Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 185: Chapter 79 Shameless Realm

[Volume 22] Chapter 185: Chapter 79 Shameless Realm (3)


Looking at the blue sky and white sun medal that was bitten by Lu Yifeng, leaving a neat line of teeth marks, Zhu Fangda said in a low voice: "My God! My eldest lady! Now that the Orientals have come in, this time the Orientals are fighting* *So we don’t care about our small place, but how many times have we killed the food collection team of the Japanese? Zhenjiang City has long been wiped out by the Japanese, and thousands of girls and daughters have been driven to the temple The whole field was stripped, and it was not counted when the game was over, and it was shot with a machine gun! Zhenjiang hasn’t offended the Dongyang people very much! Let’s kill their grain collection team, can the Dongyang people let it go?”

Lu Yifeng stared and said: "Then what do you think? I don't care who he is, if he dares to come to my aunt's place to act recklessly, my aunt will let him come in vertically and go out horizontally!"

Zhu Fangda explained helplessly: "If we can't afford this place, we can just stay here. We are familiar with the land, which one of the lakes, nets, waters, and mountains will not give us face? Dealing with the Japanese is not a problem, but the key is that supplies are difficult to provide! So We have to rely on the big tree. In the past, the Nationalist government beat us and said we were merchant bandits, but now it has fallen. If we take refuge in the Nationalist government, we will be transformed into anti-Japanese saviors who live on wages and guns!" 1859

Lu Yifeng said impatiently: "Do you have connections? The Nationalist Government will want us? The tax dogs we have killed in the past few years are no less than the Japanese!"

Zhu Fangda smiled, and put on a trick: "Miss, I don't know, this military officer's certificate has Gao Fei's name written on it, an officer who graduated from the Whampoa Department, and Jiang Gong, the leader of the current Nationalist government, values ​​it most This is the military officer who graduated from Whampoa. These military officers call Jiang Gong the principal. This is a disciple of the Son of Heaven! Moreover, this is a blue license. The issuing authority below is the Central Military Statistics and Investigation Bureau, and that is Boss Dai Li. The military command bureau! The fifth column major and column captain? Such sophisticated weapons and equipment are not comparable to ordinary military forces, and other military forces may not be willing to take in us gangsters, but Boss Dai Li's military command bureau is the favorite. It’s us people from the rivers and lakes, look at that kid Gao Fei’s five subordinates, they are all good at work, and one of the five of us made a sudden effort and almost missed, this is definitely the way!”

Zhu Fangda swallowed, and continued to Lu Yifeng, who was hesitant, "Gao Fei has a history. I heard that Gao Fei was mentioned in the electronic box before. He is a **** fighting hero. He killed Japanese people." Thousands! Nanjing was lost for a while before they withdrew. I heard that there were gunfire in Nanjing yesterday. They probably were them. They touched the shore not far from here. The most important thing is the Blue Sky and White Sun Medal. Only seventy people from all over the country have won this honor! My lady! You can see that the center of this medal is the Blue Sky and White Sun National Emblem. , has the merit of resisting humiliation and defeating the enemy, and making the country shine. The Blue Sky and White Sun Medal gives soldiers a sense of unattainability. Because the conditions for awarding it are too harsh, there are very few winners. Withdraw, if this kid goes back to Wuhan, a general won’t be able to escape in the future! Missy, why hesitate? This is a husband who fell from the sky! A perfect match! And this kid looks good.”

How did Gao Fei know that he was sold by a shriveled old man outside!

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