Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 171: Chapter 73 The Last Resistance

[Volume 22] Chapter 171: Chapter 73 The Last Resistance (2)


Many times in the Japanese military circle, it is not strength and brains that are mixed up, but connections and tact. You must know that the Japanese's three-level system of Lu Xiao, Lu Shi, and Lu Da are all talents who are printed from the same mold, and their personalities have long been ruled out. The Bushido spirit has been wiped out, leaving only the so-called loyal, cruel, and cunning gangsters who are single-mindedly seeking war.

In the Japanese imperial army, the Japanese are a class with a lot of privileges, and those who can enter the mainland are the best among the soldiers, and those who can be promoted to generals and become first-level commanders of the brigade are undoubtedly among the mainland. The outstanding ones, since they are a group of self-sufficient lunatics, of course they will be rebellious!

For example, people like Ishihara Waner are known as Japan's number one brains, strategic layout and courage, but Ishihara Waner is the loser of Xiao He. Ishihara's mouth is really stinky, and he keeps talking about the embarrassment of the third chief all day long. Talking about it, criticizing the mentally handicapped actions of the officers, the Japanese military was originally a group composed of a group of small and large mentally handicapped, suddenly a sensible person appeared in it, and Ishihara Waner was naturally Mu Xiuyu Lin Feng who would destroy it.Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers 1713

Moreover, in Ishihara's mouth, the chief of staff, Prince Zairen, is the number one shit-stirring stick in Japan, and its power has long surpassed that of Japan's number one idiot, who can only graduate from the mainland by taking care of him, Prince Asakamiya Hatohiko!

Who would like such a subordinate?So as long as the Japanese military officers who have reached the rank of chief are trying to learn how to behave, but at the age of three, seeing the torture of the old, rigid education of Bushido spirit, such a group of lunatics who have been tortured are indeed not very good at being a man, so Yoshika Ryosuke Such an alternative guy who knows how to be a man must be reused.

As the head of the division, being able to illegally transfer his command to Prince Hatohiko of Asaka Palace can show the extent of Yoshika Ryosuke's life. Akiyama Yoshiyoshi and Jing Shuxuan couldn't figure it out, but Ji Jialiang Jia Liangfu was very clear, because he knew very well that as the chief of staff, Prince Zairen would naturally help Prince Asuka Hatohiko wipe his ass.

The chief of staff of the Ninth Division, Nakagawa Hiroshi, and the head of the division, Yoshika Ryosuke, had such an attitude, so he naturally didn't bother to pay attention to it. He casually found an excuse to leave the division headquarters. Hiroshi Nakagawa was a smart man. His Royal Highness Prince Zairen's flattery has almost reached the point of no concern, he Nakagawa Hiroshi is not Yoshika Ryosuke, in case of any mistakes, Yoshika Ryosuke will be responsible.

After Asaka Miya Hatohiko ambitiously took over the command of the commander of the auxiliary division of Ji Jialiang, the first order issued to the two brigade commanders Akiyama Yoshiyoshi and Jing Shuxuanshi was to concentrate their forces to capture the enemy within four hours. Yanziji Fort.

Akiyama Yoshiyun and Jing Shuxuan looked at each other in blank dismay?Yanziji Fort faces the river on one side, even if it is besieged on three sides, the battlefield capacity is no more than two infantry brigades. Past offensive experience shows that if too many troops are invested, it will only increase the record of the defending Chinese army. Action battles, but Akiyama Yoshiyoshi and Jing Shuxuan could not let Prince Chaoxianggong Hatohiko's command cause his subordinates to die.

The two saluted Prince Asuka Hatohiko neatly, and then left the depressing place of the Division Headquarters. They were extremely shocked by Yoshika Ryosuke's unscrupulous methods. After all, this is a major matter involving command power. , Actually violated military discipline and handed over command power?If this matter is directly stabbed in front of the Emperor of the Imperial Council by someone leapfrogging, I am afraid that as the chief of staff, Prince Zairen will also be powerless. The career of the commander of the lieutenant general division is fate. You must know that almost [-]% of the lieutenant generals will stop at the rank of lieutenant general and transfer to the reserve service, unless there are three chiefs or the chief of staff of the Kwantung Army, the commander, or the commander stationed in Taiwan or North Korea People with official experience, otherwise it is almost a dream to be promoted to general.

Prince Hatohiko Asaka, who seems to have regained his sanity, only gave the so-called attack order, but did not make any tactical deployment at all. On this point, Akiyama Yoshiyoshi and Jing Shuxuan can be said to be extremely fortunate. If If Prince Asakamiya Hatohiko, the idiot shit-stirring stick, is really giving pointers on tactics, then I am afraid that the Imperial Japanese Army will really bleed in rivers before the fortifications of the Yanziji Fortress.

Akiyama Yoshiyoshi and Jing Shuxuan decided to attack the Yanziji Fortress together after research, because Boring is the Sixth Infantry Brigade and the No.18 Infantry Brigade. The Sixth Infantry Brigade suffered heavy losses. It had never hit the south wall before, and it was rare to be hit so badly.

However, Akiyama Yoshihito and Jing Shuxuan also knew that the Chinese defenders of the Yanziji Fort had suffered heavy losses at this moment, and the fortresses they supported were blown to pieces. Even so, the Chinese defenders still resisted tenaciously. Even the enemy, Akiyama Yi Yun and Jing Shuxuan also secretly admired each other, if every Chinese army and every Chinese soldier resisted like this?Don't talk about conquering China in three months, even three years, 30 years may not be successful, and conquering China is simply a big joke.

The Sixth Infantry Brigade and the No.18 Infantry Brigade each dispatched five infantry brigades to form five attack waves, and each attack wave invested two brigades of troops to cooperate with the field artillery brigade's approaching shooting support, and took turns Uninterrupted attack on the Yanziji Fort.

This is the tactic that Akiyama Yoshitsune and Jing Shuxuan agreed upon after researching it to be the safest tactic with the least casualties. Inside the Yanziji Fort are the death squads left behind by the Chinese Communist Party. I didn't think about it, because it was a great insult to the warring parties, and the lives of soldiers should be sublimated in blood and fire!

December 1937, 12 at 18pm!Under the cover of artillery fire, the densely packed Japanese attacking troops followed the z-shaped roundabout trenches and besieged them from all directions. Gao Fei stood in the main fort that had been bombed by the Japanese army with a hole directly three meters wide, looking at Li Minglei and Qin Changbo. Nodding, Gao Fei's meaning is self-evident. This is the last moment of Yanziji, and it is also the last resistance of the Chinese defenders in Nanjing. Since the Japanese announced that they occupied Nanjing on December 2, 1937, the Chinese on Yanziji Fortress The defenders kept fighting despite the lack of food and ammunition, and at the Japanese army's entry ceremony, they slapped the Japanese hard.

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