Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 223 : Chapter 94 Street Assassination

[Volume 28] Chapter 223: Chapter 94 Assassinated on the Street (1)


Chapter 94 Assassinated on the Street

Old Wang was taken aback for a moment, and after a long time he said slowly: "I admit that I am really jealous that Gao Fei can have an open relationship with you. That person should have been me, but for our faith, we can even sacrifice our lives." Sacrifice, not to mention physical and emotional? How much would it cost to overthrow an old regime? But I will never retaliate privately, Gao Fei and you are still my students!"

Qin Wanyi took a deep breath and said, "Comrade Wang, now is the period of cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party. You have privately used an operation team to assassinate a major column leader of the fifth column of the Kuomintang Military Command Bureau who is loyal to the Communist Party of China without the approval of the organization. Are you still a fighting hero created and respected by the National Government? I am afraid that your actions are suspected of undermining the War of Resistance? If you fail or people are captured, can you bear this responsibility? Is this undermining the overall situation of the War of Resistance?" Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers 2234

Qin Wanyi waved her hands and left straight away. Old Wang's face was extremely pale. It seemed that he had thought too simply before. Gao Fei is not just an ordinary police major!It was Chiang Kai-shek who had repeatedly nominated a young military officer who was exceptionally promoted, and he was appreciated by Dai Li, the head of the Military Control Bureau. If Gao Fei rebelled, why didn't he stop and solve all the people by the river?But is it too suspicious for Gao Fei to enter the military command?

For a while, Lao Wang also found that his previous series of inferences and judgments seemed unreliable?Because all his assumptions at the time were based on the fact that Gao Fei had already betrayed the revolution, he was a true materialist!Materialism is the embodiment of a dialectical philosophical thought, which believes that between consciousness and matter, matter determines consciousness, and consciousness is the reflection of the objective world in the human brain.That is to say, matter is first and spirit is second. The origin of the world is matter, and spirit is the product and reflection of matter.

Maybe I'm being too assertive?Thinking of Lao Wang's back being soaked in cold sweat, what should I do now?Looking at it now, whether the assassination is successful or not, it may be a great trouble. If this matter is exposed, then I will become a sinner of the organization. Today, when the KMT and the Communist Party are closely cooperating, I actually ordered to assassinate an important military commander. The command?Are you dizzy?

Lao Wang's figure at this moment almost fell to the ground, because he knew that it was too late to stop it now. The whole plan was planned and implemented by him himself. He took advantage of the bustling market between the market and the camp to cover his identity. All the team members participating in the operation used revolvers and Nanbu pistols, and wore the cherry blossom dragon pattern dagger representing the Black Dragon Association on their waists, and no one was allowed to speak during the entire operation, and each person also carried a suicide weapon. Japanese contact 48-petal Type [-] grenade.

The plan looks perfect, but the final result of the implementation is probably hard to say!So Lao Wang seems to be in an extremely anxious mood at this moment.

Gao Fei was sitting comfortably on the back seat of the Buick car, looking out through the gap in the curtains from time to time. A group of three cars obviously did not pick up Gao Fei alone. I heard that there was Qian, the confidential secretary of Chairman Wang of the Executive Yuan. Kun and his party, Gao Fei just borrowed money from someone else, otherwise it would be good not to let him go to camp and report on his own, but the two who picked him up were a blessing in disguise, the two notes were in the account for nothing, and the price was chatting!This errand is too good?The two brothers who picked up Gao Fei were so happy that they were a little dizzy.

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