Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 234: Chapter 98 4 Prodigals

[Volume 30] Chapter 234: Chapter 98 The Four Prodigals (2)


In this regard, Shen Zui and Gao Fei can be regarded as sharing dirty things together. Tonight, we will have a drink together, and these four irons will account for three of them. I am not afraid that it does not matter, but I am afraid that there is no interest relationship. Shen Zui and Gao Fei are close It's Dai Li's meaning, so the matter between the two of them can't tolerate other people's gossip, so the two dare to let go and make a lot of money. With interests involved, Dai Li's orders and intoxicated thoughts are not so pure Transparent!

Gao Fei has a wealth of social experience from later generations, so he naturally has no choice in being a man. He is on the road, willing to work hard, and dares to work hard. Such a friend feels that he has no choice. [e]

Soon, the convoy arrived at the gate of the metropolis. Dozens of gendarmes were all in a stance, and many passers-by on the side gave way one after another. Can such a grandiose be an ordinary official?Now that the national capital Nanjing has fallen, Wuhan is now full of military and political officials, but do you need dozens of heavily armed military police to guard you when you travel?I'm afraid the background is not small!Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers 2348

Immediately, Gao Fei and Shen Zui got out of the car and went straight to the gate. Both of them were people in the military command who were appreciated by Dai Li. Armed with the only lion awakening knife since the Nationalist Government, it can be said that Gao Fei and Shen Zui both walk with wind.

Only then did the passers-by on the side of the road see clearly that one and two were here to arrest people!Behind Gao Fei and Shen Zui, dozens of heavily armed gendarmerie strode into the metropolis with m1928 Thomson submachine guns in their hands. The attendants at the door didn't dare to ask, but ran to greet the manager in small steps. Who does the metropolis in Wuhan belong to? Everyone is well aware of the industry, and those who dare to come here must be those who have nothing to fear.

As a result, as soon as I got to the private room, I heard someone shouting and asking, and the women's voices became a mess?

Gao Fei looked at Shen Zui in bewilderment?Shen Zui also shook his head in disbelief, and when he opened the door, Gao Fei saw that the room was in a mess, a group of young masters and dozens of thugs were fighting together with more than a dozen military officers?A young man in a white suit with greasy hair and pink face was forcibly pulling a crying girl, Mance said methodically: "Beat me to death, hard! Dare to snatch a woman from me? Are you tired of living? Do you know who Kong Xiangxi is? That’s my hall brother! How dare a group of miscellaneous fish dare to be presumptuous? My son will punish you on the spot today!"

Saying that, the young man in the white suit began to tear the cheongsam off the woman!Amidst the burst of cheers, a group of thugs fought more brazenly, and more than a dozen officers of the military command were beaten to the ground.

&1928 Thomson submachine gun, aiming at the ceiling!It was just a burst of fire, and the gunshots stunned the thugs. The startled son patted his chest and said, "Do you know who I am? Can you afford to scare me? Keep beating me, I won't shout!" Don't stop!"

&1928 Thomson submachine guns fired straight across a fan, and a dozen thugs immediately fell into a pool of blood, and some people who were shot were screaming. The . The speed is extremely fast.

Hearing the gunshots, he was intoxicated for a while and was shocked. He didn't expect to meet this devil king of the Kong family today?The concubine son of a singing girl, but the old lady of the Confucian family liked him. He returned to China after finishing his master's degree in economics at Harvard in the United States. Apart from being unrestrained and debauched, he was really a good helper to Kong Xiangxi in economics. Kong Xiangxi and Song Ailing loved him even Doting to an outrageous degree, together with those from the Nanjing Song family, the Yang family, and the Chen family, they are collectively called the Four Young Masters of Nanjing!There are at least dozens of people who accompany you when you go out. They are called bodyguards, but they are actually thugs. They spend money like water, and the mantra is that there is not enough money?India!

The so-called Four Young Masters in the capital does not refer to the four of them alone, but also refers to a group of young masters among the four surnames, and these four are called the four prodigals by outsiders!

The so-called three surnames accounted for the so-called three surnames among the four major families known in history in the middle and late period of the Republic of China. At the moment, the Jiang surname is relatively restrained. He seems very sensible, knowing that fighting is the same as not fighting, and that fighting is the only way to fight.

In fact, the real descendants of the major families are rarely dandies, and most of them are studying abroad, or specialize in a certain field, or enjoy life, but it is always these concubines who make trouble, and always feel that the whole world seems to look down on them He is average?I owe him everything, so I ran amok.

However, ruthless people will naturally have villains to deal with them. The evil young man met Gao Fei, a murderous demon who never blinked an eye. Gao Fei walked among the bodyguards all over the place with an m1911 semi-automatic pistol. The gun, every shot hit the head, and the brains burst!

The military officer who was lifted up and the few young masters who were still alive over there were pale and trembling. Gao Fei calmly changed the clips for the second time, and after shooting all the bodyguards, he turned around and asked Mr. Kong: "Who else is there?" Tired of living? Let me tell you, I have fulfilled him today, dare to beat the anti-Japanese officer openly? After firing warning shots, he still pays for his money? What is our military command? Soft persimmons? There are [-] people in the left behind. Eighteen? Are you slapping the face of our military command? Or are you slapping the face of Generalissimo Jiang? Are you dissatisfied with the formation of the military command?"

After Gao Fei said it, did he smell a foul smell in the air?So he pointed his pistol at the young masters who were already paralyzed on the ground and said, "Don't talk to me, it's useless. I crawled out of a pile of dead people. Why haven't I seen it? I can't just finish today's affairs, please." Let’s go to our Military Command Bureau! Let’s show you what is [-] layers of hell. I don’t care what background you have, if you mess with our military command, I’ll take a piece of your skin from you. I’ll pay you for my life! If I'm barefoot, I'm afraid you won't be able to wear shoes?"

With a sound of wow, the young masters who had been yelling non-stop with the strength of wine just now completely softened, and began to kneel on the ground and howl incessantly!

The manager of the metropolis also collapsed at the door of the box, unable to move, his face was pale and his lips were trembling. He had seen a murderer with a gun, but he had never seen such a happy killing. The call for the report had already been called. Going out, I only hope that these few families will quickly come to a powerful master to calm this matter down. On the one hand, it is Gao Fei, the murderous god of the military command, and on the other hand, he is a dude. No one in business can afford to offend!

In case the military commander starts killing the metropolis, the metropolis will be completely finished!

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