Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 194: Chapter 83 Soil Time Bomb

[Volume 24] Chapter 194: Chapter 83 Time Bomb (1)


Chapter 83 Soil Timer Bomb

If the history that has happened needs to be changed, it involves a problem of void theory. Gao Fei’s desperate and bloody battle in Nanjing really reversed and changed the course of history, just like an unchanging curve. Must be affected?

Some people and things that have existed in the past don’t even exist anymore, so this will inevitably fall into an unexplainable cycle. Gao Fei’s paradox is that time is not a line, and time travel is not non-existent, but the time and space after travel is the same as what you have. What should I do if what I know is not exactly the same?Even though history can be changed, what is changed is only the history that Gao Fei knows and is familiar with. For the people of this world and even the era, it is still the history that happened. Therefore, from certain viewpoints and perspectives, history is still unchangeable.Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers 1943

Gao Fei himself was caught in an unsolvable contradiction. Obviously, he couldn't act during the day, so he had to wait until night. Gao Fei checked the weapons and equipment he was carrying, and Lu Yifeng looked at him coldly. The man who entered the bridal chamber said: "You are really kind! There are only 27 of us, I wish Fangda, a dog-headed military strategist, can only watch! You just want to attack the Japanese military depot? You can see clearly, there are at least three There are thousands of Japanese, barbed wire fences, armored vehicles, and large and small steel guns? Can you tell me what you want to do?"

Gao Fei looked at Lu Yifeng in surprise and was almost speechless. It can be said that Gao Fei himself had just had an idea just now, and wanted to give the Japanese a huge surprise. If there is an accident, then the time for the Japanese to launch the campaign is bound to be delayed?In this way, it is extremely beneficial for the defense of the squadron in the fifth theater, but Lu Yifeng can see his every move so thoroughly, Gao Fei felt a deep chill.

Because after all, I and Lu Yifeng are not childhood sweethearts, nor have I been in love for many years, at least I haven't seen this girl three days ago, and now a strange girl who has never met has become my serious wife, and treats everything about me like There is a tacit understanding and a common sense of reasoning!After Gao Fei was shocked, he also had to wonder if this was a match made in heaven?However, the troubles of this match made in heaven may still be in the future. Lin Shujie and Qin Wanyi seem to have to go through these two levels, so let's live it day by day!There is no good way for Gao Fei in front of him.

In response to Lu Yifeng's question, Gao Fei nodded and said: "That's true! If the Japanese military depot can be taken away, the Japanese army's combat plan will be delayed, and the Japanese army's strategic deployment will be disrupted as a whole. Now look at the Japanese army. All the ammunition and supplies placed in the open air in the military depot below can be reimbursed with just one spark!"

Lu Yifeng looked at Gao Fei and said, "What do you use to ignite this spark? Is it your life? Tell me about your plan. If it works, I will let you go. If it doesn't work, stop talking nonsense! Your life is half mine now, It's not that simple for you to want to die."

Gao Fei was taken aback for a moment, he really wasn't Lu Yifeng's opponent, besides, Lu Yifeng brought twenty people with him, and the four people on his side, including Fang Guozhong, were much more honest now, Gao Fei also knew what country he was talking about with Lu Yifeng National righteousness is tantamount to playing the piano against the cow.

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