Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 241 : Chapter 102 Drunk and Telling the Truth

[Volume 31] Chapter 241: Chapter 1 Drunk and Telling the Truth ([-])


Chapter [-]

How can the eye contact between the two girls be hidden from Gao Fei?Gao Fei just smiled slightly, and revealed the Lion Awakening Knife at his waist, saying: "Seven kills are extremely precious, but this Lion Awakening Knife is the only one in the whole country, symbolizing the highest honor, unique !"

Gao Fei has been staring at Leng Wushuang with his eyes. He can tell from the conversation between Leng Wushuang and Huang Yi'er, as well as Leng Wushuang's expression just now, that the seven kills are not lost, but what can a little girl do if she keeps a sharp blade? effect?Gao Fei is not so stingy, the seven kills have different meanings, but since Leng Wushuang is not willing to return it, Gao Fei does not force it, it has profound meaning to himself, and I am afraid that it is also life and death for Leng Wushuang who escaped from death Take a souvenir. e Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers 24102

Shen Zui enviously stroked the Xingshi Xun Dao, and said indignantly: "Why did you catch up with all the good things? It really verified the saying that heroes match beauties, so many beauties surround you? How handsome? God's not fair!"

Looking at the drunken intoxication, Gao Fei also got drunk and said: "You go to guard Yanziji! I will send you off right away. My [-] to [-] brothers were all deceived by me, and all of them died in battle. Well, counting me, there are only five panting left, what the hell is this fighting! This is a desperate battle! But now their pension, military and political department has not yet answered, tomorrow I will go to ask for an explanation!"

Shen Zui pushed Gao Fei and said, "I'll accompany you tomorrow, if you don't give it, cut him off! His parents don't even know him!"

While Gao Fei was talking nonsense, in the He mansion not far from the metropolis, He Jindong, the owner of the metropolis, who was not tall, short and fat, was pacing back and forth, just like a ball rolling back and forth. Generally ridiculous.

the end!He Jindong stopped in his footsteps and said, "It seems that this Gao Fei is really a character, and Song Ailing dares to offend me? Ripping me off? Is he really tired of living? The metropolis is only 350 million yuan inside and out! National currency For us, it is like waste paper. If you want to spend it, you can print it yourself. I will give him 300 million national currency tomorrow. I want to see what tricks a little major can play, and arrange for someone to prepare a gift of 20 yuan. I will pay a visit to Mr. Song tomorrow, and put a coffin nail on Gao Fei's coffin first."

After returning to Luojia Mountain from the metropolis and being helped into the bedroom, Lin Shujie and Lu Yifeng were waiting for Gao Fei, and Gao Fei returned to normal immediately. The means must be done in moderation, there is no impenetrable wall in the world, just be careful in everything!"

Gao Fei nodded. Some people believed that the reason for the failure of the Kuomintang was its dark fascist spy rule. During the Kuomintang rule, there were two so-called notorious spy organizations, the Military Command Bureau and the Central Command Bureau.

Juntong is the abbreviation of the Bureau of Investigation and Statistics of the National Military Commission, which specializes in reconnaissance, tracking, kidnapping, assassination and other tasks.The so-called military command, will think of Dai Li.

Dai Li's success is closely related to his way of employing people and being a man. Dai Li has a group of loyal people working hard for him.Among them, Zhao Lijun, Wang Tianmu, Chen Gongshu, and Shen Zui were favored by Dai Li. They were called the "Four Heroes of the Military Command" and were Dai Li's so-called internal assistants.

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