Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 211 : Chapter 89 Dai Li's Complaints

[Volume 27] Chapter 211: Chapter 89 Dai Li's Complaints (1)


Chapter 89 Dai Li's Concerns

A dead fellow is not a poor fellow!Oh Amitabha!Gao Fei heaved a long sigh of relief. My savage wife is also plagiarized from the Chinese Celestial Dynasty?

Gao Fei sat on the stool helplessly, killing the enemy in Songhu, resisting orders in Nanjing to stay in the ship, defending Yanziji desperately, and blasting the Japanese military depot alone.How did you catch up with these two tigresses?Before there was no Lu Yifeng, Lin Shujie was still very gentle and pleasant, but now she has turned into a showy look?Is this shrew also contagious?Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers 2119

Gao Fei's helplessness is beyond words, and that night he stayed alone on the empty bed. At the beginning, the two women fought back and forth, then gave way, and finally, like throwing away enough toys, they both claimed that they were the same today. The three of them were inconvenient to sleep, and Gao Fei slept soundly, but both Lin Shujie and Lu Yifeng had dark circles, and both of them were wary of the one who crossed the line or inconsistent with words and deeds in the middle of the night. ~~e~~

Accompanied by Shen Zui, Gao Fei came to the temporary office of the Military Command in Wuhan. Since Wuhan began to be bombed by the Japanese army, the Military Command headquarters was already preparing to retreat to Chongqing.

Shen Zui is wearing a pair of thick sunglasses that caught Gao Fei's attention, Gao Fei took off his glasses before Shen Zui was caught, damn it!National treasure!Shen Zui was very helpless and said: "Go home and talk to my sister-in-law, it's too much to make a joke, how can I go out to meet people like this? I'm afraid I won't be able to recover after a month of retreat!"

For this, Gao Fei expressed extreme sympathy, Gao Fei has always comforted the weak with good words!Trouble with Lu Yifeng and Lin Shujie?Goofy hasn't had enough of that yet!

Dai Li's office in Wuhan is far more luxurious than the one in Nanjing. It seems that even the armrests of the chairs are inlaid with silver flower hollow objects?The gold-plated door handles and accessories made Gao Fei a little dazzled. Dai Li smiled and said, "This is not mine. I only worked here for a few days. These things belonged to Zhang Zhidong, the governor of the two lakes. This set of sandalwood and Huanghuali furniture cost 120 million taels back then, with 20 taels of sterling silver inlaid with silver, [-] taels of gold, precious stones, mother-of-pearl, ivory, Hetian jade, blue mountain jade, and emeralds."

Dai Li waved his hand and said, "Sit down and talk! Gao Fei, you are the hero of the Communist Party now, and you have made a strong voice for our military command! It is a miracle that you came back alive! How is it? Did you go smoothly?"

Gao Fei understood the meaning of Dai Li's words, let's judge!Gao Fei understands this point, and Dai Li didn't say it out loud to take into account his own feelings. Gao Fei said sadly: "The more than 700 soldiers who followed me all fought and died for the country. It took two days for Jiang Piao to escape, thanks to the Japanese army throwing a lot of corpses in the river, otherwise it would be really difficult to get past the Japanese blockade of the river. Later, with the help of the Lu Family Water Village, they blow up a large Japanese The military depot, and then knocked out a group of trailing Japanese troops, and ate a meal of dog meat, which is basically the process.”

While Dai Li was listening, the stenographers in the back room had already finished recording, and immediately sent someone to verify what Gao Fei said. There are actually no rules for many things in this land of China. , Of course, naturally there will be no secrets at all, as long as you do it, you will leave traces after all, even a little bit of clues, just depends on how determined you are to find the truth.

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