Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 174 : Chapter 75 The Final Telegram

[Volume 22] Chapter 174: Chapter 75 The last telegram (1)


Chapter 75 The Last Telegram

Looking at the telegraph operator with a bandage on his head and blindfolded one eye, Gao Fei took a deep breath and said, "Report to Chairman Jiang of the Supreme Military Council and all the officers. The department is firmly guarding the Yanziji Fortress and frequently firing shells to sink Japanese light vehicles." One cruiser, stranded and seriously damaged one, seriously injured six destroyers, sunk eleven gunboats of various sizes, shot down two Japanese bombers, four attack aircraft, damaged bookshelves, destroyed 31 Japanese tanks, and killed [-] Japanese troops More than [-] enemies were injured. All the fortifications of the current position were destroyed by the Japanese heavy artillery, and the ammunition was exhausted. There were only about [-] officers and soldiers left. The staff has now retreated to the underground artillery position for the final resistance! Swear to the death not to be a prisoner! Fight to the last One soldier, one shot, one bullet! I wish the final victory of the War of Resistance Against Japan! This is the last power cut for the staff department!"

After the transmitter sent the message, he hesitated for a moment, smashed the transmitter with the butt of his gun and threw it out of the underground gun emplacement. It rolled down the cliff and fell into the river clangingly, causing a tiny splash.Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers 1745

Gao Fei handed out the last more than 100 bullets and dozens of grenades one by one. Gao Fei never thought that his life could be so heroic?The feeling of death does not seem to be terrible?Gao Fei felt a raging fire as if burning in his chest.

Gao Fei tried to keep every officer and soldier in his mind, so that if he got down there, he would recognize them. These people are all his subordinates, and he lied to them if they didn't sound good. If he didn't swear It is guaranteed that there will be a ship to pick them up, and some of these people may not die, but if Yanziji is not guaranteed, then Xiaguan will become the most painful place for China in this war.

Only now did Gao Fei understand why he hated the Japanese so much in his previous life, and felt a pain in his chest when he mentioned the Nanjing Massacre?More than 35 people were killed in Nanjing, but if it was replaced by the Battle of Songhu, the national casualties exceeded 25. In the 380 frontal battles against the enemy in the eight-year war of resistance, 1939 million Japanese officers and soldiers were killed, and more than 1940 generals were bloodied Shrouded in horse leather on the battlefield, this is only the frontal battlefield, the battlefield behind enemy lines is even more cruel, and most of the martyrs who died were nameless.In just one year from the beginning of 370 to January [-] in the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Military Division alone, more than [-] cadres at the regimental level died. In this year alone in history, there were [-] Kuomintang and Communist Party members on the battlefield behind enemy lines. Four officers above the regimental level died for the country.

However, these data will only make people's blood boil, unlike the more than [-] people who were killed in the Nanjing Massacre. The reason is very simple, because most of the martyrs in Nanjing were civilians and soldiers who laid down their weapons. The soldier Gao Fei has no sympathy at all. Faced with foreign insults and violations, if he dies anyway, why can't he die well?Die more heroically?Shake the enemy's guts alive, and shake the enemy's soul to death!

The sacrifices of these officers and soldiers of the Yanziji Fortress brought hundreds of thousands of soldiers and civilians back to life. Gao Fei thought it was all worth it, and more importantly, it proved that history can be changed, not as Li Deyin's theory said, at one point Unknown changes occur, and the rest of the points will return to the Heine line. History can be changed. This is very exciting for Gao Fei!It's a pity that no one can share Gao Fei's joy.

While Gao Fei was leading the remnants of Zhen to count the bullets in the gun chamber, in the No. [-] villa mansion in Maoxing, outside of Wuhan, Chiang Kai-shek, chairman of the Supreme Military Commission, was holding a glass of red wine with the consuls of various countries and the German consuls. The consultants of the advisory group clinked glasses frequently, and the courtesans walked back and forth between singing and dancing, revealing cheongsams and low-cut dresses competed for beauty, and the nature of women seemed to be completely and fully displayed at this time.

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