Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 222 : Chapter 93 Crisis 4 Volts

[Volume 28] Chapter 222: Chapter 93 Dangerous (2)


Gao Fei patted Shen Zui on the shoulder and said, "I'll never forget it! If I'm caught, the first thing to report you is Shen Zui!"

Shen Zui's complexion changed: "Ignorance! How can this be used as a joke? The word loyalty is the most taboo in our military commanders. You can come in because you have a clean background, understand? People like you and me can't be **, but If others listen to this, half of your life will be lost, brother, misfortune comes out of your mouth! Remember! Remember!"

Seeing Shen Zui's serious expression, Gao Fei also nodded and said, "Brother Shen, I know, please rest assured, I will never play this kind of joke again!"

Gao Fei packed up and was about to go to Nanjiang Street, the temporary office of the military command, when a black Buick sedan of the Supreme Military Commission's Wuhan camp stopped in front of him. Two middle-aged men in dark blue Zhongshan suits looked at Gao Fei. Feidao: "Is it Major Gao from the fifth column of the military commander who loyally rescued the Communist Party?"

Gao Fei was slightly taken aback and said, "It's me! What can I do for you?"

One of them opened the car door and said, "We are camping in Wuhan, let's get in the car!"

Gao Fei hesitated for a while and was just about to get in the car. A middle-aged man put his hand in front of Gao Fei with a cold face and snorted. The note was put in the middle-aged man's hand, and the middle-aged man immediately became angry: "Bastard! Do you understand the rules? Your gun! All officers in the battalion must be disarmed, understand?"

Only then did Gao Fei realize that he was going to make a mistake, and while feeling sorry for his two sticks, while thinking about the possibility of coming back, he untied the pistol, and another middle-aged man beside him said: "Untie the Zhongzheng Sword too! "

Gao Fei said helplessly: "Didn't you say that the soul of a soldier can be carried with you?"

The middle-aged man said with displeasure: "Who told you? So irresponsible? Only the Xun Dao can be carried on some occasions. The only person who can carry the Zhongzheng Sword is Generalissimo Jiang. The Xun Dao and Xun Spear are extremely High honors, especially honored guns, are not included in the official reward regulations, and can only be approved by Generalissimo Jiang personally, understand?"

After Gao Fei handed over the Zhongzheng Sword, the three of them got into the car, and as soon as the car door was closed, the two middle-aged men immediately changed their expressions, as if an old man in a brothel was desperately soliciting customers?The degree of enthusiasm is so outrageous, it seems that the effect of the two small yellow croakers is still very effective, but this excessive enthusiasm makes Gao Fei very unaccustomed and unbearable, but these two camp attendants also let Gao Fei Fei really experienced the classic face-changing of people in front of people and ghosts behind them. His acting skills are beyond the reach of many movie stars in later generations.

However, Gao Fei’s note was not in vain. The two of them went through the details from a senior official’s concubine making a scene in a brothel to Generalissimo Jiang summoning Director Dai Li, and then sending someone to pick up Gao Fei. huge problems and so on.

When Gao Fei was driving to camp, Qin Wanyi was attending a secret meeting in Wuhan. The meeting was presided over by the mysterious man Lao Wang who had evacuated early in Nanjing last time. related.

Although Qin Wanyi and the others were saved by Gao Fei, their mission was to stay in hiding, but they were all thrown across the river by Gao Fei. Naturally, the mission ended in failure, so the crime of Gao Fei as a traitor was also considered to be fulfilled. Qin Wanyi repeatedly Explain that Gao Fei may have caused many problems and incidents caused by amnesia, and suggest that the organization send someone to contact Gao Fei for confirmation.

Old Wang looked at Qin Wanyi, took a deep breath and said, "Comrade Qin Wanyi, although we are now cooperating with the Kuomintang for the second time, please be aware that the Kuomintang will not sincerely cooperate with us to the end, and engage in friction and sabotage. It will be their consistent policy and practice. Gao Fei has many organizational secrets, and he is also a member of the action team. If he joins the enemy, the consequences will be disastrous. We can't take this risk, Gao Fei must be dealt with thoroughly, especially now that Gao Fei has joined the military command department, it is obvious that he has stood on the opposite side of the people, and the action against Gao Fei must be launched."

"I don't agree! I'm also a member of the branch committee, Lao Wang, you developed Gao Fei by yourself back then! Don't you even trust him?" Qin Wanyi's words made Lao Wang helpless: "It's not a question of who trusts whom, Now we have to be responsible for the organization, rather than personal trust, friendship or even feelings. We are revolutionary fighters. Our goal is to overthrow the imperialists, capitalists and all reactionaries who are oppressing the Chinese people, and establish a society where the Chinese people are their own country. The Lord's New China! For this lofty goal, no matter how great the sacrifice is, it is worth it. This is not a personal honor or disgrace. It is also worth sacrificing my life if necessary! This is a military action meeting, and I am the leader of the action team. I stand for action, and I am responsible for any problems."

Qin Wanyi looked at Old Wang and said excitedly: "I reserve my opinion, I want to report the situation to the higher-level organization!"

Lao Wang waved his hand and said: "It's too late to say anything, the eleven comrades in the action team have already set off, I want to emphasize it again, I will be responsible for any problems!"

After the meeting, Qin Wanyi stood alone in the courtyard. Lao Wang came behind him silently, wanting to put a piece of clothing on Qin Wanyi. Qin Wanyi shrugged her shoulders and said frankly: "Comrade Wang, now Can you tell me why you gave this order?"

Lao Wang was slightly taken aback and said, "It's just the two of us, you can call me Tingguo. I am completely out of consideration for the safety of the organization. Gao Fei is a member of the action team and has participated in many operations against the Kuomintang reactionaries. , and he is very familiar with the overall context of our underground organization and the way of communication, his existence is a great threat, Gao Fei has already joined the Military Command Bureau, Comrade Qin Wanyi, you can no longer have illusions!"

Qin Wanyi said coldly: "I'm afraid you can hardly remember your own name? How many names do you have? Ten? Twenty? Thirty? You are dissatisfied with the organization for me and Gao Fei to pretend to be husband and wife, When did you speak the truth? When did I hear you speak the truth? Is this also necessary for organizational work?"

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