Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 196: Chapter 84 Infiltrating the Enemy Camp

[Volume 24] Chapter 196: Chapter 84 Mixing Into the Enemy Camp (1)


Chapter 84 Infiltrating the Enemy Camp

Zhu Fangda actually brought a small laboratory with him?Gao Fei looked at the labels on the sealed test tubes in surprise. Many things were not the names of chemicals that Gao Fei thought?But some very strange names?

When Zhu Fonda was processing his soil formula bomb, Goofy saw Zhu Fonda open a test tube with a yellowish liquid?The name of the test tube is Tianjishui?Gao Fei picked it up curiously and smelled it?With high-flying chemical knowledge usually impure disulfides become yellowish due to mixing with other sulfides and have an unpleasant smell of rotten carrots!This is clearly a disulfide?And some of the powder and ink called "tap fire" are clearly white phosphorus?Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers 1964

Gao Fei suddenly remembered an ancient profession in China, that is the so-called alchemist. called Taoist priests. (e)

The origin of alchemists, in fact, has a long history in China. For example, the ancient legends such as Guan Keng, Rong Cheng, Queen Mother of the West, etc. should also be said to be some alchemists. In fact, alchemists are the earliest batch of chemists in ancient China. In pursuit of immortality, they have extracted countless chemically synthesized elements and formulas. Although they do not know the modern application of chemistry and the basic principles of knowledge, they have a set of alchemists who have accumulated through life-threatening experiments for thousands of years. The unique use method and system.

Zhu Fangda's production of the so-called time bomb was so frightening that Gao Fei didn't even dare to breathe. He directly poured white phosphorus into a large jar, then poured in the so-called suitable proportion of disulfide liquid, and put the German-made Type [-] hand grenade Unscrew the back cover and pull the match to break it!There are seven or eight small bottles of gasoline in it, and then the jars are sealed, and a circle of explosives and detonators are tied on the outside, and a dozen or so fuses are all stuffed into the jars.

Zhu Fangda said triumphantly after completing the so-called work: "Young master! It is safe, and several insurances have been added! When you take it, try not to shake it too much! When you use it, just tear off the kraft paper on it!"

After Zhu Fangda finished speaking, he frowned, tore open the kraft paper and poured some carbon disulfide liquid into it, and then sealed the jar with satisfaction. Shrugging his shoulders, he said, "Maybe it's not enough! My old man will add some more, just handle it with care when you handle it!"

The second son murmured to Niach in a low voice: "Is this bastard's thing reliable? If it's too dangerous, doesn't it mean that we two brothers will risk our lives?"

Niach said helplessly: "You don't know this old Jiang bastard? He even killed himself. He made that shit's elixir, and he lost weight from 130 catties to more than [-] catties. He vomited and diarrhea. Yue, did not kill the big bear! Do you think it is reliable?"

The second son glanced at Gao Fei, who was arranging his equipment, and said helplessly: "Ah! Life is hard! My uncle and miss are both on board, so let's stop talking nonsense. If something happens, the two of us can come back alive and kill Zhu Fang." Da this old bastard?"

good!It's a deal!Er Zi and Ni Qian spit in their palms and clapped their hands as an oath, while Zhu Fangda felt a chill all over his body?I muttered in my heart, is that bastard chewing his tongue behind his back again?

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