Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 227 : Chapter 95 Lion Awakening Sword

[Volume 29] Chapter 227: Chapter 95 Lion Dance Sword (3)


With a smile on his face, Chiang Kai-shek hung the third-class ribbon of the Yunhui Medal on Gao Fei's chest, and Gao Fei stood at attention. Chiang Kai-shek took a loyalty medal from behind with a smile and pinned it on Gao Fei's chest, saying: " This medal means allegiance to the leader, utterly loyal to the country, and rewards you for being wounded in battle, but your integrity is always the same."

Chiang Kai-shek hung a second-class Baoding Medal on Gao Fei's chest and said: "The previous third-class Baoding was used to support your efforts in defending the country. This time, the second-class Baoding Medal is used to treat you as a national important weapon." Gancheng!"

Gao Fei stood there with his head held high, because he found that there was a medal and something covered with a red velvet cloth on the tray of the attendant behind Chiang Kai-shek.Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers 2275

Chiang Kai-shek then received a first-class medal of the Qiancheng category and said: "This medal symbolizes that those who have won this medal will defend the outside and defend the inside, making the country strong and consolidated, and the glory will shine! I hope you will continue to work hard and make new contributions to □□ !"

Chiang Kai-shek lifted the red cloth with his own hands, and immediately the faces of the generals around him were not very good-looking. A few of them even exclaimed in disgrace, and the people on the side also whispered. The soul usually has a longer knife in a daze?Is there anything like a saber or a sword in his memory?

Chiang Kai-shek did not introduce this time, he handed the Xun Dao to Gao Fei with both hands, and patted Gao Fei's shoulder heavily, Gao Fei seemed a little puzzled.

After the awarding ceremony, Chiang Kai-shek and other high-ranking officials left directly. Du Yuming and Song Xilian, who were close friends with Gao Fei, came over to exchange some pleasantries. Because the military strategic decision-making meeting of senior officials was about to be held, Song Xilian and others all went with Gao Fei. Fei nodded, shook hands, and patted his shoulders, but this also surprised many people. How many honors did a small military commander get?And so many generals greeted him like friends?

In fact, in the army, the communication between many people who have had life-and-death acquaintances is just a look, a word, and they don't care if the sky falls later.

Dai Li naturally had no chance to participate in the strategic decision-making meeting of senior military officers of the Supreme Military Committee of the National Government, so Dai Li came to Gao Fei's side, looked at the honored knife on Gao Fei's waist and smiled, "I'm afraid you don't know the meaning of this knife Bar?"

Seeing Dai Li approaching, Gao Fei hurriedly stood at attention and saluted, "Your Majesty, I really don't know the origin and significance of this saber!"

Dai Li smiled and said: "It's normal if you don't know, because the number of your honored knife is 24, and [-] belongs to Chairman Jiang. Do you understand? This lion-awakening knife was created on June [-], [-]th in the Republic of China. Included in the promulgation of the Army, Navy and Air Force Award Regulations, this knife is divided into three classes, with tassels but no watch, first class nine lions, tassels are woven with gold thread and yellow silk thread, and second class seven lions, tassels are woven with gold thread and blue silk thread. Third-class five lions, tassels are woven with gold thread and red silk thread. This knife is awarded to generals of the army, sea and air force, and the medals awarded to the highest ranks, and those who have military exploits or merits in the reconstruction. Right now, it means the one you have obtained. The First Class Gancheng Medal and the Blue Sky and White Sun Medal have not yet been awarded the first class of Baoding, so you are not eligible, but the Military and Political Department blocked your promotion to the military rank, so I appointed you a special honor knife, Huanghuang□□, you are the first one Honor! You can see the hilt and scabbard of this Xun Dao, decorated with a golden embossed lion, one side of the blade is engraved with the four characters Yi Nan Ding Gong, and the other side is engraved with the four characters I Wu Weiyang! Such honors must be cherished! "

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