Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 186 : Chapter 80 Entering the Bandit's Cave by Mistake

[Volume 22] Chapter 186: Chapter 80 Entering the Bandit's Den by Mistake (1)


Chapter 80 Into the Bandit's Den by Mistake

Lu Yifeng kicked Zhu Fangda somersault and cursed: "A dog can't spit out ivory!"

Zhu Fangda was on all fours and said helplessly: "If I can spit out ivory, what would I do as a military adviser! Go home and spit out ivory and get rich!" Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountain and River 1860

Gao Fei was extremely annoyed at the moment, his luck was bad?But he could accidentally choose his life, saying that he had just left the wolf's claws and fell into the tiger's mouth again. There is such a banditry in such a place so close to Zhenjiang?What a monster!And he was so lucky that he ran into a group of daring gangsters with high skills?Gao Fei broke out in a cold sweat when he saw the fat girl who looked like a big beer barrel looking at him, if he could persuade this group of people to let him go?Gao Fei's brain was spinning rapidly, but it seemed that he couldn't come up with any tricks?

Lu Yifeng came and stood in front of Gao Fei for a while, as if she had made up her mind, she suddenly took off her mask, and Gao Fei looked at the curvaceous figure of the female bandit leader with a hot blue figure but a childlike face. Stunned?The charming eyes and expressions are everywhere a kind of temptation. Isn't this the live-action version of the supreme child-faced lady in the legend of later generations?

A girl with such looks turned out to be a murderous female bandit leader?At this moment, Gao Fei really has a feeling that his world is spinning. Communicating with women is not his strong point, especially communicating with beautiful women is even more difficult.

Lu Yifeng stared at Gao Fei for a while and said, "Am I pretty? Let's discuss something!"

Lu Yifeng's words stunned Gao Fei and others, as well as the gangsters. Gao Fei was also stunned for a moment, and said slowly: "It's beautiful! But please let us pass by. Now the Japanese invade our country and kill me. Comrades, we are all patriotic anti-Japanese soldiers, isn’t it tantamount to helping the Japanese invaders by killing us? This is a happy thing for relatives and enemies!”

Lu Yifeng waved her hand and said: "Before my father left, I told me that men are not just for tricking women's hearts with sweet words, so let me cover my face and only show it to the man I want to marry in the future. Now you can see it." My face also said that I am beautiful, so you can marry me! If you marry me, you will be the son-in-law of the Lu family. If you want to leave or stay as you please! What do you think?"

ah!Gao Fei suddenly petrified!If this happened before time travel, Gao Fei would think that the old Gao’s ancestral grave was smoking, a typical rich second-generation beauty crying and asking to marry him, but this is not the case now, being held at gunpoint Forced marriage?Is it a hallucination caused by being sick?How could someone ask himself to marry her as soon as they met?And this girl is so beautiful?Such a good thing can fall on his head?There must be a conspiracy in it!

Gao Fei was hesitating how to refuse so as not to anger the female bandit leader and regain her freedom. Seeing Gao Fei hesitating and displeased, Lu Yifeng said, "Have you lived enough? I will open the window to tell you the truth today. Marry me and leave alive. You all chop up and feed my wolfhound together!"

It's really a simple choice!Gao Fei stared dumbfounded at the domineering Lu Yifeng, Fang Guozhong interjected in the back and said, "Boss, this chick is pretty good, you just do a good job and sleep with her!"

Lu Yifeng stared and said, "Do you dare to interrupt my old lady? Come on! Cut off his tongue!"

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