Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 206 : Chapter 87 Participating in Her Own Funeral

[Volume 25] Chapter 206: Chapter 87 Participating in one's own funeral (2)


In the two-hour battle, all 56 Japanese soldiers were killed. I was really shocked by the courage and persistence of this group of Japanese soldiers. If they didn’t get up in the middle of the night yesterday, they would follow the speed of the Japanese soldiers’ pursuit. Forget it, it should have been raided by the Japanese army at dawn, the difference between being caught off guard and ambushing the opponent is simply heaven and earth, then the outcome is really hanging in the balance!

Gao Fei found that although the Japanese army was chasing fiercely, their marksmanship and tactical quality seemed extremely poor?Except for three people who were bitten by dogs, there were no casualties?

Nobe Takayama died unjustly, wearing a straight military uniform with white gloves, holding a command knife, and leading a big wolf dog!If Gao Fei doesn't hit him, who will he hit?At the moment of shooting, at least four or five people were aiming at Nobe Takayama. Nobe Takayama's head was beaten like a burst watermelon, scattered all over the ground, and it was impossible to piece it together.Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers 2067

The gunfire of the battle attracted the attention of the cavalry battalion of the [-]th Division which was deployed nearby, so a large number of Chinese cavalry surrounded Gao Fei and others. Knocked over to the ground, the guns on both sides were immediately on fire, and they were in a state of tension. Feng Heping, the chief of staff of the [-]th Division, rushed over. After notifying his name and certificate, Feng Heping was shocked and called me secretly. dear father!Isn't this the high-flying Generalissimo Jiang boasted every day?Wuhan is holding a grand public sacrifice ceremony for him?Isn't this a hell of a life?

Feng Heping is not an idiot, Gao Fei is a disciple of the chairman of the committee, and a popular figure in Dai Li's military command. If such a master can climb out of the Nanjing Jedi, can the Supreme Military Council not give him a heavy responsibility?

So Feng Heping gave Gao Fei a rifle and told Gao Fei, whoever hit you just now, you broke him for me, and we will settle the matter of hitting you!As a result, everyone in the [-]th Division turned pale with fright, afraid that Gao Fei would admit the wrong person!

Gao Fei really didn't see who hit him. Anyone who has been a soldier knows that those soldiers all look the same. If you don't take a closer look, or have obvious features in their faces, you won't remember them at all.

Gao Fei will naturally follow suit, so he can't say that he didn't see clearly, so he just killed one, right?This is not a little devil, so he smiled and said: "They are all vulgar people who serve as soldiers and eat food. How can they be so expensive? It's just a fight, which proves that our buddies are still very strong! It's okay! It's okay! It's trivial! But your chief of staff can do it! It's too expensive, buy me a drink!"

After listening to Gao Fei's words, Feng Heping secretly praised Gao Fei, it's not unreasonable for Gao Fei to be so well-rounded!First of all, he knows how to be a man, and he is willing to fight hard, and he is lucky!This is simply a great fortune!There is no chief who doesn't like such subordinates, and Gao Fei's heroic face makes people look upright. Feng Heping thinks all these good people are abducted by the military commander?

For the Japanese soldier Feng Heping who was shot dead, he didn’t dare to take credit.It’s fine if you don’t give others credit for your own achievements. If you’re happy and open-minded, it’s okay. I give it to you with all my brains, and I can't stop happiness when it comes. If I don't have you, I will definitely not be able to fight for it.

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