Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 169: Chapter 72 The Last Resistance

[Volume 22] Chapter 169: Chapter 72 The Last Resistance (2)


Qin Changbo also nodded and said, "It's not that I'm cowardly, brother. My heart can't stand the stimulation of such a breakout method! Besides, I have sent out telegrams in clear codes. If I can't die or be captured in the end, my brother will not be able to take it." I have no face to see anyone!"

Gao Fei nodded and said to Xu Houde: "Immediately organize the [-] surviving team members to change into Japanese military uniforms, go out after it is completely dark, bring the roster, the list of death squads and their home addresses, and send them out. Wuhan found Director Dai Li and gave it to him, and Director Dai knew what to do.[e]”

Xu Houde stared at Gao Fei with wide eyes and said, "I told you, won't you break out with us?"

Gao Fei shook his head and said, "I can't stand the excitement. Besides, I said I would live and die with the fort. I ran away before the fort fell? I'm a deserter, and I'm an open fan of the Supreme Military Council gang. A slap in the face of the big brother, can such an act have good fruit for me? I think it’s better to forget it!"

"Boss, if you don't go, I won't go either!" Xu Houde twisted his body and sat down on the ground, Gao Fei took a deep breath and said in a low voice, "I have a small boat trying to get away from under Yanziji, and I can't take you away. These people, do you understand?"

"Oh?" Xu Houde looked really bossy. After Xu Houde led the team to start preparing, Qin Changbo shook his head helplessly and said, "Captain Gao Zong, I really admire where you found such stupid people who are so stupid but can't help themselves." A loyal subordinate?"

Gao Fei shook his head and said, "They are Chinese. The Japanese invaded my homeland. As soldiers, they should die. They are loyal to this suffering nation, they are loyal to this country, and they are worthy of their own. Your conscience and your conscience, aren't you?"

Qin Changbo was slightly taken aback, took a deep breath and smiled and said, "If you survive this catastrophe, how about I also want to join your fifth column? At least give it to a chief of staff or something?"

Gao Fei curled his mouth and said, "It's a beautiful idea! My temple can't afford a god like you, and where can I go to build a warship for you? I don't even have a small iron-clad cargo ship, more than 100 People's team, I still have a chief of staff? Do you want to promote a deputy column captain? Political trainer? Chief of staff or something? I feel ashamed and shudder!"

At this time Li Minglei also came over and said, "It's a pity that the fifth column is a team of the Military Control Bureau, otherwise I would like to ask Commander Gao if he will accept people?"

Gao Fei smiled and said: "What's wrong with the team of the Military Command Bureau? As long as we can fight the Japanese, the country is broken, and expulsion of the Japanese invaders is the immediate delay. Do you really care about your position in fighting against the enemy? Please forgive me, I personally think that a team that can fight devils is worthy of our cooperation. This is a national war of the entire Chinese nation, not a matter of one person or one party! The country Everyone is responsible for the rise and fall, and you and I, as soldiers, have a duty to do so."

The three of Gao Fei were chatting excitedly, and Xu Houde's breakout team also began to crawl out of the position. Looking at the team members who disappeared into the night, Gao Fei's expression became a little gloomy. Among the hundreds of surviving officers and soldiers, No one actually recognized Gao Fei's way of breaking through?I would rather die in the fortifications than break out of the siege in this way. After all, there is only one life, and people cannot decide when and where they are born. If you can choose a place and time for your death, it seems to be a very good idea. s Choice.

Just like Gao Fei did not break through, in fact, Gao Fei did not break out because he was afraid of disturbing the morale of Yanziji's army, and as the designer of this breakout plan, he himself did not participate in the operation, and other people would not dare to participate in it even if they wanted to. One thing Gao Fei hadn't thought of before.

After waking up in the field hospital, Prince Hatohiko Asaka’s head was wrapped like an Indian. The limping Prince Hatohiko Asaka decided to leave the hospital and go to the headquarters of the Ninth Division regardless of his condition. He wanted to personally direct the attack on the Yanziji Fortress. The entire city of Nanjing was defeated. As a result, just one Yanziji Fortress made him lose such a big man, and this person was him representing the Imperial Army of the Great Japanese Empire. The imperial family threw the "people" all over the world!

Prince Jiuyan of Chaoxiang Palace is in the mood to die at this moment. He can't figure it out. Niu Shou Mountain, Jiangjun Mountain, Yuhuatai, Zijin Mountain, he no longer remembers how many mountains in Nanjing City are located. Why is there a Yanziji Fort? Can't attack for a long time?How could he still be able to cause trouble for himself frequently?This is simply an extremely incredible thing.

In the headquarters of the Ninth Division, Prince Asakamiya Hatohiko met not only Lieutenant General Yoshika Ryosuke, the commander of the Ninth Division, but also Lieutenant General Tani Hisao, the commander of the Sixth Division, and No.16 Division. The head of the regiment, Lieutenant General Nakajima Imasago, Nakajima Imasago and Tani Hisao are visiting at Yoshika Liangsuke. It can be said that the entire Yanziji has been surrounded by the troops of the Ninth Division. Hisao Tani and I were drinking wine with a few dishes of side dishes. Nakajima Nakajima, Yoshika Ryosuke and others never thought that Prince Hatohiko Asaka, who had suffered serious head injuries from a fall from a horse, would wake up so quickly.

Prince Chaoxiang Palace Hatohiko looked at the three people who were a little surprised and said, "I came here for no other purpose. I just want to ask Ji Jiajun to lend me the command of the Ninth Division temporarily. The regiment and the head of our division, Nakajima Kinzao, lend me some technical equipment, and I will personally command the imperial army of the Japanese Empire to smash the Yanziji Fortress, and I will be ashamed! Please everyone! I will smash the Yanziji Fortress today! Fortifications, look at those stubborn guys inside, I want to see if the bones of those Communist soldiers are made of copper and cast iron!"

Yoshika Ryosuke looked at His Royal Highness Prince Hatohiko Asaka Palace with a very unique appearance in some embarrassment. It can be said that it would be a pity to waste His Royal Highness Prince Hatohiko Asaka Palace at this moment if he did not go to the street to win sympathy from others and beg along the street. It’s lost, and Assistant Chief Ji Jialiang is so old. He has heard of borrowing rice, borrowing money, and even absurd to the point of borrowing his wife, but the idea of ​​borrowing the army is really the so-called original signboard of His Royal Highness Prince Hatohiko Asaka. No, when will the heroic and tenacious Japanese Imperial Army be able to lend?

If it were anyone else, Yoshika Ryosuke could at best dismiss these words as the gibberish of an alcoholic, or the ramblings of a concussion patient while he is still awake.

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