Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 235 : Chapter 99 The tree wants to be quiet but the wind doesn't stop

[Volume 30] Chapter 235: Chapter 99 The tree wants to be quiet but the wind doesn't stop (1)


Chapter 99 The Tree Wants to be Still, But the Wind Doesn't Stop

Kong Xiangxi, vice president of the Executive Yuan and Minister of Finance, whose right eye twitched for a day, went to Chongqing to carry out financial rectification under the order of Chiang Kai-shek, but he was really upset all day long?

Kong Xiangxi, who is not tall and got fat after middle age, is named Yongzhi and named Ziyuan. He is the No. 70 fifth-generation grandson of Confucius' successor in Qufu, Shandong. He was born in a family of businessmen and scholars in Taigu County, Shanxi Province. □Nanjing National Government Fu executive director, and minister of finance, is also a banker and wealthy businessman.Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers 2359

Although many people think that Kong Xiangxi got his position through nepotism, many people forget that when the prime minister passed away, Kong Xiangxi was one of the signatories of the "Prime Minister's Will" who supported him from side to side, day and night!

Before the outbreak of the all-out Anti-Japanese War, Kong Xiangxi was in charge of the Ministry of Finance, which provided a large amount of military and political expenses for the Nanjing National Government, so that Chiang Kai-shek was finally able to dispatch millions of troops in the fifth encirclement and suppression, forcing the Red Army of Workers and Peasants to withdraw from the Central Soviet Area. During the Chahar Anti-Japanese Allied Army, Kong Xiangxi once wooed Song Zheyuan, chairman of Chahar Province, to support the central government. During the Fujian Incident, Chiang Kai-shek was able to quickly concentrate his forces to encircle and attack the No.19 Route Army, and to buy important generals of the army. It is inseparable that Kong Xiangxi can continue to quickly provide a large amount of funds to Chiang Kai-shek.

It can be said that Kong Xiangxi is both an official and a businessman. He has amassed huge amounts of money through various legal and illegal means, and ranks first in bureaucratic capital management.

The good and bad spirits are too effective for Kong Xiang to say this sentence too much. Kong Xiangxi, who has already fallen asleep, is summoned. Kong Xiangxi has a habit, that is, once he falls asleep, he hates being called. After waking up, Kong Xiangxi, who was full of displeasure, came to the phone with a frown, and glared at Wei Wei, Nuo's life secretary.

He turned around, pinched the bridge of his nose and picked up the phone. Within 30 seconds, his complexion changed drastically. After putting down the phone, he paced back and forth in the room. After a while, he picked up the phone again and said, "Connect me to Kong Mansion , Immediately find Madam, and report to the military commander to be detained in the metropolis, blood is flowing like a river!"

The incident in the metropolis spread as if it had grown wings, but neither the Wuhan Camp, nor the Wuhan Security Command, nor the General Administration of the Communist Party of China showed any reaction. After Dai Li learned of the incident, Gao Fei immediately After killing all the bodyguards of the other party, he smiled and nodded to Chen Gongshu and said, "It's really not easy to set up the military command! How many people from the Central Command, the Military and Political Department, and even the Supreme Military Committee are waiting to see ours? A joke? We may not be able to stand up if we do a hundred things, but one thing can destroy us!"

Chen Gongshu naturally understood Dai Li's intentions, so he said cautiously: "But the incident seems to be too big, doesn't it? Gao Fei dares to shoot and kill people without authorization? And he killed dozens of people? This is simply a butcher. , but looking at his face, it is absolutely impossible to see that Gao Fei is so ruthless."

Dai Li glanced at Chen Gongshu and said: "Someone outside compares our military command to the Dongchang of the Ming Dynasty. In fact, they are calling us a bunch of eunuchs. I am not angry about this. The Dongchang has great power and can help the emperor. The duty of the military command is a matter of duty, but if anyone is present today, I am afraid that the prestige of our military command will be completely ruined. A few dandy young masters will dare to snatch a singer from our military command Wuhan from the lieutenant colonel. Until the second lieutenant clerk was beaten to the ground? He continued to fight when he revealed his identity? What does this mean? Don't think about things too simply. Some people don't like our military command. Recently, we are in the limelight. !"

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