Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 182: Chapter 78 Shameless Realm

[Volume 22] Chapter 182: Chapter 78 Shameless Realm (2)


After repeated inspections, Jing Shuxuan took apart the tactical bulletproof vest, took out the bulletproof plate, and said in surprise: "Oh my God! This new type of equipment in China actually has a bulletproof steel plate hidden in it? It's really unbelievable." ? This kind of whimsy can indeed greatly reduce the casualties of soldiers! Especially in defensive operations, during offensive and defensive battles, many officers and soldiers were shot to death in the upper body and face. probability, the probability of being shot in the upper body is much higher.

Jing Shuxuan was extremely excited as if he had got a novel treasure. He fiddled with the water bottle and magazines in the tactical pocket, or fiddled with the m1928 Thomson submachine gun. Every weapon was so rare.

When Jing Shuxuan was playing with the combat vest, Akiyama Yoshiyoshi stood aside and said helplessly: "Jing Shujun! Didn't you find a problem?" Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice 1828

Jing Shuxuan was slightly taken aback and said, "Mr. Qiushan? What's wrong? I didn't find anything wrong? In the description of the capture this time, an elite unit comparable to the military police guards of the Central Military Education Corps went into battle. , and it was a very desperate death battle. Almost all the corpses of the Chinese army belonged to the gendarmerie. The troops are all pulled up to defend and fight resolutely, and perhaps within three months, we can really make the Chinese Nationalist Government surrender."

Akiyama Yoshiyoshi sighed helplessly and said: "Mr. Jing Shu! How can it be so easy? Eighty or ninety thousand veterans of the Chinese Communist Party with combat experience and the direct descendants of the central army of his government are crossing the river in an established system. Everything was due to the bloody battle between Xiaguan Wharf and Xishuimen, and the naval troops who went to Xiaguan to prevent the Chinese army from crossing the river were blocked by the Yanziji Fort. Everything in this chaos seemed chaotic, but in fact there was a clear division of labor , the sacrifice of this small army was fully exchanged for the retreat of [-] to [-] veterans with combat experience. If these Chinese veterans were wiped out in Nanjing by us, the imperial army would only have to pay a small price, but at this moment They crossed the river to receive the arms provided by the Soviets and were re-armed. These veterans are enough to form [-] new divisions with combat effectiveness. If we want to destroy them, we have to pay several times the price. We exhausted everything in Nanjing Even the methods and means failed to destroy the will to fight in the middle class, this is the key point!"

Akiyama Yoshinori paused for a moment and continued: "Mr. Jing Shu probably didn't notice it? The cost of these weapons and equipment are very expensive! Imported automatic weapons, pistols that everyone must equip, non-commissioned officers equipped with German Zeiss high-end Legion-grade binoculars, compass, expensive knives, special American-made helmets, comfortable calfskin military boots, various small tools on the belt, lighters, canned beef in dry food bags, and special bulletproof equipment. The value of the things added together is probably at least 15 yen!"

"What?" Jing Shuxuan exclaimed and said, "The cost of the Type 16 light tank is only [-] yen, and the weapons and equipment of a single soldier in the Chinese army can be equivalent to a tank? "

Akiyama Giyun nodded helplessly and said: "That's true! So these things are basically tasteless to the empire! The empire does not have the strength to arm a small army, no matter how elite this small army is. From the perspective of the chiefs of the military and staff headquarters, the cost of arming such a small unit can almost equip an infantry regiment, so even if our proposal is submitted, it will be a shame.

The cold water of Akiyama Yoshiyoshi made Jing Shuxuan calm down. It is true. Not to mention his infantry No.18 brigade, how many officers and soldiers can wear these equipment and carry weapons and continue to fight and march ?I'm afraid the enemy didn't see it, and I was so tired that I vomited blood first, especially the anti-tank rifle. It was hard for Jing Shuxuan to imagine that it was a weapon operated by a single person.

In desperation, Jing Shuxuan sighed, put the m1928 Thomson submachine gun in his hand back on the ground, and said to a captain beside him: "Yesen! These soldiers in the middle are all warriors, and we must take them well. A stone tablet was erected here in Yanziji, engraved with the tomb of the unknown hero, understand?"

With the lessons learned from Lieutenant Inoshita, Captain Nomori hurriedly stood at attention and said, "Please rest assured, Your Excellency, Brigade Commander, this subordinate will definitely get it done."

Jing Shuxuan looked at Xiyang and said: "We have an explanation to His Royal Highness Prince Jiuyan of Chaoxiang Palace!"

Akiyama Yiyun also said with emotion: "This confession is really not easy! For this confession, how many loyal and brave soldiers of the imperial army have been buried by our own hands! I hope they can understand that they died for His Majesty the Emperor, Don't hate you, I am!"

Akiyama Yoshinori and Jing Shuxuan were talking when suddenly the adjutant came to report that His Royal Highness Prince Hatohiko of Chaoxiang Palace had arrived in Yanziji in person, and he wanted to see what those stubborn middle-aged women looked like?

When Chaoxianggong Hatohiko with a face of no pain came to Yanziji, which was full of ruins and corpses, the anger in his heart could not be suppressed. It also threw people on the international scene.

Prince Hatohiko of Asaka Palace with a thick bandage on his head stared at Akiyama Yoshiyoshi and Jing Shuxuan and said, "Have all Yanziji's military forces been wiped out? Are there any live prisoners? I want to make them regret it." Born into the world!"

Akiyama Yoshiyun and Jing Shuxuan exchanged glances at each other and said, "No prisoners were captured, and no Chinese officers and soldiers surrendered?"

"You call the □□ Army Zhong**? Mr. Jing Shu, am I right?" Facing Prince Asaka Palace Hatohiko who was staring at him, Jing Shuxuan hesitated for a moment and had to explain: "It's my subordinate's slip of the tongue. , Your Highness, please forgive me!"

Chao Xianggong Hatohiko snorted and said, "Jing Shu-jun! Where are the dead bodies of Mr. Zhong? Take me to see!"

Under the guidance of Jing Shuxuan, Chaoxiang Gongfuyan came to the place where the remains of the Chinese defenders' dead officers and soldiers were placed. Chaoxiang Gongfuyan looked at more than a hundred corpses with a grim face and said, "How come there are only so many of them?" ? Absolutely impossible!"

Yoshiyoshi Akiyama hurriedly explained from the side: "The command of the underground lieutenant under the mine made a mistake, which caused the imperial army to suffer heavy casualties. The captain committed suicide by caesarean section! But according to previous estimates, the Chinese defenders should have around 800 to [-] people, which is equivalent to the strength of a Type A infantry regiment shot down?"

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