Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 214: Chapter 90 The True Essence of International Politics

[Volume 27] Section 214: Chapter 90 The True Essence of International Politics (2)


Although France also agreed to convene this meeting, the domestic political turmoil and the entanglement of the Spanish Civil War abroad made it unable to take into account the situation in the Far East.Shortly after the General Assembly of the League of Nations passed a resolution calling on its member states not to "take any action that would weaken China's resistance and increase her difficulties in this conflict," France acceded to Japan's unreasonable demand to ban military supplies from passing through India When the guns were shipped to China, France proposed that only the United Kingdom and the United States would guarantee that if France was attacked by Japan for allowing Chinese military supplies to be shipped to the mainland through India, France would provide assistance to France, and France could change the above decision.

As a result, the United States, Britain, and France once again betrayed China, the blood of hundreds of thousands of soldiers in Songhu was shed in vain, and only those who clamored to rely on the nine-nation pact system in the government remained. The high-ranking Jiang Gong, Jiang Gong can correct his mistakes, but other people will not have such a lucky chance.

Now for the Chinese, the Pact of Nine is like a beautiful but deceptive bitch. After being raped by the Japanese, I haven’t got any money, so I went to China to complain, Looking for various solutions?Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers 2140

On the way, Gao Fei’s sweat soaked his underwear in the car. Dai Li was too deep and unfathomable. Every word Dai Li said, every word came out of the ground, and there were answers to every question!Gao Fei didn't know what Dai Li knew?What kind of impression does this Chinese spy king have on himself?Gao Fei felt a little restless when he thought of this, and he was just trying to hold on to the nonsense about the Nine Nations Pact and international politics with Shen Zui before.

Shen Zui only thought that Gao Fei was injured and was bumpy all the way, exhausted and unwell, so he kept persuading Gao Fei to go back and rest early!

Back at the small villa where he stayed, Gao Fei saw Fang Guozhong, Xu Houde, a big bowl of noodles, and small glasses!Except for Fang Guozhong's guards, which suffered heavy losses, the rest of the teams, especially Xu Houde's troops, lost more than half of them, but they were tricked and abducted in Wuhan to make the team down to 80 people, which caused dissatisfaction with big bowls of noodles and small glasses. , so now there are more than 240 people in Gao Fei's fifth column. In line with the principle of not raising waste in the fifth column, even the cooks have to be very skilled, and Gao Fei's set of intensive training and disciplined outline trains every day Non-stop, originally they were all veterans with unique skills, but Gao Fei's practice of strengthening discipline has trained the veterans quite hard!

Lin Shujie and Gao Fei have been in the same boat for a long time, so she readily accepts Gao Fei's many arrangements, including Gao Fei's subordinates. Gao Fei's headache at the moment is how to integrate Lu Yifeng's subordinates into his fifth column, but Gao Fei quickly discovered the difference between regular soldiers and people from the Jianghu, that is to say, there is no so-called commonality between the two. If you make these veterans of yourself more slick, then all your previous discipline training will be completely in vain.

Sure enough, everything was exactly the same as Gao Fei's estimate. Before everything Gao Fei said was verified, although the government's propaganda agencies have been promoting Gao Fei, they have not said a word about his escape from danger and the bombing of the Japanese military depot. However, Dai Li is also extremely generous, that is, allowing Gao Fei to reorganize Lu Yifeng's 300 people into an independent brigade of the fifth column, and Gao Fei's original team will be organized into the first brigade of the fifth column. .

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