Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 221 : Chapter 93 Crisis 4 Volts

[Volume 28] Chapter 221: Chapter 93 Dangerous (1)


Chapter 86 Lord!my lord!

"East wall! The fire is the most fierce on the east wall! You must know that there is no flammable material on the east wall, but it is the weakest place for Siyi's defenses. In addition, the flames are contained outside the wall, so it can be seen that the fire came from The fire outside the wall must be artificial, but I don't know who is so bold as to dare to set fire to the post office!" Zhang Tan already knew that the fire was artificial, but he didn't know how this person managed to get out of the fire outside the wall. Light the fire into the post office.

Tian Zheng frowned tightly, and a strong ominous premonition rose: "If anyone in Beidi County is so bold, the Fu family must be inseparable from it, and even nine out of ten are responsible for it. It's just why they want to burn Siyi? Could it be that there is some treacherous scheme that won't work?" Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers 2213

Speaking of this, Tian Zheng and Zhang Tan trembled at the same time, and looked at each other in horror: "Could it be! Could it be! The thief wants to lure us all out of Jingxiu Pavilion, and then do harm to the lord?" Everyone patted their heads and blamed themselves for not seeing such a simple scheme!If something happened to Liu Feng, they would have to die and apologize!

"Lieutenant Lin! Lin Chuang! Lin Chuang, come here!" Tian Zheng yelled at Lin Chuang, who was directing the firefighting not far away. Direction: "Hurry up! Bring the Huben army back to Jingxiu Garden! My lord is in danger!"

Seeing that Tian Zheng's appearance did not seem to be lying, Lin Chuang knew the seriousness of the matter, so he quickly ordered a hundred tiger troops and rushed to Jingxiu Garden.As soon as I entered the Jingxiu Garden, I heard the sound of fighting, and I was shocked, the lord was really in danger.When they ran across the bamboo forest to Liu Feng's residence, they happened to see the scene where the assassin stabbed a knife into Liu Feng's lower abdomen, and Liu Feng fell slowly.Due to the long distance, the archers of the Huben army who brought back hurriedly drew their bows and shot quickly, knocking down half of the assassins in an instant.The assassins realized that something was wrong and were about to flee. Lin Chuang had already led his men to block the assassins' way, and rushed up screaming: "Wow! God damn villains! How dare you assassinate my lord, take your life! "Who is Lin Chuang?The [-]-thousand-thousand commander of the Huben army, Xuanjie, the school lieutenant, has been on the battlefield more than a child eats. In a few moments, before the other Huben army arrived, he killed all the remaining assassins.

Lin Chuang threw away the red-stained knife, walked up to Liu Feng in two steps, knelt down with a plop, picked Liu Feng up, and shouted at Huben Jun, "Quick! Find a doctor quickly! Send the best doctor in the city to you!" Find it for me! If you don't come, kill him on the spot! Then... bring our military doctor! Go quickly!"

After giving the order, Lin Chuang withdrew to the cross-knife stuck in the door, pushed the door open but found Hua Rong standing behind the door dully, his eyes were red and swollen, and he had obviously cried dry. When he saw Liu Feng covered in blood, In the end, Huarong could only cry dryly, but it was difficult to shed another tear. "Your Highness ~ Your Highness ~ woo woo woo."

Lin Chuang didn't care about etiquette at this time, bypassing Huarong, and put Liu Feng on the wooden couch.Looking at Liu Feng who was breathing in less and exhaling more, Lin Chuang didn't know what to do, but suddenly remembered something, and went out, shouting at Huben Jun: "Stay here to protect the lord, never leave!" After finishing speaking, he rushed out of Jingxiu Garden and went straight to Siyi.

After Lin Chuang saw Liu Feng's injury, he realized that Liu Feng was hopeless, and even if he found the doctor, he couldn't recover his soul. At this moment, Lin Chuang remembered what Liu Feng had told him.If Liu Feng is successfully assassinated, then he can't help but take the army to slaughter the Fu family, Li family and the prefect's mansion! 7435394

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