Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 178 : Chapter 77 First-rate Soldiers

[Volume 22] Chapter 178: Chapter 77 First Class Soldiers (1)


Chapter 77 First Class Soldiers

Gao Fei, who was confused, only felt that he was floating in the water, with the sound of rushing waves ringing in his ears?Is this what hell is like?Killing so many little Japanese by myself, will I go to hell?Little Japan is not considered human, is it?It's a two-legged beast at most, so it's too bad to let myself go to hell like this. I must talk about this matter after seeing Yan Luo, it's too damn wronged!And I must find the bastard who knocked me out, so that I didn't even shout a slogan before being heroic!

In Gao Fei's last memory, didn't he know that bastard knocked him out?wrong?If he was knocked out and soaked in the river water, it means that he is not dead!Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers 1787

After opening his heavy eyelids, Gao Fei felt as if his whole body was falling apart, and the wound that was soaked white by the river water made people feel terrified. How could he care about the infection or not?

Gao Fei turned his head and glanced feebly at Fang Guozhong who was grabbing the wooden plank and the three guards of his own guard. Everyone looked tired, but it was an incomparable surprise to see himself waking up. Everyone was very exhausted, Gao Fei was lying on a half-broken door plank, except for his chest and head barely above the water, the rest of his body was submerged in the water. e

Fang Guozhong said in surprise: "Boss, you have been in a coma for a day and a night. Last night, the devil's gunboats and warships searched back and forth and found us. Fortunately, the little devil threw the bodies of our sacrificed brothers into the river. It just covered us."

"How are Li Minglei and the others?" Fang Guozhong was taken aback by Gao Fei's question, and then said: "Mr. Li detonated the remaining explosive [-]-inch naval gun shells after we jumped off the cliff, and collapsed Yanziji. Oh, the Japanese casualties are terrible! But the most irritating thing is that we jumped to the north of the river and fell so badly that we didn't see it!"

If Gao Fei could move at this moment, he would definitely give Fang Guozhong a kick. What this girl said did not match the preamble, but seeing Fang Guozhong also looked weak, Gao Fei said with a sigh: "Go to the shore! Such a beautiful Even if you go down to soak, it will be ruined by the river water!"

Where is it probably drifting to?The few people still didn’t know what to do. The mud on the bank’s low tide could not be walked, but could only be climbed. The five clay figurines went ashore after going through hardships and great efforts. Looking at the nearby terrain, a veteran said: “Captain, Maybe it’s almost to Zhenjiang, it’s hundreds of miles away! It’s only at this speed to release the boat!”

"This is still a war zone, everyone should be extra careful, are you all armed?" Gao Fei touched the Browning pistol on his waist and asked with a glimmer of hope. As a result, the four of Fang Guozhong nodded one after another, and almost everyone nodded. Got two Mauser 1932 automatic pistols?Fang Guozhong is still carrying an m1928 Thompson submachine gun?

After Gao Fei was shocked, he suddenly remembered that Fang Guozhong had a hard time swimming in the water. It turned out that he was carrying a submachine gun?Fang Guozhong wrung out his clothes and took off the white shirt inside. He also wrung out the water and began to carefully wipe his weapons. He said, "A soldier's weapon is the first life. If you lose your weapon, you are called a soldier? The boss gave me the gun. Even if you die, you have to take it with you, Little Japan wants to capture it, so let's go and dream it!"

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