Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 242 : Chapter 102 Drunk and Telling the Truth

[Volume 31] Chapter 242: Chapter 2 Drunk and Telling the Truth ([-])


I have become a fairy official!

This is Tang Feng's reaction after the Immortal Emperor read the decree. We will be members of the official family in the future. Hehe, can we go in and out of the Immortal Palace often?Is it possible to pick up girls aboveboard?

"Boss, don't be so shameless, okay? You said just now that you would never come to the Immortal Palace again. Now that you have finally turned around, you are thinking about how to pick up more girls. Aren't you afraid that girl Yaoling is beating her up?" Give me a meal?" The bastard was a little dissatisfied with Tang Feng's actions, and the three of us tried our best to intimidate the Immortal Emperor and the Queen Mother.At most, people eat what is in the bowl and look at what is in the pot.You're fine, there's nothing in the bowl yet, so you just want to put your hand into the pot.Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers 24202

Tang Feng ignored the bastard's words, bowed obsequiously to the emperor, and asked cautiously: "Father-in-law, isn't there ten people? Do you think you choose yourself, or let the son-in-law choose?"

The Immortal Emperor was very impatient with Tang Feng's thick skin, but he really didn't know the shame. He was his father-in-law, and he couldn't stop him. The Immortal Emperor gave him a helpless look, "Except for the two Buddhists , you can choose two by yourself, and the remaining deity will help you choose."

Tang Feng pretended to have written about the Immortal Emperor, turned around and blinked at Qingfeng.Qingfeng is not a stupid person, he walked out immediately, and then turned to Daode Tianzun, "Master, Junior Brother Xiaoyao needs manpower this time, please order the lower realm to help Junior Brother Xiaoyao." Then he turned to the Immortal Emperor: "I hope Your Majesty will agree. !"

The selection of people to lower the realm seems to be the decision of the emperor alone, but it is not.The Buddhist family has already gone to two places, and the remaining eight places have to take care of the forces of all parties.For example, Sanqing saints, each of these three families must be assigned a quota.Xiaoyao was originally one, and it was regarded as a force on the side of Daodetianzun. Now if Qingfeng Daotong's request is granted, then Daodetianzun's family will occupy two places, and there will only be four places left for the Immortal Emperor to allocate. Speaking of it, it can be regarded as taking the majority, but the emperor is still a little unhappy.

He secretly looked at Daode Tianzun's expression, but saw him nodding to Xiaoyao with a smile on his face, and sighed softly in his heart, so he had to agree to Qingfeng's request.Just as he was about to designate the remaining four places, he saw Tang Feng salute him again, and the Immortal Emperor's heart trembled suddenly, feeling bad. Just as he was about to speak, he heard Tang Feng had already spoken up.

"Father-in-law, my son-in-law has a small request!"

The Immortal Emperor's face was stunned, and he felt like tearing Tang Feng's endless mouth, but he still asked cautiously because of face: "Is there someone you want?"

Tang Feng was startled, this Immortal Emperor was an Immortal Emperor, and he thought more than others.But this time he guessed wrong, Tang Feng smiled humbly: "Hehe, my father-in-law misunderstood, my son-in-law is not an important person. Maybe your old man has also been in the lower realm, so you should know something about the mortal world. In the mortal world, no You can’t do anything without one thing, money!”

money?Those immortals who had descended into the mortal world thought for a long time before they remembered that golden thing and nodded suddenly.

The Immortal Emperor also followed suit, not understanding what Tang Feng's intention was, so he could only signal Tang Feng to continue talking.

"As immortals, we can easily obtain vulgar things for mortals, but everyone has their own way of survival. As the saying goes, officials don't disturb the people, not to mention that we are still immortals, let alone destroying things for ourselves. Isn't it the law of survival for mortals? So, father-in-law, will you give us some activity funds, oh, that is to say, the expenses of the lower realm, will you arrange it?"

Financing of the activities?Immortals still need activity funds?

All the immortals looked at others with a confused look, and then turned to look at the emperor.

It was also the first time that Emperor Xian encountered such a situation, and looked at Tang Feng with a slightly embarrassed expression. "Xiaoyao, I don't have the kind of money you mentioned for mortals, so how can I arrange it for you!"

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