Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 175 : Chapter 75 The Final Telegram

[Volume 22] Chapter 175: Chapter 75 The last telegram (2)


Even Generalissimo Jiang, who has always been talked about by his wife every day, is a little distracted, beauty, wine, food!The theme of the celebration is that the entry ceremony of the Japanese in Nanjing has become the biggest joke in the world. The fierce battle in Nanjing seems to be continuing. Everyone knows the destructiveness and so-called humiliation brought to the Japanese by this lone army. China and Japan During the war, the enemy of the Japanese is the friend of the Chinese. When the Japanese are unlucky, the Chinese will have a drinking party and set off firecrackers.

Chiang Kai-shek gently shook the red wine in the glass. He hardly drank alcohol now, and even rarely drank the old rice wine that he used to drink, and even less coffee and tea.

Today, this glass of wine is just to cope with the scene. The bright red wine in this glass makes Chiang Kai-shek slightly uncomfortable, because the bright red color is too close to the color of blood. In all honesty, Chiang Kai-shek himself still likes Germany. The golden color of Six Nine whiskey is crystal clear!Chiang Kai-shek does not drink but collects wine, and has a little research on famous Chinese and foreign wines.Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers 1755

Qian Dajun stood beside Chiang Kai-shek as always, while He Yingqin, wearing gold-rimmed glasses, walked among the generals, including Yu Jishi, Song Xilian, Wang Yaowu, Feng Shengfa, Tang Enbo, Hu Zongnan, Du Yuming, Qiu Qingquan and others. The so-called heroes who broke through the siege of Nanjing had reimbursed countless film negatives at the previous award ceremony, but some generals who left Nanjing early were not within the scope of invitation, especially Tang Shengzhi, the commander of the Nanjing Garrison.

However, Song Xilian, Wang Yaowu, Du Yuming and others talked about the name Gao Fei the most. There was still a first-class Baoding Medal that was not awarded at the award ceremony. The generals below knew very well that it was not for Tang Shengzhi, but for Tang Shengzhi That audacious Gao Fei who dared to intercept the ship privately and led more than a thousand gendarmes to guard Yanziji under false military orders.

This is the first first-class Baoding Medal since it was issued in the 18th year of the Republic of China. The medal is made of pure gold, with the image of Baoding in the center and rays of light around it. The tripod is an important national treasure in ancient my country. It symbolizes that those who won this medal have made great contributions to defending the country, and the country cherishes it like a tripod, and the light of honor shines everywhere. This medal lies quietly in the box, as if waiting for its master to return with honor.

It can be said that the Japanese suffered a great loss from propaganda and public opinion on the Nanjing issue. First, they spared no expense to invite reporters from all over the world, and then they were bombarded by high-flying cannons. In the war against Japan, the Japanese have to pay a high pension. What does a pension of [-] US dollars mean to the militaristic Japanese?I'm afraid many people don't know.

You must know that at this time, one dollar can be exchanged for [-] German Reichsmarks, while one pound can be exchanged for four dollars, and one dollar can be exchanged for [-] French currency, and the Japanese yen is not linked to the US dollar in the international currency market. According to the black market The list price is about [-] to [-] yen for one dollar, but in Japan, it still insists on a one-to-one exchange ratio like the National Government Fu, but this so-called exchange ratio can only be a joke.

Twenty thousand U.S. dollars can be exchanged for yen in Shanghai at a ratio of 40:[-]. The so-called [-]:[-] ratio by Japanese officials is just a joke that the Japanese themselves don’t believe. The concept of [-] yen is two Type [-] light tanks. Or a [-]-type attack aircraft. The Japanese are notoriously stingy. Compared with Emperor Hirohito, who is used to eating radish and pickled vegetable porridge, it is naturally painful to give such a high pension.

In fact, many people have been suspecting that the ultimate goal of the Japanese occupation of North Korea is to produce a large number of pickles so that the whole people can live a life of saving money.

The money was paid and the adults were lost, so the Japanese's anger and embarrassment can naturally be imagined. Yanziji faces the river on one side and faces enemies on three sides. The defenders may have no way out except to fight to the end.

At this time, a major general Gao Shen came to Chiang Kai-shek eagerly with a telegram. Chiang Kai-shek was taken aback when he received the telegram. His wife Song Meiling also leaned over and glanced at the contents of the telegram. Chiang Kai-shek calmed down and said : "Turn on the radio!"

The dance music stopped immediately, and the singing girl standing on the stage stood awkwardly and at a loss. Dai Li, Shen Zui and Lin Shujie who were standing behind him also stopped talking in low voices. Chiang Kai-shek had already told Dai Li face to face that he planned to expand the Loyalty Rescue Army into two divisions according to the establishment of the reorganized division of the Central Army. Each division had three brigades and six regiments.

Dai Li is in a very good mood at the moment. Not everyone has the opportunity to skyrocket to [-] miles, especially since the three three-pointed stars on his collar badge have become a bare gold star. This is his position in the Military Command Bureau. The highest lifetime achievement that can be obtained!Dai Li is extremely satisfied with the rank of major general.

Dai Li looked at Chiang Kai-shek's face and expression. It is Dai Li's specialty to read words and demeanor. What kind of elegiac couplet was Dai Li thinking about writing for Gao Fei?Looking for Goofy's family, kindly!Only by making Gao Fei famous internationally can he show Dai Li's kindness and attract more capable people like Gao Fei to join the military command, so that the military command can grow stronger.

However, Dai Li found that the committee member's expression didn't seem very good, so Chiang Kai-shek handed the telegram to Qian Dajun and said, "Read it!"

Qian Dajun was slightly taken aback when he received the telegram. After reading the ten lines at a glance, he took a deep breath and said solemnly: "Report to Chairman Jiang of the Supreme Military Committee and all the officers. One Japanese light cruiser was sunk, one was stranded and severely damaged, six destroyers were seriously injured, eleven gunboats of different sizes were sunk, two Japanese bombers and four attack aircraft were shot down, bookshelves were damaged, and 31 Japanese tanks were destroyed , Killed more than [-] Japanese soldiers and injured nearly a thousand enemies. All the fortifications of the current position were destroyed by the Japanese heavy artillery, and the ammunition was exhausted. There are only more than [-] officers and soldiers left. The staff has now retreated to the underground artillery position for the final resistance! Swear to the death not to be a prisoner !Fight to the last one soldier, one shot and one bullet! I wish the final victory of the War of Resistance Against Japan! This is the last telegram for the department!"

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