Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 167: Chapter 71 Japan's No. 1 Shit Stirring Stick

[Volume 21] Chapter 167: Chapter 71 Japan's No. 3 Shit Stirring Stick ([-])


What Sugiyama Yuan said was a military issue. Few people can discuss this issue with Prime Minister Lu, because what Lu Xiang said at the imperial meeting was a decision, and discussions were not allowed. However, Sugiyama Yuan seemed a little carried away, so It is he who ignores the real comprehensive national power of the so-called "Great Japanese Empire".

The Japanese can afford heavy artillery and can afford the field artillery regiment, but they cannot supply sufficient shells for them. Just like having the world's largest naval surface combat fleet, they do not have enough fuel to start all of them. Japan China's national conditions have determined that it is already barely supporting it, and it is necessary to deploy troops to attack Ganning and other regions?People need food, guns need ammunition?There is a shortage of military supplies, how to fight this battle?Japan can arm more than [-] divisions, but it can only invest no more than [-] divisions in combat, because Japan's military industrial base cannot supply so many troops with weapons and ammunition, the fact is as simple as that, nothing more. However, compared to China, which needs to import even pointed Mauser rifle bullets, the weapons of the Japanese Army can be regarded as armed to the teeth.

In the end, Junliu Hata couldn’t help but Junliu Hata was born in a very ordinary samurai family without any amazing background. Among his Lushi contemporaries were Moto Sugiyama, Kunizaki Oiso and others, Junliu Hata was the No. Compared with Lu University, who graduated with a grade of 2, Junro Hata looks down on Moto Sugiyama, who has a mediocre academic record but has been successful in official career. Although he is a general, Shunro Hata has something to be proud of. Junliu has gone through almost all positions in the army at the grassroots level, from the artillery squad leader of the Field Artillery Wing to the artillery director. This is a very incredible process.Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers 1671

Hata Toshiroku looked at Sugiyama Yuandao very questioningly: "How high is the possibility of attacking Gan Ning with the current force of the empire? How can we guarantee the [-]-kilometer land supply? How many divisions do we need to invest in order to win and occupy in an all-round way?" What is the military strength of the Chinese army in the Ganning area? How is the intelligence collection and arrangement? Is it worth launching an offensive of this scale just to cut off the so-called Soviet aid route? The military strength of the empire is not directly proportional to the supply in the later period. Now the empire The supply and logistics of the army has reached the point of saturation, and every time an extra troop is invested, the ration of all troops will be reduced accordingly, which is very dangerous in a decisive battle."

Obviously, Hata Shunroku’s alarmist words were not recognized by others. When the second battle in Changsha was held, the Japanese painfully discovered that Hata Shunroku’s prophecy had become a reality. In fact, everyone present, including Emperor Hirohito, was extremely Knowing the actual situation in Japan, a small country that lacks strategic depth and resources supports a fleet with the largest gross tonnage in the world and the largest army in Asia. The degree of militarism is evident?

In fact, the Japanese are unwilling to admit that it is just reality. In the eyes of many Japanese, China is huge and extremely weak. As long as Japan exerts more force, it can overthrow China.

Prince Zaihito, who is Japan's number one shit-stirring stick, jumped out very appropriately, and with a few light words, he dispelled Hata Shunroku's attack on Sugiyama Moto invisible, so the imperial meeting made a decision A very important decision, that is, to concentrate the military force to give priority to opening up the Longhai line to capture Xuzhou. At the same time, it is planned to use the North China Dispatch Army to deploy part of the troops to attack westward from Xi'an, and ordered the cancellation of the Zhongzhi Dispatch Army Command, and the establishment of the First Dispatch Army. The headquarters is subordinate to the North China and Central China Front Army, and the commander of the □□ dispatched army is concurrently held by Tada Hayao.

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