Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 198: Chapter 84 Infiltrating the Enemy Camp

[Volume 24] Chapter 198: Chapter 84 Mixing Into the Enemy Camp (3)


Gao Fei, holding a [-]-style rifle, reappeared in the chaotic looting scene. The Koreans had already had physical conflicts with the Japanese. You must know that the Korean soldiers were always bullied by the Japanese, and the things they plundered were always taken by the Japanese for no reason. , and their military pay is only one-third of that of the Japanese, and they do the hardest and most tiring work on weekdays. When the war situation is unstable or when they are trying to attack, they are always used as cannon fodder. e

The North Koreans are useless in war, but they seem to be very energetic when they yell and scream!Gao Fei pulled the bolt of the gun, and shot at the Korean and Japanese lieutenant who was screaming and screaming before. The second lieutenant of the Japanese army blocked the major, but the [-]mm Tomosaka rifle bullet fired by the [-]-type rifle hit the second lieutenant’s cheek and then penetrated, and shot into the major’s eyes. Then Gao Fei dropped the rifle and said in Japanese Shout out, the North Koreans are shooting!The North Koreans fired!

Because, not far from the gate, the Japanese officers and soldiers guarding the gate rushed over quickly. With Gao Fei’s gunshot, the Japanese lieutenant of Korean origin who had been dutifully suppressing the bullet was killed. The scene became chaotic. A Japanese lieutenant pulled out the southern Type pistols frequently shot at several nearby North Korean soldiers with yellow cloth strips on their chests, and some North Korean soldiers who touched the weapons also fired back.Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers 1984

Taking advantage of the chaos, Gao Fei escaped from the Japanese military station and ran all the way to escape. After Gao Fei buried the Japanese military uniforms, he and Zhu Fangda, Lu Yifeng, Fang Guozhong and others immediately cleaned up the traces of the camp, and quickly left this place of right and wrong. .

More than 40 minutes later, Ida Jiro, the captain of the Ida detachment, looked at the just-resolved rape incident with a livid face. These bastards actually shot each other in the place where the ammunition was piled up?

The reason for the attack was that a North Korean soldier stabbed a second lieutenant to death. As a result of the fierce exchange of fire, 36 officers and soldiers of the imperial army were killed and 51 were injured. Injured and captured 160 seven people.

Although Ida Jiro is not impressive, he is 160 cm tall, with a full beard, thick chest hair, and bow legs!The advantages that the Japanese should have can be said to be the same, but Ida Jiro is not the so-called Yamato people. He was born in the Ainu tribe in Hokkaido. The Ainu tribe is the so-called original ecological ethnic group in Japan. For a living, at first it lived in a large range, and its ancestral home included Japan's Hokkaido Island, the northern part of Honshu Island and the southern part of Sakhalin Island.However, as some tribes in Japan gradually immigrated to the north, their production space became smaller and smaller. From about the second half of the seventh century AD, the Yamato people began to call the Ainu people Ezo, which means Yidi, which is Yamato The derogatory term for them, which means barbarians in Japanese.

Until 1899, the Japanese government passed the "Old Natives Protection Law", which seemed to be intended to help the Ainu people perish.But in fact, this is asking the Ainu to abandon their original customs and religious beliefs, and to live in the way of the Yamato people. Japanese officials even forbid them to continue to use the names of their own people, but must use Japanese names. At the same time, The Japanese government implements assimilation education. Before that, the Japanese government prohibited the Ainu people from speaking Japanese in public, and also prohibited them from following the customs and habits of the Yamato people.

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