Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 183: Chapter 79 Shameless Realm

[Volume 22] Chapter 183: Chapter 79 Shameless Realm (1)


Chapter 79 Shameless Realm

As soon as Asaka Gong Hatohiko heard that the Chinese army defending Yanziji only had 800 to [-] troops, the muscles on his face twitched non-stop. After a while, he took a deep breath and looked around. Said: "The caesarean section is really cheap, this bastard, don't they Chinese have a saying called "destroy the bone and raise the ashes?" Are you still planning to bury these enemies who caused my Japanese imperial army to suffer unprecedented shame? The corpses were cremated, loaded into cannons and sent to Jiangbei! I want to crush their bones and ashes, let everyone know how powerful the Imperial Japanese Army is, and we wiped out more than [-] people from the Chinese Communist Party in Yanziji Elite main force!"

After listening to the words of Prince Hatohiko of Asaka Palace, Akiyama Yoshiyoshi and Jing Shuxuanshi truly understood and said: "In the realm of shamelessness, it is true that a mountain is higher than another mountain, only the more shameless, not the most shameless." A Chinese Communist Party that encircled and wiped out 5000 people? British reporters reported it live, and how could 5000 people be packed into a place as big as Yanziji? Bragging and lying also requires skill, so shameless There is no other possibility except to make people laugh and be generous.. Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice to Mountains and Rivers 1839

However, since His Royal Highness Prince Hatohiko Asaka decided to brag and shame, then Akiyama Yoshihito and Jing Shuxuan have no obligation to accompany this shameless and extremely shameless Prince, and respect the corpse of the other's heroic warrior is a big deal. Hatohiko Asakamiya is not even able to do this, which is the usual habit of the Imperial Japanese Army?Akiyama Yoshiyoshi and Jing Shuxuan looked down upon him so much, so they quietly ran away with oil on the soles of their feet, leaving His Royal Highness Prince Hatohiko of Asaka Palace alone to talk nonsense.

Just when Chaoxiang Gongjiuyan was standing in Yanziji to fabricate his great achievements, Gao Fei took Fang Guozhong and a few people into a village?As soon as Gao Fei entered the village, he smelled a strong smell of blood. Gao Fei, who had fought in the battlefield, was naturally very familiar with this smell of blood.

Therefore, Gao Fei raised his hand to signal, and Fang Guozhong and the other four hurriedly took out their weapons and began to guard. Sure enough, there were lights and noises in a compound in the village, and there was a strong smell of blood. Gao Fei estimated that the people in the village might They were all killed by the Japanese invaders, and the Japanese invaders who stayed here were probably the left-behind squad. Since there was no way to avoid it, Gao Fei decided to demand the blood debt from the little Japanese first!

Gao Fei had just touched the side of the compound, and suddenly found that there were two less players behind him?So Gao Fei glared at Fang Guozhong, and Fang Guozhong was also full of doubts. After climbing over the courtyard wall, Gao Fei was surprised to find that even Fang Guozhong was gone?After gently opening the safety of the pistol, Gao Fei suddenly felt several icy breaths as if they were locked on his body. This is a so-called battlefield induction that veterans who have been in the field will have.

Absolutely not to be a prisoner, Gao Fei instantly raised the pistol and pointed it at his temple. Before he could pull the trigger, the pistol was dragged away in the air?

The torches were suddenly lit up in the courtyard, and a large group of people walked out from various parts of the courtyard like strolling. The leader seemed to be a masked woman, wearing a dark red brocade bunt and looking very heroic. With two Mauser 1932 automatic pistols inserted, the woman seems to be holding a Japanese-style southern pistol in her hand?

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