especially Prince Zai Ren, a well-known "shit stirrer" in the empire!Nothing good will happen with him.

Konoe Fumimaro cleared his throat and said unhurriedly: "As early as the spring of Showa [-], the Imperial Cabinet held an important Eastern Conference in Tokyo and formulated the "China Policy Outline". There are significant stakes. In July of the same year, the outside world, especially the political side, was widely rumored that the then Prime Minister Tanaka Yoshiichi presented the "Empire's Positive Fundamental Policy to Manchuria" to the Emperor, which is also known as the Tanaka Memorial, intending to conquer China Manchuria and Mongolia must be conquered first; if you want to conquer the world, you must first conquer China! In theory, this is very feasible, but it is a pity that Prime Minister Tanaka did not submit such a memorial to His Majesty the Emperor, and there is probably a large part of it It’s all the result of □□’s unilateral fabrication, but this fabrication also points out the direction for us, doesn’t it? A full-scale invasion of China is nothing but a piecemeal attack, which is more suitable for the current national conditions of the empire, I believe everyone understands it very well. "

After Konoe Fumimaro finished speaking, he took a meaningful look at the Minister of War Sugiyama Moto, and Sugiyama Moto let out a long breath as if the dead had come back to life: "We are panicking about our cooperation with the Germans. What will happen to the formation and reorganization of 1661 German mechanic divisions, but I would like to ask you to recall, since modern times, in which war was a country with military aid but no industrial system defeated a country without military aid but an industrial system? The most important thing is the comprehensive national strength and industrial potential of the country, which cannot be represented by a few dozens of German weapon masters. For a country that cannot even produce rifle bullets to meet the equipment of the troops, what can a hundred German weapon masters do? So I He believes that after the capture of Nanjing, the main strategic focus of our army should be on opening up the Longhai Road in Xuzhou. After the attack on Wuhan, we will turn to a strategic stalemate in an all-round way, absorb and digest the occupied areas, eliminate local anti-Japanese and anti-Japanese forces, and endlessly fall into the battlefield The overall strategy for the empire runs counter to it." Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers [-]

In fact, Fumimaro Konoe knows that the so-called Tanaka Memorial is actually a model of Ishihara's "Final War Theory". Letting the geek Ishihara Waner return to the General Staff Headquarters is probably the result that many people don't want to see. The rebellious and hurtful Ishihara Waner is really not suitable to stay in the General Staff Headquarters, which can determine the fate of the Great Japanese Empire. In the organization, perhaps it seems better to arrange a job for him, and there seems to be an explanation for Emperor Hirohito.

Now that the responsibility is no longer being pursued, Sugiyama Yuan, as if a thousand-year-old corpse has been resurrected, rushed to say with a flushed face: "Your Majesty, I think that the most important strategy for our army at present is to open up the Longhai line, so that the Northern Branch dispatched troops and the Central Branch The dispatched army was able to join forces and capture the strategically important Xuzhou, and then marched along the Yangtze River into Wuhan, completely defeating the main force of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. If the Soviet Union's aid to China is destroyed, otherwise the Chinese government will be able to recover after a few months, and the situation at that time will be very unfavorable to us!"

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