Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 224 : Chapter 94 Street Assassination

[Volume 28] Chapter 224: Chapter 94 Assassinated on the Street (2)


The three people sitting in the back row seemed a little crowded. Gao Fei looked at the empty co-pilot and asked, "Why is there no one in front? The three of us are still crowded in the back?"

One of them laughed and said: "This is a safety regulation. Originally, five people were required. One person in the co-pilot seat holds a submachine gun, two people in the back row hold a short gun, and two people outside the car stand on the pedals with submachine guns. These are all routines. One is identity, the other is safety, but this is under the nose of Wuhan camp, so there are only us brothers, you see, there are five people in the car in front, and the position of the co-pilot is commonly known as the gun blocker, if you are attacked The first person to be shot to death was from that place, and the driver who was attacked could dodge instinctively, and hit the side of the co-pilot.

Gao Fei took a look at the car in front of him, and sure enough there was one person standing on each side of the pedals outside, only then did he realize that it was a matter of rank. As a small major, even if he was a hero, he was not as good as Chairman Wang's confidential secretary. big name. (e) Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers 2244

Gao Fei was about to speak when he suddenly noticed that the vehicle in front seemed to slow down?Gao Fei, who is in the middle of the city, has a feeling of being on the battlefield?And besides an empty rickshaw seems to have been running with his car?The driver of the yellow sports car was sweating profusely, and he was wearing a pair of new shoes besides his tattered clothes?

May I ask, is there a driver who wears new shoes and is not afraid of wearing a sports car?Gao Fei only remembered that some daredevils would put on a new pair of shoes before parting, which meant that the next life would be smooth and so on.

Just as Gao Fei wanted to issue a warning, there were intensive gunshots going forward, and the rickshaw driver beside Gao Fei suddenly took out a southern style pistol from his arms, and pulled the trigger on the vehicle he was riding in.

Instinctively, Gao Fei shrank behind the middle-aged man sitting on his left, lowered his whole body, and the sound of gunshots kept ringing. The sound is vibrating violently. The 1925mm Nambu Type [-] pistol issued by the Japanese Army is an improved version of the original Nambu-style non-automatic pistol. It was manufactured by the Nagoya Arsenal and was listed as a Japanese Army standard weapon in [-]. The Japanese Army initially listed it as a Equipped with generals and school-level officers, as well as military, police, constitutional, special and special mission agencies. Due to its standard leather holster, this gun has a common name in China that is very in line with the characteristics of the Japanese nation.

This kind of pistol uses southern-style [-]mm bullets, which have a longer aiming baseline and higher shooting accuracy. The damage of the bullets is basically the same as that of Dum bullets. If an unprotected person is hit, they are usually either dead or disabled.However, the penetrating power of this kind of bullet fired by the southern pistol is very weak. In addition, the design structure of the gun is very special, and strict maintenance is required to ensure reliability. Pausing, it must be loaded manually, so it can easily become a manual pistol that needs to be shot and pulled. As for jamming, it is a classic feature of southern pistols.

Sure enough, after the assassin's southern-style pistol fired four bullets, an orange shell got stuck in the position of the ejection port. The somewhat panicked assassin was pulling the trigger desperately, not knowing that the safety should be turned off before pulling the trigger. Handle failures.

Gao Fei took the opportunity to take out a Browning horse brand from the dead Wuhan camp attendant, and shot the assassin three times in a row. The attendant who got out of the car in a panic was shot and knocked to the ground by a passing woman.

Gao Fei immediately got off from the other side of the vehicle, and the girl seemed to have spotted Gao Fei. She waved eagerly but didn't speak, while shooting at Gao Fei with a pistol. Seeing the strange situation, Gao Fei pointed the pistol at the girl Let it go, because the military and police in front had already stepped up, more than a dozen assassins were shot and fell to the ground. Seeing this, the girl hurriedly fled into the alley, followed by a few gunmen with rifles to catch up. , the girl turned around and shot but found that there was no bullet, so she dropped the pistol and turned to run away.

For a while, stray bullets flew across the street, panicked crowds surged, and civilians were shot and fell to the ground constantly. The military and police kept calling for all those squatting on the ground to be shot and killed. Many people were shot and killed in the panic.

Out of curiosity, Gao Fei followed quietly. In an alley, three gangsters grabbed the girl and seized a grenade from her hand. One gangster tried to take advantage of the girl?Let Gao Fei hear that the girl yelled at her as a running dog and a reactionary, Gao Fei was startled, what is going on?Could it be that the girl is from there?So why assassinate Secretary Qian?

Suddenly, Gao Fei was taken aback. The girl's gestures made it clear that he was the target?Gao Fei took a deep breath, wrapped the pistol with a piece of clothes hanging on the side of the street, and shot and killed three loyal gunmen!Gao Fei looked at the panicked girl with sharp eyes and said: "I am Gao Fei, I believe this is a mistake that should not have happened, you go back and tell Lao Wang, let him go to Luojia Mountain to find me in three days, otherwise It would be very embarrassing for me to find him!"

While the girl was dumbfounded, Gao Fei helped the girl up and took her out of the alley. A large number of military police were identifying the assassin to protect the scene. Gao Fei pointed his pistol at the alley and said to a military police lieutenant, "An assassin ran from there just now." Yes, three gangsters died in the line of duty, this young lady was frightened and sent someone to the hospital for a checkup."

Gao Fei squeezed the girl's waist hard, took advantage of it a little bit, and avenged the girl who shot him with a gun before, but the girl glared at him angrily!

After a burst of assassinations in the downtown area, Gao Fei also became alert. Gao Fei also carefully inspected the corpses left by the assassins at the scene, and confirmed his previous judgment that the girl was from there, not Japanese. Recalling the situation when the rickshaw driver used the Nanfang Type [-] pistol and got stuck, which Japanese spy would not know how to dodge when the weapon got stuck?

Or if the target generally stands still to deal with the firearms problem?What's more important is that the assassin seems to have no understanding of the mechanical properties and originality of the Nanfang Type [-] pistol. The most important thing is that an idiot would use such a garbage weapon as the Nanfang Type [-] pistol to assassinate!This is simply trying to cover up!

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