Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 177: Chapter 76 Lonely China

[Volume 22] Chapter 177: Chapter 76 Lonely China (2)


After the short period of mourning, everything seems to be back to normal. It is a blessing that a group of small people can be mourned by big people. How many people can go down in history?I'm afraid that's the privilege of a big man. The death of a general is called "burying loyal bones everywhere in the green mountains, and returning corpses shrouded in horse leather."War is extremely cruel, and people living in peaceful times cannot imagine its true cruelty. There is no reason, justice and justice at all. Killing people is as simple as tearing off a weed.

Watching the intimate conversation between Chiang Kai-shek and the German ambassador Tautman, He Yingqin, who was standing beside Chiang Kai-shek, knew that although Taudman's mediation failed in the end, Chiang Kai-shek and the Nationalist Fu team relied too much on the German side. In 1927, the Soviet Union broke off diplomatic relations again, and after the resumption of diplomatic relations in 1933, the Soviet Union, a close neighbor who always cared about Northeast China, was obviously not as good as a distant friend in Western Europe.

It can be said that during the past ten years, the Chinese National Government has not only imported a large number of guns, ammunition, and military aid supplies from Germany, but has even directly introduced German military talents and war ideas.By the time the Sino-Japanese War broke out, the number of German military advisers in China had reached tens of thousands, and the first-level combat units of the Central Military Battalion were even equipped with German advisers. effect.Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers 1776

China is facing the lone resistance of the menacing Japan, so the Chinese government at this moment needs friends even more. It needs to maintain an old friend like Germany, and it needs a generous new friend like the Soviet Union. There is not much suspense, whoever has the biggest fist speaks is the only rule in the world since the birth of civilization.

Just when the Chinese government and people were most in need of help, the decision-making levels of the British and French government had already been swallowed up by the countercurrent of appeasement. The huge surplus to stimulate the recovery of the economy and bring vitality to the heavy industry that is on the verge of bankruptcy. Japan has the world's largest combined fleet of surface combat ships in terms of gross tonnage. Japan and Europe are also members of the Allied Powers in World War I. It is much simpler than China.

And just at this time, the German side conveyed to the Japanese side through the Japanese ambassador Oshima in Berlin, hoping that the Japanese side can join the German, Italian, and Japanese □□ agreement system!In this regard, the Emperor of Japan clearly instructed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to be cautious about this matter and make a decision after more research. It is obvious that the Japanese are playing hard to get.

In fact, even though Japan is eager to join this agreement system, the Orientals are different from the straightforwardness of the Westerners after all. The Japanese can play deep, even if three people of different nationalities who can't swim fall into the sea together, the Japanese It must be the last guy to call, and for Japan to join such an agreement system, it will inevitably offend the interests of Britain, France, the United States and other Western countries and make them alert.

This system is actually equivalent to another round of challenges to the old empires to redistribute colonies and resources by newly emerging military powers. In the eyes of the Japanese, the sincerity of aid is not enough. What the Japanese want is to prevent all assistance from third countries to China. Even the diplomatic missions must be separated from the Chinese national government. The Japanese want to be completely stuck from material to moral The Chinese National Government, the Japanese can't hold back the aid provided by the Soviet Union, but they have a lot of ways to deal with Germany.

This is what Chiang Kai-shek is most worried about, because with the continuous expansion of the scale of the Sino-Japanese war, the final result between China and Japan can only be that one of them completely falls. choose.

Germany, which has been trying its best in Western Europe, didn’t want to offend at first. The Germans’ naive fantasy weapons will still be sold, and military supplies will still be delivered, as long as the Chinese government can pay in time. The Germans need a large number of Chinese arms purchases to stimulate domestic heavy industries. Development, and most of the arms manufacturers are Hitler's iron and steel supporters, but the Japanese will definitely not agree to this.

Therefore, in order to alleviate the conflict with the Japanese, Berlin decided to change the senior members of the advisory group from active military officers to retired military officers. This not only gave the Japanese face, but also maintained relations with China. Sensitive Chinese feel a tinge of instability.

What worries the Nationalist Government even more is that the patience of the Japanese finally forced Berlin to make a huge concession. Japanese Foreign Minister Hirota seized the opportunity to visit Europe and spread the strategy that China is gradually approaching Japan and the Nationalist Government will fall into chaos all over the world. China and China's anti-Japanese behavior was due to Chiang Kai-shek being instigated by Stalin's Russia, the anti-Japanese front was established on the basis of tolerance and alliance with the Communist Party, and was an accomplice of the Soviet Union, etc. Become a strategic alliance and jointly invade Japan?

To reverse black and white and distort the facts, if the Japanese are ranked second in the world, then I am afraid no one will dare to be the first, so the Chinese government was also forced to send Jiang Baili and others to visit Germany to make a final effort.

Who is China's real friend? I am afraid that the military and political officials of the Nationalist Government can't tell the difference at this moment. The Soviets who beat up the Northeast Army in the Middle East Road Incident in 1929 are now playing the role of sending charcoal in a timely manner, while China's old friends, the Germans They are becoming more and more unfamiliar. The Americans, British, and French do not want China to be unified and strong, but they all lack the ability to interfere in the Far East. Therefore, the Japanese invasion of China has given them an opportunity, that is, China cannot It may be the opportunity for the rise of prosperity, as long as the Japanese guarantee the inherent interests of European and American countries in China, they have nothing to do with China's tomorrow.

The failed diplomacy of the Chinese government is more due to the helplessness of the poor and weak national power. Without force, they naturally have no right to speak. Even powerful diplomats can only humiliate themselves.

At this moment, Chiang Kai-shek, who is calm and composed, is more or less forced to smile. If there is no large amount of military purchase loans from the Soviet Union, I am afraid that Chiang Kai-shek will not have the confidence to shout the oath to resist the war to the end. To point directly at Xuzhou, a battleground for military strategists since ancient times, so Chiang Kai-shek socialized and left in a hurry. Many people seemed to have noticed that there seemed to be many generals who disappeared?However, this did not prevent Madam Chiang from bringing joy to everyone with her questioning smile and humorous words.

Chapter 77 First Class Soldiers

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