Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 239: Chapter 101 Chaotic Times 0

[Volume 30] Chapter 239: Chapter 1 In troubled times ([-])


Chapter [-]

Song Ailing took a deep breath to calm down, and said to the young masters who were squatting on the ground and covering themselves with paper shells: "You guys come with me and take care of you when you go home. As for Major Gao Fei, the matter between us Talk to another day!"

However, Gao Fei blocked Song Ailing's way very ignorantly: "Mr. Song, the family law is the family law, but the national law is also trifling matter? Who dares to override the Constitution? I am afraid that the Prime Minister's spirit in heaven will not allow it." !” Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers 23901

Song Ailing looked at Gao Fei in amazement, she didn't know how many heads this Gao Fei had?How dare you not give yourself face?So do you want to show your face in public in the future?How can I talk about it in the future?However, she is an imposing relative of the country, facing the Minister of Military and Political Affairs, He Yingqin would make He Yingqin bow down, but facing Gao Fei, a small major, she really has nothing to do immediately?

So Song Ailing suppressed her anger and said, "Then how do you treat it?"

Gao Fei smiled and said: "First of all, we have 26 colleagues who were admitted to the hospital, all of whom were beaten by thugs, and these thugs' confessions were supported by several young masters, just for fun! I have [-] confessions here, all of which were fingerprinted !"

The naked young masters are so cold that their gums are on their jaws and their teeth are pierced. If they can speak, they will definitely scold Gao Fei for farting, because after everyone is killed, they will use their hands to press the fingerprints, and the fraudulent process is very difficult. Under their noses, but even if these young masters can speak now, they can't speak to each other. They are afraid of offending Gao Fei by making a slip of the tongue. Obviously, Gao Fei doesn't even buy Song Ailing's account.

Gao Fei smiled very modestly and said: "Ma'am, you are serious. The young masters were actually accused. I just want the young masters to sign on this to confirm, so as to prevent someone from looking for the humble job in the future. The humble job will be hard to argue with." ah!"

Song Ailing looked at Gao Fei seriously. She knew that Gao Fei was blackmailing her for a so-called guarantee. Signing the confession was equivalent to admitting responsibility for the matter. Who is it?He smiled calmly and said, "Let's sign it! Otherwise, Chief Gao won't let you go!"

Looking at the trembling young masters who signed their names without even looking at them, Gao Fei was full of smiles. When Song Ailing left, he turned to look at Gao Fei, and said with an inscrutable smile: "This metropolis will be successful." If you look like this, I don't think you should drive anymore!" Then Song Ailing turned and left.

Shen Zui was so frightened by Song Ailing's smile that his legs almost went limp, and he said with lingering fear: "My dear brother! Are you really a master of troublemaking? You can kill more than 20 people after a meal and a beating." Earth-shattering? Who are Song Ailing and Mr. Song? Chairman Jiang will give her three points of face, how dare you offend her?"

Gao Fei smiled and said, "What are you afraid of? The compensation of the five young masters for a total of 100 million oceans has been settled! Who are we afraid of if we have money!"

After Gao Fei handed over a few pages of the confession to Shen Zui, Shen Zui looked through it, and there was really compensation for this item?Each person should pay 20 oceans or US dollars for medical expenses, compensation for damaged objects, mental loss, public security compensation, funeral disposal, etc.?Shen Zui was amazed that Gao Fei was really the one who offended people to death, and Gao Fei's confession also made Shen Zui pay attention, that is, before signing any documents in the future, he must read and understand before signing, otherwise This big pit is easy to fall to death!

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