Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 240: Chapter 101 Chaotic Times 0

[Volume 30] Chapter 240: Chapter 2 In troubled times ([-])


Shen Zui could imagine Song Ailing's distraught appearance, but contrary to Shen Zui's imagination, Song Ailing looked very calm sitting in the car, without any sign of being moved.

Although his husband, Kong Xiangxi, had some assets before he entered politics, he became the richest man in the country after he became an official in the Nanjing government. The Shanxi Yuhua Bank of his family is only the guarantee of commercial capital, and the industrial capital is mostly his long-term investment. After the beginning of the Anti-Japanese War, all business activities of the Kong family were under the management of Song Ailing, eldest son Kong Lingkan, and second daughter Kong Lingwei.

However, Song Ailing knew that Kong Xiangxi, who is the Minister of Finance, had one of the biggest heart problems, that is, both the Song family and the Kong family were far away from the army. Although Song Ziwen once wanted to make up for this distance, a Song Dynasty The Shanghai War made him fall short, and the Tax Police Headquarters made a wedding dress for him.Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers 24001

Song Ailing was actually quite angry. Firstly, the subordinates of her military command were so arrogant that she didn't want to give her face?Is there something you can't do in China with your own post?But what makes Song Ailing even more angry is that the Kong family has already failed the Yang family and the Chen family.And even the pot for others?If you don't slap someone in the face, you have to be ready to uproot the opponent. In this situation, I'm afraid you can only knock out the front teeth.

Song Ailing is not an ordinary girl. She learned from the fact that Gao Fei can ignore her and can't contact Dai Li. What the Song family lacks is not high-level power, but their own basic power. Dai Li's subordinates In the past, they were contemptuous people from the rivers and lakes. There are not many soldiers like Gao Fei who are full of military temperament, rich and promising. Now Gao Fei is Dai Li's loyal subordinate, but loyal subordinates also need money to live , What kind of money is inseparable from the mobilization of troops, weapons, ammunition, supplies, and even pensions?

Who is Kong Xiangxi?The biggest money bag of the National Government!Song Ailing also had some concerns for a while, she wanted to let Gao Fei know how powerful she was, and let Gao Fei see what it means to be rich, loyalty is inevitable, and being used by me is the key, being in the military command and making good friends with herself, there is no doubt that loyalty saves her. **This is also a way, currently a small major, but with Chiang Kai-shek's care and Dai Li's support, Gao Fei's future is bright.

They are all working for the leader, so what is the difference between each other?Song Ailing smiled very happily at this moment, because she already had some calculations in her heart, because Song Ailing had a very thorough understanding of the so-called politics. People like Dai Li were indispensable to those in power in all dynasties. How many good ones ended up in the end?People who have mastered too many secrets of those in power will die sooner or later, and there is no such thing as this in all dynasties.

Therefore, the military command may seem to have a bright future, but it is also full of dangers. When it is rampant, it will inevitably offend people.Smart people know how to hug their thighs more. This Gao Fei performed very well tonight. The most important point is that only Song Ailing knows that a handsome young man like Gao Fei is naturally pleasing to the eye.

After everything was settled, Gao Fei smiled and said to Shen Zui: "Brother Shen! Now that what is supposed to go has already gone, our money can't be wasted, right? How about singing and dancing for peace? It's for me to practice killing Enemy, kill the Japanese pirates and stand on their backs alone!"

"Okay!" Leng Wushuang said hello to Gao Fei, and then sat down with Tian Xiaona, Xu Fanghua, and Huang Yier and said, "A real man, a hero! If you don't dislike our sisters, let's drink with Chief Gao today Three hundred cups!"

Gao Fei chuckled and said, "You are also a blessing in disguise. Being a wanderer in this troubled world is far less safe and secure than wearing a military uniform. You both know English, so sooner or later you will be able to be brave. The Bureau of Statistics and Investigation is also inextricably linked, and we will become colleagues in the future if we don’t make sure.”

Shen Zui saw the inexplicable expressions on the girls' faces, so he patiently explained: "The Central Military Statistics and Investigation Bureau is also the full name of the Military Statistics Bureau. We often recruit and train talents from the combat training regiment of the Military and Political Department. It was Mr. Song who pulled it out, the rank of captain! My brother has fought bloody battles, and now he is only a mere major. You should really thank Mr. Song, she gave you a talisman!"

Gao Fei waved his hand and greeted the manager of the Metropolis: "Mr. Song said that the Metropolis is meaningless, so you go back and tell your boss not to open it, understand?"

The manager’s face is pale and Vivi is Nuo. He Jindong, the boss of the Metropolis, is also a well-known man in Shanghai. There are countless industries, most of which are transferred to Hong Kong and the United States. The so-called domestic industries are just to maintain contact with domestic political leaders. That's all.

Gao Fei thought for a while and said, "Confiscating your metropolis directly is a bit too bullying, so let's do this! Tell your bosses, how much the metropolis is worth, you can send that amount to the training camp of the Luojia Mountain Military Control Bureau, remember! "

Shen Zui looked at Gao Fei with admiration, there really is no one who is the most shameless, only the more shameless, on the broad road of "shameless", the gap between himself and Gao Fei is really not that small?Is it difficult for Gao Fei to speak such words?

Gao Fei waved his hand indifferently and said: "I didn't say what I said. Mr. Song didn't let him drive. I just conveyed it for others. In the face of national crisis, it is necessary to open such luxurious and luxurious places to collect money wantonly. This kind of place should have been closed long ago, and the committee's New Life Movement was regarded as nothing by them."

Shen Zui smiled helplessly, he realized that Gao Fei would especially incriminate others?Putting hats on people who are on the line at every turn?Slightly violating party discipline and state laws, seriously rebelling against the party and the country, and becoming a sinner through the ages!Gao Fei seems to be more talented in this area than those in the Zhongtong.

After a few glasses of wine, Gao Fei suddenly looked at Leng Wushuang and said, "I remember I gave you a saber as a token? The name of the sword is Seven Kills? Should it be returned to me?"

Leng Wushuang was stunned for a moment, seeing that Huang Yier was about to speak, she hurriedly said: "I'm sorry, Mr. Gao, it was very chaotic at the time, and it was stolen or lost together with the luggage. Our sisters arrived in Wuhan almost penniless. .”

Huang Yi'er glanced at Leng Wushuang in surprise, but didn't say anything!

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