Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 176: Chapter 76 Lonely China

[Volume 22] Chapter 176: Chapter 76 Lonely China (1)


Chapter 76 Lonely China

With a thud, Lin Shujie fainted to the ground, and Shen Zui hurriedly helped him up. Although he knew that Gao Fei might encounter an accident and die heroically, after all, random guessing and the last telegram had different meanings. Lin Shujie knew Gao Fei too well. A guy who doesn't care about anything, but a desperate Saburo!He talks about the nation and the country all day long, and many of his words and deeds are even similar to those of terrorists. [Baidu + Google search]

Two lines of tears flowed down Lin Shujie's cheeks, the first time Dai Li found out that this heroine under him also shed tears?Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers 1766

Chiang Kai-shek said sadly: "Please take off your hat and observe 3 minutes of silence! For our loyal soldiers! They have fulfilled their oath to live and die with the capital, and we living people must shoulder their unfinished business and their iron will. "

The military and political officials of the whole country and the consuls of various countries are silently mourning for a group of little-known little people. This is something that has never happened in the modern history of China. Almost everyone present admires Lao Jiang very much. After this battle, Lao Jiang Jiang is afraid that the three armies will take care of them. What the Chinese Communists pay attention to is that soldiers should die for their confidants!

Chiang Kai-shek sworn brothers and became the principal of the Whampoa Military Academy for such a righteous name. The death of Gao Fei and others made the small people at the grassroots level know that the aloof Chairman Jiang knew them and was watching them!

On the radio, a foreigner spoke half-baked Mandarin and gave an on-site explanation: The defenders of Nanjing have reached the last moment, their fortresses were all blown up by Japanese heavy artillery, and they used the passage for more than two hours The resistance, there are fragmented corpses everywhere, at the position of the breakthrough, oh!my Lord!Where is the gate of hell!What is a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood? I believe that those who have seen it will never forget it, and they will never forget it!Today is a day for bad guys to confess their crimes. The Japanese launched their last attack. At least [-] Japanese soldiers marched forward in a neat line.

With a muffled explosion!The host on the radio exclaimed: "A wounded Chinese soldier detonated a bundle of grenades! Oh! God! A wounded Chinese soldier detonated a bundle of grenades! A dozen Japanese soldiers were involved, my God Ah! The Japanese did not help the wounded soldiers, but still advanced! Fierce gunshots and explosions rang out in the fortress. This was the last resistance of the Chinese in Nanjing!"

Look fast!Five Chinese soldiers stood on the edge of the cliff with support, and Japanese soldiers were approaching!My God, they jumped off a cliff!They jumped off a cliff!

God!my Lord!There was a violent explosion in the entire Yanziji. It may be that the Chinese defenders detonated the remaining ammunition, just like Christmas fireworks!It's really beautiful, it's the flames of hell, it's the call of death!

The broadcasting was interrupted for a long time before the people at the reception woke up. This kind of live broadcasting situation rarely appeared in China before, because of the cumbersome installation of radio broadcasting equipment and the most important thing is that the cost is too high, but in order to report on Nanjing China For the last resistance of the defenders, four or five well-known European newspapers and radio stations put together equipment to carry out this live broadcast covering almost half of Asia. Not only Chiang Kai-shek in Wuhan, but even Emperor Hirohito in Tokyo, Japan also listened It's time for this nondescript broadcast mixed with English and non-standard Chinese.

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