Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 205 : Chapter 87 Participating in Her Own Funeral

[Volume 25] Chapter 205: Chapter 87 Participating in one's own funeral (1)


Chapter 87 Attending Your Own Funeral

Such a big pot of hodgepodge to fight hard against the menacing Japanese?Li Zongren is not confused yet, but at this moment, whether he is the top or the top, he still bites the bullet and rushes up!That rebellious Tang Enbo didn't come to the meeting?He was the one who was going to clean up, but now that Tang Enbo didn't come, Gu Zhutong, the supporter, appeared. Who didn't know that Gu Zhutong came here on behalf of the old man?

Li Zongren can take Tang Enbo's matter away, but Jiang Gong's trick to kill people with a knife is really clever, fighting a national war!The main force of the Central Army has been fighting all over, resting in the rear to replenish the weapons brought in by the Soviet Union, and all the miscellaneous names have no complaints at this moment, right?Then go up and fight to the death!Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers 2057

In fact, in the national war, everyone died without complaint. From the general to the soldier, no one backed down, but the key is what is nothing?How to fight this battle?Who can afford to abolish the establishment when all are exhausted!However, at present, the Japanese troops from North China and Central China are pressing down on the border, and Xuzhou has become precarious for a while. In Li Zongren's view, after the fall of Nanjing, the main targets of the Japanese will definitely be concentrated on the front line of Xuzhou. The nail in the flesh, the Japanese must quickly defeat the main force of the fifth theater of the Chinese Army deployed around Xuzhou if they don't want to give the main force of the Chinese Army a chance to rest and replenish.

However, what surprised Li Zongren was that the advancing troops of the Central China Front Army of the Japanese Army seemed to have stagnated for five days, and even the Japanese Army in the North China Front was also adjusting their deployment. What kind of tricks are the Japanese playing?Li Zongren always felt that his heart was not clear, so today he specially held the strategic decision-making meeting of the senior chiefs of the fifth war zone. As a result, several parties in the meeting had expressions that their noses were not noses, and their faces were not faces, which made Li Zongren extremely embarrassed. The war is imminent, and the generals can't be of one mind, how can the soldiers work together?

According to incoming intelligence, it seems that the Japanese Central China Front Army had a violent explosion at a large military depot near Changtian [-]th Episode. As far as the report of the armed forces in the enemy's rear is this, Li Zongren does not need the military and political department for such a major contribution. He must fall on the head of a real person. Whoever makes the contribution belongs to him, and no one can take it away. This is Li Delin's life. The principle of doing things.

Li Zongren has Li Zongren's troubles, and the little man Gao Fei has Gao Fei's troubles!One wanted to turn his miscellaneous army into a hemp rope, and the other wanted to go back to Wuhan to reorganize the team.

Behind Gao Fei is Nobe Takayama, who just wants to make contributions and prove himself. The two groups played the game of chasing in the wilderness. Chasing on foot is extremely exhausting, especially when a large group of people carry dog ​​food and Dog Blanket crossed the mountains and mountains, but fortunately there were no rivers along the way, and the five brothers of Nobe Takayama did not disgrace their mission.

Nobe Takayama chased them for seven days, and finally caught up with Gao Fei and his party at the Donghe River in Yangliu Bend. What about a group of Japanese with mental illness who actually chased them into the Kuomintang-controlled area?Naturally, Gao Fei would not be polite. A beautiful ambush was seen through by dogs, and the ambush turned into a battle. Relying on Lu Yifeng's men with long guns and Czech-made light machine guns, they suppressed the Japanese firepower at once. The frontal firepower Suppression, outflanking with two wings, and three more people to cut off the Japanese's back road and shoot black guns!

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