Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 204: Chapter 86 Hata Jun 6's Pain

[Volume 25] Chapter 204: Chapter 86 Hata Shunroku's Pain (3)


In this era, there are not so many vehicle exhaust emissions, few pedestrians pass through the mountains and fields, and it has not rained in the past few days. The temperature of the winter festival makes the smell linger for a long time, so Nobe Takayama naturally followed Goofy who didn't notice at all.

Located in the commander's office of the Fifth War Zone in Xuzhou City, a thin general with a stern and calm expression, dressed in a gray cloth winter coat, but with three gold stars flashing on his collar, looked around at the generals present, pacing back and forth After a few trips, we came to the map.

Deng Xihou, the commander of the No.20 Second Army sitting in the first seat, glanced at Li Zongren, the commander of the fifth theater who seemed a little restless. Li Zongren, whose name is Delin, is from Lingui, Guangxi. Li Zongren and Bai Chongxi, who are three heroes who have opposed Chiang many times, are now the commander-in-chief of the war zone and the deputy chief of the national staff headquarters. If they are not busy with the internal strife in the Sichuan army, they will raise the banner of anti-Chiang twice more. Sit firmly as the commander-in-chief of one of the theaters?Why is the Sichuan Army now wandering like orphans without father or mother?Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers 2046

Deng Xihou squinted at Gu Zhutong who was not far away. It can be said that Gu Zhutong, a thousand-year-old tortoise shell, is the most disgusting thing in the entire Sichuan Army. Others don't know the details of Gu Zhutong, but Deng Xihou knows it very well. Gu Mo San Born in Andong, Jiangsu Province, graduated from the sixth phase of the Infantry Division of Baoding Military Academy. He served as an instructor at the Whampoa Military Academy, the battalion commander of the teaching regiment, and the commander of the First Army of the National Revolutionary Army. Melee, encirclement and suppression several times!There may not be many military achievements, but the frequency of battles is more than one. It was also Gu Zhutong's order to drive the Sichuan Army, which was driven out of the World War II zone, to the fifth theater. At that time, Gu Zhutong was the highest military officer in the World War II zone. As a representative of the committee, Yan Xishan is only using his hands to act, so it is no wonder that Deng Xihou hates him.

Gu Zhutong even dismissed Deng Xihou, the crystal monkey with a disdainful expression beside him. Deng Xihou was born in Yingshan, Sichuan. He was born in poverty since he was a child. He was brought up by the family, and life is not easy due to the hardships of the world.

Deng Xihou has successively served as platoon commander, company commander, battalion commander, regiment commander, division commander, and army commander. It can be said that he worked steadily from the grassroots step by step, and he almost took the position of chairman of Sichuan Province of the Kuomintang government. As for how to build up grudges, Gu Zhutong is also very clear. His instructions are to consume as much of the Sichuan army as possible. Nobodies like Deng Xihou will be dealt with by Chairman Jiang sooner or later. Even if Deng Xihou hates himself to death, so what? The No. 20 Fourth Army is the direct descendant of the Central Army. Otherwise, Li Delin would not have given the face to the strategic meeting of the senior commanders of the war zone, and he would have come here in person. Sitting across from Deng Xihou would be an extremely disappointing thing.


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