Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 195: Chapter 83 Soil Time Bomb

[Volume 24] Chapter 195: Chapter 83 Time Bomb (2)


So, after hesitating for a while, Gao Fei said: "First of all, I need a local time bomb. It takes about three hours of delay time. I only need two people to cooperate with me to sneak in quietly. After installing the bomb, we will withdraw. After three hours Let him be flooded?"

Lu Yifeng pondered for a moment, looked at Gao Fei and said solemnly, "Are you going to go in yourself?"

Gao Fei nodded and said: "I came up with the idea, I planned the plan, I won't let others do it? Have you looked down on your man?" Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice 1953

Lu Yifeng also smiled and said: "It's not a question of whether you look down or not. Since you go, I will go too. The second son and Ni Qiang will follow my uncle. What kind of time bomb are you making, Kotou Junshi? My uncle said three hours will be three." hour, understand?"

Gao Fei didn't expect this kind of result. He just wanted to tell Lu Yifeng that this is a war and nothing to do with you women, but he happened to meet Lu Yifeng's eyes. Hand, even if Gao Fei cut off his hand, I believe that the wooden square will be absolutely fine.

Erzi and Nixie were changing their night clothes, and Erzi was tinkering with a bunch of parts. He didn't have much effort to put together a crossbow?Fang Guozhong curiously leaned over to help, but just picked up the crossbow, the second son turned pale with fright, and gestured for Fang Guozhong to put it back gently?

When Fang Guozhong saw the blue color of the sharp crossbow with slots on six sides, he immediately realized the danger. After the crossbow was put back on the ground, the two sons breathed a sigh of relief. Potassium, something that has no antidote, paralyzed, not to mention stuff that seals the throat with blood!"

Speaking of which, the second son carefully inserted the crossbow arrow back into the iron sheath, and this time it was Fang Guozhong who was in a cold sweat. Since he picked up the crossbow arrow, he had already walked around the gate of the Palace of Hades. If the flesh was cut a little, it would be too unjust to die.

The second son was tinkering with the crossbow, and Nixie was sharpening his throwing knife, while Lu Yifeng spread the cloak on the ground and said, "It's humid, lie on it, don't get cold, a man's cold body is not good for the kidneys."

Gao Fei looked around at the team members and Lu Yifeng's subordinates who closed their eyes and rested their minds. They were looking at Zhu Fangda who was busy with a bundle of Type [-] grenades. He was a little embarrassed and asked, "Why are you lying down in broad daylight?"

Lu Yifeng pulled Gao Fei down and said: "Replenish your energy, do you understand? Hold me, the two of you will not be cold when hugging together! It will take at least a while before you start, it's still early. "

After Gao Fei hugged Lu Yifeng in his arms, a tangy fragrance rushed in, and his soft body curled up beside him like a kitten.

Fang Guozhong, who was at the side, looked at Gao Fei with envy and said: "The boss is the boss, this luck is really one wave after another! All good things really happened to the boss alone."

Fang Guozhong was talking to himself when he suddenly felt someone beside him?When he turned around, he found Taohua squatting beside him and looking at him with a smile?Fang Guozhong immediately shut his mouth tightly, while Taohua smiled and said, "Brother Fang! Don't do this! Tell me! How many things did my uncle think about? Who are they all!"

Looking at the unfriendly Taohua, Fang Guozhong crawled directly in the grass and pretended to be a dead pig, but in the end, Taohua lay directly opposite him, with his nose almost touching his nose, and their breaths also merged. Fang Guozhong just wanted to turn around , the face was held down by Taohua and kissed hard, the stunned Fang Guozhong didn't know whether he was frightened, or was he reminiscing about that sweet kiss?

Tao Hua said viciously: "Now tell me all the things our uncle has done before, if you dare to lie to me, I will tell the young lady that you gave me to that by force, and see if the young lady doesn't pick you up and light the sky lantern Yes! Even my uncle can't keep you!"

"If you can tell the truth! I can let you kiss me again!" Tao Hua's shyness made Fang Guozhong petrified.

Fang Guozhong, who looked sad and indignant, was naturally loyal to Gao Fei. Fang Guozhong had never thought about betraying Gao Fei. Anyway, the boss and Lu Yifeng were also husband and wife. Let's talk about the bloody battle in the shop.

Gao Fei felt helpless for a while. After resting for a while, Gao Fei got up and came to the rock behind the hillside. He heard someone talking about him in a low voice. After listening carefully, he became furious. betrayed?It's too cheap to sell, isn't it?

Gao Fei slapped Fang Guozhong on the head fiercely, and Tao Hua used this opportunity to escape without a trace. After scorning Fang Guozhong, Gao Fei came to Zhu Fangda's side, the dog head who was carrying a big box on his back. The military division is busy making a soil time bomb.

Seeing Gao Fei approaching, Zhu Fangda showed a mouthful of big yellow teeth and said with a hey smile, "Master, isn't he taking a rest now? We call the time bomb you want overnight fart! It's short for a quarter of an hour, long for two or three hours, but the longer the time The longer you grow, the less chance you have of successfully detonating it, you know this, sir!"

Gao Fei nodded. He knew several so-called methods of homemade bombs, including hanging a bundle of grenades, burning the rope with a coil of incense, and flipping the lid of a glass bottle!Although these methods are varied, the success rate in actual application is not high. What he needs is a foolproof method.Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers 1953

So Gao Fei said solemnly to Zhu Fangda: "Old Zhu! Is there any way to ensure that nothing goes wrong?"

Zhu Fangda smiled slightly and said, "Young master! I just pat my chest to assure you that nothing will go wrong, will you believe it? You are also an expert, who can be sure about things from ancient times to the present? If you are [-]% sure, then it is worth a try." Fight."

Gao Fei thought for a while and shook his head helplessly. The situation on the battlefield can be said to be ever-changing. Indeed, no one can be sure. As for the failure of operations, it is a common thing. This is a real war, not a fiction. The plots in film and television dramas can fail repeatedly, but in real life, you only have one chance, because life also only has one chance.

Gao Fei nodded seriously and said to Zhu Fangda: "Do your best and use the plan with the highest success rate!"

Seeing Gao Fei's serious expression, Zhu Fangda also said seriously: "Young master, don't worry! I wish Fangda is here, and there is a treasure chest. I don't ask anyone for anything!"

Speaking of Zhu Fonda, he patted the box next to him, and Gao Fei noticed that the wooden box that Zhu Fonda had been kept behind and never let anyone touch it was divided into two halves, four layers and dozens of partitions, all of which were made of cork Made a small shelf, inside are all kinds of sealed utensils and tools, etc.?Like a type laboratory?

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