Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 197: Chapter 84 Infiltrating the Enemy Camp

[Volume 24] Chapter 197: Chapter 84 Mixing Into the Enemy Camp (2)


After nightfall, the winter night in the south of the Yangtze River is particularly cold. This kind of cold is so cold that people feel cold to the bone. Gao Fei, Lu Yifeng, Er Zi, and Niqiu are all lurking not far from the Japanese army station. The continuous flow of work, Gao Fei really admired the Japanese's work ethic, and they were still working hard at 24 o'clock in the morning?Gao Fei reckoned that the troops at this military depot were likely to be transported [-] hours a day, and the army would go ahead without moving food and grass. If the Japanese military depot didn't rest at all, then his surprise attack plan might come to naught?

In desperation, Gao Fei touched off two Japanese sentries who were changing guards on the hill, and first put on a dog's skin to wait for an opportunity to mix in after the next guard change. Maybe people are easy to mess with?But how does such a big jar get mixed in?

Worried, about 100 Japanese officers and soldiers came from the foot of the mountain. A Japanese lieutenant headed by him rode on a bull and shouted at the soldiers to speed up. From time to time, they beat some soldiers with whips in their hands. Don't cry or make trouble?Still smiling and flattering?But the language they speak is not Japanese?Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers 1974

Isn't this sleepy and someone sent a pillow?But the Japanese soldiers at the foot of the mountain seemed to speak Korean?These are the Korean Japanese soldiers from Japan. The Korean emperors who are used to serving the Japanese as their slaves have long forgotten their ancestors' surnames. Since the leader can understand Japanese, I am afraid that they are not purebred Japanese. It’s no wonder that the Koreans of later generations went crazy looking for their fathers all over the world. This is theirs, and they invented it. The Chinese who have four major inventions and a 5000-year-old civilization have only one invention left, and that is the invention of Korea. people!

What a prodigal invention!Gao Fei didn't care about anything else, so he wrapped the jar with a piece of clothing, slipped from the side of the road and mixed into the scattered team, conveniently hid the jar in the cart, and pretended to help push the cart. >__

Sure enough, this was a group of North Korean heavy soldiers. From the disdainful expressions of the guards and sentries at the military depot to the nodding and bowing appearance of the Japanese lieutenant, Gao Fei could tell that this was a group of North Korean heavy-handed soldiers who specifically harmed the Chinese people by looting and raping everywhere!

After sneaking into the camp, Gao Fei picked up the jar and was about to leave, suddenly!A second lieutenant of the Japanese army yelled at Gao Fei, beckoning Gao Fei to show him what he was holding?

The Korean emperors on the side looked at Gao Fei with pity. Seeing that there were not many people attached to him, Gao Fei walked over quickly. Gao Fei knew a few words of Japanese, but only a few simple words, pretending to be deaf and dumb?Surely he couldn't pass, Gao Fei suddenly remembered that there was a small cloth bag in his pocket, which contained dozens of silver dollars and a dozen gold rings looted by Japanese soldiers.

Gao Fei pretended to be afraid, and cautiously came to the arrogant Japanese second lieutenant, and suddenly threw the small cloth bag away!He picked up the bayonet and stabbed the Japanese second lieutenant backhand, stabbing it directly under the Japanese second lieutenant's armpit. Gao Fei didn't draw the knife, so the blood didn't flow out too much. The Japanese second lieutenant seemed to fall while pushing.

When they saw the silver dollar, the North Koreans suddenly went crazy, the law does not blame the public!The Japanese army on the side also joined in the looting, while Gao Fei walked away from the ammunition area with the stall in his arms. Between the shell boxes of the 75mm field artillery, Gao Fei opened the jar, and then blocked the jar with several boxes of shells.

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