Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 203: Chapter 86 Hata Jun 6's Pain

[Volume 25] Chapter 203: Chapter 86 Hata Shunroku's Pain (2)


This reason is not a reason, so Nobe Takayama was promoted in advance and became a dog head!Because of his appearance, Nobe Takayama was also bitten by dogs. Nobe Takayama, who was disgusted by dogs, did not give up on himself. It was better than his own father, so Nobe Takayama's military dogs naturally achieved results, but Nobe Takayama was not a professional, and the generals of the military and staff headquarters were just watching the fun, and more for the pups!

Otherwise, the so-called special department of Nobe Takayama would have been revoked long ago. If the dog could fight instead of the soldiers of the imperial army?So why do you need so many generals?This sentence was said by the commander of the military police of the Kwantung Army, who later became the wartime prime minister of Japan.

After Nobe Takayama arrived at the eighteenth episode, he took the dog to smell it, and then gradually expanded the scope. Gao Fei thought that the corpses and military uniforms of the Japanese sentries that were well buried were found by Nobe Takayama’s brother Dalang Come out, in the face of the evidence, Major General Nomura Taro, the military police commander of the Central China Front Army who was in charge of the investigation, was originally very dissatisfied with Nobe Takayama for giving the dog a Japanese name, especially for a dog with the same name as him?Isn't this an insult to yourself?Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers 2036

In fact, Nobe Takayama has always believed that the word "Taro" of Major General Nomura Taro is an insult to dogs. You must know that this is an imported purebred German hound with more than 30 yen a piece. A dog is equal to two Type [-] light tanks , The food is much better than that of Major General Nomura.

Therefore, the evidence presented by Nobe Takayama was directly thrown aside. Major General Nomura believed that the North Korean soldiers who harbored hatred deliberately detonated the ammunition. Otherwise, how could the No. [-] Military Station, which is so heavily guarded, be infiltrated by the enemy?The military uniforms found by Nobe Takayama were burned, and the corpses were included in the list of casualties in the explosion. Nobe Takayama didn't understand, he didn't understand!So the result of the struggle was a big slap on the head and face. Major General Nomura enjoyed the slap, and Captain Nobe Takayama realized that he had been with dogs for too long, so that he forgot the importance of class.

How did Nobe Takayama know that Major General Nomura had ordered the commander of the Central China Front, Shunroku Hata, to characterize the incident. It can be said that the moment Nomura set off from Nanjing, the explosion at the No. Junliu's purpose is that since the incident happened, then I'm sorry and have to confuse whoever, the more chaos the better!Originally, the Korean army with broken military discipline was a very serious and thorny problem within the Japanese army, so Hata Shunroku simply put the blame on the Koreans, and was looking for a few corresponding so-called witnesses, and everything worked!

As for the consequences of time, Hata Junliu can't control so much at the moment. Those who are related to the Koreans in the military and staff headquarters, and those who always speak for the Koreans, go have a headache!

Nobe Takayama's class naturally couldn't understand the thoughts of senior officers, especially Nobe Takayama, who had been fooled for a long time with dogs. Nobe Takayama led a pursuit team of 50 people and began to use the remaining military cap to pursue along the way , it can be said that Nobe Takayama's departure was not paid attention at all, but it was just a group of guys who messed with dogs, and they came to join in the fun. Wouldn't it be the same if they were there?So Nobe Takayama and the more than fifty people under his command disappeared quietly?

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