Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 212 : Chapter 89 Dai Li's Complaints

[Volume 27] Chapter 212: Chapter 89 Dai Li's Complaints (2)


However, when Dai Li heard Gao Fei say that a military depot was blown up, his eyes lit up immediately. The Japanese army in Central China was acting abnormally. All Japanese military operations were delayed. Shangfeng is also investigating the reason. If it is a large military depot of the Japanese army, then the recent anomalies in the deployment of the Japanese army can be explained.

Dai Li took a deep breath, looked at the scarred face of Gao Fei and nodded in satisfaction. In fact, Dai Li didn't really believe that Gao Fei could turn his back after being captured. If Gao Fei was afraid of death, why would he go to Yanziji?Moreover, Yanziji has been killed to the point of red eyes, and the Japanese will definitely not keep any prisoners.

However, Dai Li will never let down his vigilance because of his own judgment and judgment of Gao Fei. In Dai Li's eyes, everything may become his enemy except himself.Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers 2129

Gao Fei was about to leave, when Dai Li waved his hand and said, "Don't leave in such a hurry, I'm not always so busy with work, I heard that you brought back a lady who stretched out her hand very well? But you have to be nice to Shujie Oh! She is the flower of our military command, I will be the first one to refuse you for treating Shujie badly."

Dai Li got up and took out two or three boxes from his drawer and said, "This is a little gift for Lu Yifeng and Lin Shujie, and the other one is for that Qin Wanyi, who is the real wife of you silly boy. There was a quarrel at the Henry Hotel? Do you think it's ridiculous?"

Dai Li patted Gao Fei's shoulder lightly, but Gao Fei felt like a heavy hammer hitting his heart. Could it be that his identity was exposed?Juntong is really so powerful that he even dug out everything before?

So Gao Fei pretended to be puzzled and thought about it for a while, "Is it the daughter who sent the orphan across the river? How is that possible? I'm a poor boy! Her family is a rich businessman!"

Dai Li took a deep breath, glanced at Shen Zui beside him, and Shen Zui said helplessly, "Boss, I haven't had time to tell Gao Fei about these things yet, Gao Fei's head was re-inflicted on the Songhu battlefield. He was frustrated intermittently, so he couldn’t remember the past events, and he had been fighting on the front line, so he had no time to attend psychological counseling. Without external stimulation, the past events seemed to him like a lifetime away, or It doesn’t make any impression at all.”

Dai Li nodded and said: "Qin Wanyi, this girl is Gao Fei, your father, Gao Zhenyuan, and Qin Guofang. Qin Wanyi has been in France and the United States for these years. When she returned to China five years ago, you will be there in Shanghai, but it is obvious that you are not interested. You are similar, so you are strangers. Qin Wanyi probably didn't recognize you when you came down from the battlefield at the Henry Hotel. Later, when she heard that you were frustrated, she seemed to avoid it on purpose. It seems that you don't like this marriage that was ordered by your parents. It is inconvenient for me to interfere too much in this matter, it is up to you how you want! Anyway, I gave it as a gift!"

"There will be a reception tonight, Gao Fei, please bring your two wives to attend! It's inside our Military Control Bureau. I've already reported your matter to Chairman Jiang. I'm ready to meet with you tomorrow, and I want to give our Military Command a sigh of relief. Do you understand?" Dai Li turned and left after speaking.

Gao Fei and Shen Zui hurriedly saluted and sent Dai Li off. After Dai Li left, Gao Fei broke out in a cold sweat. The so-called petty dispute between him and Qin Wanyi was staged for outsiders to cover the identities of Qin Wanyi and her cousin. Gao Fei knew that at this moment Before Dai Li got the investigation report, Dai Li would never fully trust himself, and he would not let him meet Chiang Kai-shek.

Gao Fei casually opened a small box Dai Li gave him, and under a burst of dazzling light, a necklace full of diamonds lay quietly in the box?Gao Fei estimated that there are at least fifteen carats of these diamonds in total, and the largest main stone is almost three carats!

The other two boxes were also opened by Gao Fei, both of which were exactly the same necklaces, Shen Zui whistled beside him and said, "It's amazing! I said Gao Fei, I have never seen a boss treat anyone so well, on the contrary What’s worse is that everyone in the Military Control Bureau is talking and desperate, your brother is really taking his own dog’s life for his life! Now the bureau let everyone take you as an example, you should be careful at night, and be careful not to be drunk by everyone.”

Gao Fei noticed that the entire military command seemed to be under a kind of extreme busyness, and almost everyone was trotting, so he said strangely: "Intoxicated! Is something wrong? It seems that everyone is very busy?"

Shen Zui said helplessly: "What else could be the problem? It's not that the Nine Nations Treaty is blocking us, asking us to unilaterally cease the war and apologize to Japan. The British and French also detained our arms. Now we rely on the Soviet Union Russia’s loan to buy arms! The teaching corps retreated from Nanjing and No.70 Fourth Army, No.30 Sixth Army, No.80 Third Army, No.80 Seventh Army, No.80 Eighth Army, Fifth Army, No. The 90th Army and the [-]th Army are now receiving Soviet weapons, and the turntable machine gun of the Soviet Russian old man is so enjoyable, it hits far and hard, and it will be reimbursed if a bullet bites."

Gao Fei took a deep breath, and the nine-nation treaty organization he was talking about was actually the history of the United States, Britain, Belgium, France, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Portugal and China's Beiyang government in the capital of the United States at the end of [-]. Treaty of the Nine-Power Pact Agreement signed at the Washington Conference.

This so-called bullshit treaty stipulates the principle of maintaining equal business and industrial opportunities for all countries in the whole territory of China, and China's country's open door.In fact, this treaty is a gross infringement and unreasonable trampling on China's sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity.

But this bullshit treaty accidentally curbed Japan's monopoly and encirclement of China after World War I. The Japanese dream of a monopoly was broken by the so-called Nine Nations Pact, and replaced by the United States as the leader and the British and Japanese imperialists Jointly controlling China's aggression situation, in Gao Fei's view, it's the New Nine-Nation Allied Forces. This group of bandits and bandits are even more ruthless than the Eight-Nation Allied Forces back then. A group of devils who keep sucking blood from China.

The most disgusting thing is that when the inaction of the League of Nations completely disappointed the Chinese people, whether it was diplomacy or government, or even many insightful people in China, they all pinned their hopes on the nine-nation pact to maintain the Washington system. In the eyes of the Chinese people, it is not a bad idea if they can control the East with the West. After all, Westerners are thieves. They steal and leave. They want money, while Japanese pirates are robbers. What they want is land and names. , these two things the Chinese people are unwilling to give.

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