Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 170: Chapter 73 The Last Resistance

[Volume 22] Chapter 170: Chapter 73 The Last Resistance (1)


Chapter 73 The Last Resistance

Prince Hatohiko of Asaka Palace saw Yoshika Ryosuke was slightly taken aback, so he said very sincerely: "Please, Mr. Jijia! Please support me."

Yoshika Ryosuke also felt a little seriously sorry for the unprecedented low profile of Prince Asuka Hatohiko, so he could only express in a hurry: "Your Highness, I am worried about your health, please leave the strategy to me Go!" Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers 1703

Prince Asakamiya Hatohiko frowned slightly, and ended up touching the wound on the top of his head. The pain caused Asakamiya Hatohiko to grin, and Asakamiya Hatohiko pointed at his head with a ferocious face and said sternly to Yoshika Ryosuke: "I I am still the acting commander of the Zhongzhi Dispatch Army, but the ceremony of entering the city of Nanjing was interrupted by a group of hateful soldiers, making the Japanese Empire lose face in front of the whole world, and making me feel ashamed in front of His Majesty the Emperor. How can you do that? Can you still let me sit and rest in the headquarters? How can I rest at this moment? Look at the telegram sent to me by His Majesty the Emperor! His Majesty the Emperor didn’t say anything, and he didn’t blame me? This means that His Majesty has nothing to say It can be said that the shame can only be washed away with the blood of the enemy!"

Asakamiya Hatohiko's fury made Yoshika Ryosuke hurriedly knocked his legs to stand at attention and said: "Since you are so persistent, Your Royal Highness, please allow me, Lieutenant General Yoshika Ryosuke, Commander of the Ninth Division of the Imperial Japanese Army, to express my sincere respect to you." Hand over the command of the Ninth Division, and I wish you long-term military luck."

Prince Asuka Hatohiko took a deep breath and said, "Thank you!"

After Hatohiko Asaka took over the command of the 18st Division, Major General Akiyama Yoshinori, Commander of the [-]th Infantry Brigade of the Japanese Army, and Maj. Both of them stared dumbfounded. You must know that the Japanese Army's code of conduct has very strict regulations on the command of troops. If the brigade commander wants to direct the regiment to fight directly, he must directly dismiss the commander of the regiment. Asaka Palace Prince Hatohiko's seemingly simple request is actually tantamount to dismissing Jijia Liangfu's post as head of the division?

Although Prince Asuka Hatohiko has always appeared in the image of a pig head, an idiot, a fool, and a shit-stirring stick, he will never be an idiot enough to contact the command of a division commander?Moreover, the Central Branch Dispatch Army has been merged into the North China Front Army. As the dispatch army, it is directly responsible to the headquarters of the General Staff of the base camp, while the Front Army is responsible to the "General Army Command". Both it and the Kwantung Army are at the level of the general army. Whether it is the commander or the acting commander of the separate dispatched army, its authority is limited to the scope of contact with the command authority of the first-level commander of the wing.

Hatohiko Asuka even leapfrogged to lift the command of a division commander who had been thinking twice about the base camp?What surprised Akiyama Yoshiyoshi and Jing Shuxuan the most was that Yoshika Ryosuke really cooperated?Yoshika Ryosuke's behavior is like a smooth glass ball, Yoshika Ryosuke will not offend people, did Akiyama Yoshiyoshi and Jing Shuxuan commit the crime?It is just a temporary transfer of command, because according to the order issued, Asaka Miya Hatohiko will be the acting commander of the Zhongzhi Dispatch Army for eight hours. After eight hours, the Zhongzhi Dispatch Army will become a noun. As for Prince Hatohiko Asaka, who humiliated the Empire of Japan and His Majesty Hirohito at the same time, even with the full support of Prince Zaihito, who is the chief of staff, he may not be able to escape the fate of being transferred to the reserve service.

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