Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 173: Chapter 74 The Last Resistance

[Volume 22] Chapter 173: Chapter 74 The Last Resistance (2)


Jing Shuxuan reluctantly put down the binoculars in his hand, and another wave of attacks was repelled, but the next wave of attacks followed immediately, but no one noticed that more than [-] officers and soldiers retreated Instead of going to the designated area for rest and reorganization, Xu Houde quietly disappeared into the night. Looking at the direction of the Yanziji Fortress where the sound of gunfire never stopped, Xu Houde gave a solemn military salute to all the team members: " Column captain, please rest assured, as long as I, Xu Houde, have breath, the fifth column will not let it collapse!"

Immediately, all the team members knelt on the ground and kowtowed three times in the direction of Yanziji. As for why they kowtowed, everyone was like a mirror in their hearts. It can be said that their lives were given by Gao Fei. It is a rare honor, and it is also a trust. Otherwise, the officers are dozens of miles away, and when the cannon fires and the war is not going well, they would have already run away with oil on the soles of their feet. An officer like Gao Fei is really The rarest of the rare, if it is fair to say that no one in the fifth column wants Gao Fei to die, such a good officer who does not love money, is not afraid of death, and is compassionate to his subordinates is too rare.

boom!An orange-red fire ball rose in the direction of Yanziji!The violent explosion shook everyone's eardrums. Xu Houde knew that the Japanese were bombarding Yanziji with 150mm cannons. In the sound of cannons like torrential rain, Xu Houde vaguely heard the 75mm field cannons. , 82mm mortar, 150mm mountain gun, 150mm howitzer, 1734mm heavy howitzer, and [-]mm cannon. It is very easy for experienced veterans to learn to distinguish the artillery of the Japanese army, because they have been bombed a lot, and they naturally become experts. This is also an expert who was forced out, or an expert who was bombed out .Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers [-]

After a while of shaking, the choking gunpowder smoke filled the passage. Gao Fei waved his hand, and a death squad composed of twelve military police immediately rushed to the position of the breakthrough, first threw dozens of grenades, and then machine guns fired!

Among the screams of the Japanese soldiers came out of the gunpowder smoke, especially the special sound made by the bullet hitting the bone, like a dead branch being trampled, the [-]mm five-seven field pointed Mauser rifle bullet was almost a single shot With one life, two Japanese soldiers can even be punched at a distance of tens of meters, and the wounded Japanese soldiers who fell to the ground and howled will soon be trampled by their companions.

After a deafening explosion, the breakthrough fell into silence and silence again. Gao Fei had no choice but to wave his hand again, signaling for the next Death Squad team to go up. Gao Fei couldn't remember how many times he waved his arm?The fierce fighting caused the corpses at the breakthrough to pile up like a mountain, and before he knew it, there were only six soldiers behind him!

Fang Guozhong held a zb-26 light machine gun made in the Czech Republic and stared wide-eyed, saying: "Speak up! I will follow you in the firepower of the water, even if you die down below, I will be your good subordinate."

The &g34 general-purpose machine gun rushed towards the breach with the chain of bullets in its hand, and the Japanese soldiers outside the breach also charged up holding the grenade high like crazy. A full hundred rounds of bullets were fired, and the entire barrel of the mg34 general-purpose machine gun became red and red. A total of thirty or forty Japanese soldiers who swarmed forward were swept away outside the breakthrough. Gao Fei put the mg34 general-purpose machine gun on the rack On the half-person-high corpse wall, they continued to shoot crazily at the Japanese army. Tracer bullets were flying wantonly, passing through the bodies of the Japanese soldiers and stirring up patches of blood mist.

Gao Fei was having fun when he suddenly felt a wave of air in his face, as if he was hit by a heavy truck and lost consciousness!

Fang Guozhong dragged Gao Fei, covered in blood, into the underground emplacement. Qin Changbo's breakthrough was the first to be broken through by the Japanese army. Dare to move forward.

Li Minglei, who was shot twice in the body, retreated to the underground gun emplacement, glanced at Gao Fei and Fang Guozhong who were unconscious, and looked at the few dozens of brothers remaining on the embankment. Running out.

At this time, Gao Fei woke up slowly, seeing everyone surrounding him, he hurriedly said regardless of the pain of a splitting headache: "Leave me alone, quickly arm yourself!"

Li Minglei endured the severe pain of the gunshot wound and sighed helplessly: "Qin Changbo! Commander Qin died for the country! There are only dozens of brothers left, and we don't have much ammunition."

Gao Fei let out a soft oh, and after a moment of surprise, he asked, "Is the radio still available?"

Li Minglei nodded and said: "We still can only send but not receive! This crap has ruined us. If the radio station was intact at the beginning, we might have received the retreat order from Shangfeng. It would be terrible to go to Xiaguan to take a boat." Have you arrived in Wuhan?"

Gao Fei shook his head and said: "Anyone can withdraw, but we can't. If we withdraw, the Japanese destroyers and gunboats will invade along the river, and Xiaguan's life will become a dead end, and Xiaguan will bleed." If it becomes a river, hundreds of thousands of soldiers and civilians will be massacred by the Japanese army, and if someone lives, someone must sacrifice. Don’t you all blame me for lying to you? In fact, no boat will come to pick us up!”

Li Minglei smiled bitterly and said: "Actually, I knew this a long time ago, because you didn't bring a radio station when you came, so there will be no ships to pick up at all. We have to understand clearly, what are we afraid of? We deserved to die! Hundreds of thousands of lives were saved by us! As the saying goes, saving one life is better than building a seven-level pagoda, how much merit has our team of more than a thousand people gained?"

Gao Fei smiled wryly and said: "In the next life, brothers will definitely be entrusted to become rich and enjoy life! Because at this moment we have paid, some people say that people don't do it for themselves, but I want to say that we are not doing it for ourselves, but for this suffering nation , this turbulent country! Leave a clear sky for your family and children, and breathe the air without gunpowder smoke!"

Gao Fei, who was still bleeding profusely on his forehead, stood up suddenly and said loudly, "Telegraph operator! I want to send a report!"

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