Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 179 : Chapter 77 First-rate Soldiers

[Volume 22] Chapter 179: Chapter 77 First Class Soldiers (2)


After speaking, Fang Guozhong smiled at Gao Fei and said, "How about being a captain? You taught me!"

Gao Fei was speechless for a while, is life more important than weapons?He really can't make this point clear. You must know that in the Songhu battlefield, his unit sacrificed seventeen officers and soldiers in order to recapture a Maxine. In the Chinese army, weapons, especially automatic weapons, are often far behind. It is much more expensive than the lives of ordinary officers and soldiers.

After a while, a team member with good water skills came back after touching a few big fish, one of which weighed almost two catties made Gao Fei a little dizzy. The saury, steamed and braised in brown sauce tastes very delicious, but this kind of fish is very rare in this season, because it does not migrate until March or April, and it cannot be eaten after the Qingming Festival, because the thorns are as soft as water before the Qingming Festival, and as hard as water after the Qingming Festival. iron.Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers 1797

This fish probably entered by mistake with a large number of Japanese warships, because the discharge of the warships will increase the water temperature, and the nearby fish will have an illusion. A large number of Japanese warships went up the river and entered Zhenjiang with a few fish. Jiang ** domain is not unusual.

Gao Fei is naturally aware of the Yangtze River saury, which is priced at over [-] yuan per catty in later generations. Its scientific name is long jaw anchovy, also known as sword anchovy. It is long and flat on the side, with a silver and fat belly. It is named for its shape like a sharp knife.As long as it is distributed in the Yangtze River and the coastal brackish water area, it enters the fresh water from the estuary during the reproductive season, and travels up the main stream to the production grounds in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River for reproductive migration. Relatively speaking, people are more familiar with another fish of the same genus, the anchovy. Commonly known as the common name, like sword anchovy, as two close relatives of fish, they usually inhabit the shallow sea near the estuary in eastern China, and go upstream to spawn every spring and summer. They are typical migratory fish species.

Due to overfishing and the pollution of the Yangtze River, Gao Fei, whose pockets were cleaner than his face in his previous life, has never eaten or seen real fish. He did not expect to have such a good taste today?

Because they couldn't get angry, the five people swallowed several fish and ate them. At this moment, Gao Fei also produced a burst of heat in his stomach, and his hands and legs seemed to have strength. The riverside was extremely cold. If he stayed in the river The side will be frozen to death, even if it is an injury, it will kill five people, and almost all of them are injured, so Gao Fei ordered Fang Guozhong to lead a team member to scout ahead, and himself to follow closely , Looking for a village to find some clothes to replace the cold, looking for some food, what is your plan?Gao Fei can only take one step at a time.

Standing on the ruins of the Yanziji Fort, Akiyama Yoshiyun looked at Jing Xuan beside him and also looked at Akiyama Yoshiyoshi. The two remained silent. Akiyama Yoshiyun, who has a deep understanding of Chinese culture, knew that this The famous Yanji sunset in the 48 scenes of Jinling may disappear completely from history, because Yanziji was almost cut off by half by the huge explosion, and a whole brigade of troops was also reimbursed. Jinling The 48th scene will become the 47th scene in the future. Who would have thought that in the end, the Chinese bombers would detonate their own ammunition depot?This is the expected thing, but also an unexpected move!

When Jing Shuxuan was looking at a large body of imperial army officers and soldiers that had been cleared out and placed aside, he was looking at the remains of a hundred Chinese officers and soldiers, and suddenly turned around and slapped a lieutenant officer standing behind him. , The lieutenant assistant was beating blood from his nose and mouth, and he couldn't stop talking.

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