Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 215: Chapter 90 The True Essence of International Politics

[Volume 27] Section 215: Chapter 90 The True Essence of International Politics (3)


Dai Li gave Gao Fei the establishment and supplies of the first-class regiment, but Gao Fei didn't want so many people. In Gao Fei's view, the establishment of nearly 600 people in the two brigades was also quite unfavorable for guerrilla operations behind enemy lines. It has the ability to fight alone and complete tasks independently, strengthen communication links, and strengthen effective coordination among various units. .

Wanting to carry out a big clearing operation for the military commander, it is obvious that Gao Fei is thinking too beautifully!But being able to receive Su Tool is also a very good choice!Lin Shujie was busy with official duties, so Shen Zui accompanied Gao Fei to receive equipment and check supplies. The Loyalty Rescue System of the Military Command Department now has the first to seventh columns. Except for the fifth column that was first formed, the rest The columns are all formed by the Type A regiment.

In a secret underground armory in the suburbs of Wuhan, Gao Fei saw TB-26 light Soviet-made tanks, 76mm field guns and other weapons. Obviously, these weapons were reserved for the Central Military Headquarters to replace and replace them. Only then will the following local faction miscellaneous troops be supplemented as appropriate, such as the many troops in the fifth theater.Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers 2150

In Gao Fei's memory, in April 1937, after Britain, the United States, and France successively announced the ban on the sale of military and strategic materials to China, Bogomolov, the Soviet ambassador to China, notified the Nanjing Civil Affairs Bureau of China. , if the Chinese Nationalist Government is willing to sign a Sino-Soviet non-aggression treaty with the Soviet Union, the Soviet side can sell China the planes and tanks it badly needs, and provide a loan of no less than 4 million French currency or 5000 million U.S. dollars for the Chinese side to purchase Soviet arms.

It is a pity that China took into account its relations with Germany and Europe at that time, and gave a cold face to the enthusiasm of the Soviet Union. It was not until after the Marco Polo Bridge Incident on July [-] that Chiang Kai-shek felt that the situation was serious, because the international countries were not moved by China's interests at all. , Compared with China and Japan, the weight of this bargaining chip is much, much heavier.

However, the development of the war and the betrayal of China by European and American countries also made Chiang Kai-shek realize the true meaning of the so-called international politics. What is an alliance?What is friendship?There is no interest without interest, there is no shamelessness, only shamelessness is the true meaning of international politics, so Chiang Kai-shek suddenly realized that he sent Zhang Chong, the executive member of the Kuomintang Central Committee, to submit the draft of the arms supply agreement to Bogomolov in the Soviet Union!Request the Soviet government to provide the Chinese government with 350 aircraft, 230 tanks and [-] cannons within three to five months, and urge the Soviet government to start providing the above-mentioned munitions within one month from the date of signing the agreement. Ask China to send the Soviet side to send pilots, aviation technicians, artillery and tankers to train the Chinese troops.

It was not until August 1937, 8, when the Songhu War was extremely tragic, that the governments of China and the Soviet Union formally signed the "Sino-Soviet Non-Aggression Treaty." After that, the Soviet Union decided to start providing economic loans and military assistance to China. And dispatch military experts and volunteer air teams to participate in China's War of Resistance Against Japan.

Gao Fei remembers that many people in later generations tried their best to slander the so-called Soviet aid and tout unrealistically about American aid. In fact, these are all manifestations of extreme ignorance. The United States was also one of the eight-nation coalition forces that invaded China. There are more cultural relics in China than in China. The Americans started out by engaging in genocide, massacre and plunder. What glory can there be in the rise of a group of prisoners exiled from Europe?Are the ancestors of Americans all thieves, robbers, murderers, gangsters, and liars?

In fact, there is no love without reason in this world, and there is no hate without reason either!The basic principle of the Americans is to maximize their own interests as a starting point. From the historical Marco Polo Bridge Incident in 1937 until 1941, the United States provided Japan with more than one billion US dollars of low-interest loans, and the Japanese used these loans to purchase A large amount of strategic materials are used to repay the loans of the Americans with precious metals looted from China. Compared with the same period, the Americans only gave China tens of millions to the United States to buy medicines and other strategic materials that are not directly used for war. What the Chinese people lack is weapons to resist aggression , not medicine to heal pain!Americans probably know this best.

In fact, the Soviet government's loans to China were of far-reaching significance to my country's war of resistance before the Pacific War. It ranks first in the loans to China from all countries in the world. The so-called US$1941 million loan given by the US government was actually given to China before the outbreak of the Pacific War on November 11, 30. The most important thing is that all the loans given to China by the Soviet government were arms loans. , China used these loans to purchase a large amount of Soviet-made weapons and directly used them in the War of Resistance. However, the [-] loans from Western countries to the Chinese government were all non-military, and none of them were arms loans.

What is even more unacceptable is that the interest on loans given by the United States to Japan is only [-]%. The interest on loans given by the Soviet Union to the Chinese government is lower than other countries, at [-]%. The government's [-]% interest is really very low in the Soviet Union, second only to the special loan interest that the United States gives Japan the most-favored-nation treatment.

Moreover, the Soviet government also agreed that the Chinese side would use half and half of agricultural and mineral products to repay, which is very beneficial to the national government.Our country produces tungsten, antimony, and tin as one of the most important strategic materials, which are urgently needed by the Soviet Union, especially tin, because Malaya, the main source of tin, is controlled by the British. The British even offered to exchange cash for tin. However, at that time, the production of tungsten, antimony, and tin was limited, and European countries such as Germany, the United States, and the United Kingdom were in urgent need of them, and they were all strategic materials.

Moreover, European countries all require the Chinese government to guarantee the repayment of such strategic materials for loans to China, and the Soviet Union can be said to be extremely relaxed on this condition, although the ultimate goal of the Soviet government's so-called aid is to hope that the Chinese battlefield can hold back a large number of soldiers. The Japanese army has a vital force, which makes the Japanese army strategically unable to move northward, and restrains the Japanese army from shifting its strategic direction, lest in the worst case, the Soviet Union is forced to choose the dilemma of fighting on the east and west fronts. The Soviet government is the largest in Europe and dares to put it into action I am afraid that the only enemy in action is the rapidly rising German Empire!

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