[Volume 24] Chapter 193: Chapter 81 Dumbfounding (5)


But after Lu Yifeng broke a wooden square with the thickness of a wrist with one hand, Gao Fei suddenly realized that there is really real skill in this world of feelings?Lu Yifeng's white and tender little hands actually contain such explosive and lethal power?It's too appalling!

Moreover, Gao Fei has never seen Lu Yifeng moaning and whining like the so-called masters of later generations, or jumping and jumping up and down, Gao Fei has always slandered the so-called hard qigong and hard qigong.Hard tempered!He didn't make a sound even if his bones were broken, and he has a real kung fu. Gao Fei has seen it today. Lu Yifeng, the red man, doesn't need to use a frying pan at all. Revitalizing Fugang is simply a joke, and wanting to be a national treasure is just a matter of minutes.

But going to Wuhan is not all smooth sailing. First of all, the area they are in is the so-called enemy-occupied area. Gao Fei asked Lu Yifeng to transfer all the troops to Xuzhou. Go to the fifth theater of Xuzhou to participate in the battle. All in all, the fifth column is an armed force operating behind the enemy. It should not be passively consumed on the frontal battlefield like the Battle of Nanjing. Moreover, Gao Fei has an ulterior secret, that is He is going to resume continuity with Qin Wanyi and regain the trust of the organization. This is crucial. Whether it is fighting the Japanese frontally, guerrilla attacks behind the enemy, or even lurking in the enemy's line, these are all fighting against the Japanese invaders, no matter which front is indispensable of.Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers 1931

If there is no persistence on the frontal battlefield, guerrilla warfare behind the enemy cannot be carried out at all. The rapid defeat of the Northeast Volunteer Army is the best example. Without guerrilla warfare and sabotage warfare in the frontal battlefield behind the enemy, it is difficult to persist under the three-dimensional offensive of the Japanese army. Timely and reliable intelligence is the Achilles' heel.

Lu Yifeng decided to go around Changtian and Dingyuan in a big circle to avoid the Japanese front, but she didn't expect to encounter big trouble just after reaching Shibaji Town, which is not far from Changtian County. There were no Japanese a few days ago. The place where it appeared was heavily guarded?

Moreover, a large number of Japanese military convoys passed by to load and unload supplies. Japanese tanks, artillery, and cavalry units passed in the middle of the road, while infantry units advanced on both sides of the road.

Gao Fei took the German Carl Zeiss Legion-grade binoculars handed over by Lu Yifeng, and observed for a full 10 minutes before retreating under the hillside. Gao Fei was motionless covered in weeds.

Gao Fei found that at the moat on the west side of the town, the Japanese army was filling the corpses of ordinary people in the river?Obviously, the Japanese army carried out a brutal massacre on the eighteen episodes for the confidentiality and safety of military operations.

After seeing the marching ranks of the Japanese army, the dust flying in the distance covered the sky and covered the sky. As the saying goes, there are more than [-] people overwhelming the sky, and more than [-] people are boundless. People who read a lot of novels have no concept of thousands or even tens of thousands of people. In fact, if a division of more than [-] people attacked with a three-kilometer front, the peaks it passed would seem to be in motion.

So Gao Fei can be sure that at least one division of the Japanese army is marching forward. Although the Japanese army is extremely arrogant, the vigilance along the way is not relaxed at all. Tricycles, scout vehicles, and cavalry are constantly coming and going, and there are even two The Type [-] reconnaissance plane circled back and forth in the sky. It seems that this is where a large material depot of the Japanese army is located in episode [-]?

In Gao Fei's memory, the Battle of Xuzhou lasted from January to May of [-]. The Chinese Fifth Theater Army, the Japanese North China Front Army, and the Central China Expeditionary Army each fought in Jinpu, Longzhou, with Xuzhou as the center in Jiangsu Province. A large-scale defensive battle in the Sea Railway area!The Taierzhuang bloody battle in March and April of this campaign is famous all over the world. Because it encircled and wiped out more than [-] Japanese troops, it was called the Taierzhuang Great Victory.

It is not yet the end of December, the Japanese army who invaded East China impatiently marched towards Xuzhou after occupying Nanjing?Gao Fei remembers that after the Nanjing Defense War in history, the No.13 Division of the Japanese Army immediately crossed the Yangtze River north and entered the Outang and Mingguang lines on the east bank of the Chihe River in Anhui!The Second Japanese Army of the North China Front crossed the Yellow River south from Qingcheng and Jiyang in Shandong, and after occupying Jinan, it advanced to Jining, Mengyin, and Qingdao!In order to open up the Jinpu Railway and unite the northern and southern battlefields, the Japanese base camp successively mobilized eight divisions, three independent mixed brigades, and two detachments with a total of about 24 troops to fight together.

Then the Japanese army passing by under my nose is very likely to be the No.13 division of the Japanese army who crossed the Yangtze River north in history and entered the Outang on the east bank of the Chihe River in Anhui and the Mingguang line. Gao Fei judged the Japanese military materials set up in the eighteenth episode The level of the military station is quite high, and the guards have at least two infantry brigades and one armored vehicle squadron. It is very likely that Episode [-] is the location of the general supply station for the Japanese Central China Front Army's Xuzhou campaign.

Gao Fei was taken aback by his own judgment?What kind of shit luck is this?Can you run into this big thing in a detour?Gao Fei also realized that the changes in the battle situation in Nanjing probably triggered a series of so-called "butterfly effects". The butterfly effect is a manifestation of chaos.

The most common explanation for this effect is: "A butterfly in the Amazon rainforest in South America, occasionally flapping its wings, can cause a tornado in Texas two weeks later."

As the same European proverb says, for want of a nail, a shoe is broken; for want of a shoe, a horse is broken; for want of a horse, a knight is broken; for want of a horse, a knight is broken. , lost a battle; lost a battle, lost an empire!Whether a nail on the horseshoe will be lost is a very small change in the initial conditions, but its "long-term" effect is the fundamental difference between the survival and death of an empire. This is the reality of the so-called "butterfly effect" in the military and political fields. effectively reflected.

The frightening part of the Butterfly Effect will make Gao Fei lose his advantage. Gao Fei's only advantage is to know the direction of history, but Gao Fei is committed to changing history?This makes Goofy likely to lose his greatest advantage.

The reason why history is called history is that the literal understanding cannot be changed, because if it is changed, it is likely to fall into a dead link of logic.

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