Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 225 : Chapter 95 Lion Awakening Sword

[Volume 29] Chapter 225: Chapter 95 Lion Dance Sword (1)


Chapter 95 Lion Awakening Knife

Gao Fei took a deep breath. He knew that if someone else lost contact with the organization inexplicably, joined the military command army and was in full swing, he might use his brain to find a way to solve the problem, but this problem is now It seems that his personal safety is involved, so Gao Fei naturally can't calm down, but Gao Fei still doesn't understand one thing, that is, his status in the organization is not high?What you have mastered is just some basic things?Why is it so inspiring?And now is the honeymoon period of the second cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, such actions are simply asking for trouble.

After this sudden and tragic attack, Gao Fei suddenly realized a problem, that is, he must restore continuity with the organization as soon as possible, otherwise it would not be worth the loss if he was killed by his own people. What he is working for now is to let this nation shed less blood in the unprecedented catastrophe before him, preserve more vitality, make the war cause less damage, and buy precious time for the entire Chinese nation to rise.Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers 2255

The goal is infinite and grand, but Gao Fei knows that he is still a small person at this moment. Even if he is a small person, Gao Fei will not give up at all, because a great ancient Greek scholar Archimedes once said: " Give me a fulcrum and a long enough lever, and I can move the whole earth."

No matter how big a historical event is, it may be triggered by a trivial event. The causal relationship is gradual, and a small person may not be able to change the course of history. For example, in the Nanjing Massacre in history, only tens of thousands of soldiers and civilians were killed under his desperate efforts. The result is relatively much better?

For Gao Fei, history has changed, but for people of this era, the deaths of tens of thousands of soldiers and civilians they witnessed are history.

Perhaps, I have a chance, even if I am not in the court, even if I don't hold thousands of troops, I still have a chance. At this moment, Gao Fei's mood is much more relaxed. At the convening of the camp meeting, the Japanese army gathered, and the Xuzhou battle cloud was densely covered. Everyone knew that once the Longhai line was broken by the Japanese army, Xuzhou would be in danger. If Xuzhou fell, Wuhan would bear the brunt.

Looking at the gray and white small building in the camp in Wuhan, Gao Fei walked up the steps confidently. The Japanese invaders want to destroy China?I'm afraid it's not that easy. As long as my fifth column can gain a firm foothold in the enemy's rear, kill one more Japanese soldier, blow up one of its trains, and burn one of its supplies, it can effectively support the battle on the frontal battlefield. It must be supplies, Gao Fei couldn't be more clear about this.

In the hall of the camp in Wuhan, the cheerful Chiang Kai-shek held Gao Fei's hand kindly, and asked carefully: "I am used to eating in Wuhan when I come in? How is the living? What is lacking in Luojia Mountain? You have to directly mention it. You are fighting heroes, even if the government is in trouble, it will satisfy you!"

None of Chiang Kai-shek's words is officialdom, and every sentence is very kind and considerate. If Chiang Kai-shek does not have any personality charm, I am afraid that he, Jiang, will not be able to get to where he is today. Since the Revolution of 1911, whether it is a revolutionist or a so-called scholar who goes abroad to seek the truth, which one does not have a unique vision?Otherwise, how could it be possible to be ahead of the entire era?

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