Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 243 : Chapter 102 Drunk and Telling the Truth

[Volume 31] Chapter 243: Chapter 3 Drunk and Telling the Truth ([-])


Gao Fei frowned. In fact, the real intention of his words yesterday was just to make a fortune. Do you really want Metropolis?I'm afraid he can't eat it?Moreover, after the Xuzhou War, Wuhan is very likely to face the accusations of the Japanese army. Still an absolutely huge number!

The manager of the metropolis opened all the purses, and made a gesture of invitation to Gao Fei: "If Mr. Gao doesn't make an inventory, please sign the receipt! I have completed the chairman's instructions." Mission. ~~e~~”

Gao Fei looked at the receipt repeatedly, confirmed that there was no problem, signed it scribbled and handed it to the manager of Metropolis, the manager of Metropolis put the receipt back in his arms, turned around, got in the car and left, Gao Fei looked at the ground How big are the six purses? How big is the brand-new national currency of 300 million?Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers 24302

With He Jindong's connections and influence in the metropolis, even if Song Ailing can settle things down, there's no reason to bow to a small military commander like herself?Everything abnormal is a demon, not to mention that when such an abnormal thing happens, no one would dislike having too much money, so Gao Fei concluded that there must be a conspiracy in it.

However, Gao Fei himself never thought about the money under his hand. Gao Fei's intention was that if the other party was really willing to pay a huge sum of money, then he would use this money as a stepping stone, because in his memory, yesterday That Mr. Song is a person who loves money very much, Gao Fei is not afraid of thugs, what he is afraid of is thugs who don't do anything!

Money is a good thing, but it is not the best thing. Gao Fei divided the six leather bags into two parts, two of which were sent to Dai Li, and the other two were sent to Song Ailing’s Kong Mansion. Gao Fei’s intention Now that he can't understand it, he believes that Song Ailing will also understand what he means. Two million French currency is definitely a big amount. If it takes another three years, it may not be a big deal. It is equal to the ocean, but it is another matter on the black market.

It was inconvenient for Gao Fei to go to Song Ailing's place, so he sent someone to go. Dai Li had to go there in person. Wuhan's early morning would not be busy until the sun was up, especially after seven o'clock in the morning, when the gates of shops on both sides of the street It is generally still closed, and there are no pedestrians on the street. Except for a few dull dog barks, everything seems unusually quiet.

A rickshaw galloped by, and the ringing of the car's bell was heard far and wide in the empty street, and it was extremely clear, making the silence even more terrifying.

The rickshaw ran for a while on the street, turned into an alley, and finally stopped in front of a house. A middle-aged man looked around cautiously.

There are three big British jeeps parked in front of a small building not far away?How many armed gendarmes stand by with guns?There is a clump of low trees in front of the door of the small building. A green vine on the edge of the wall climbed up the tree and climbed up to the wall, spreading all the way to the roof. Through the sparse vine leaves, you can see the mottled and peeling marks on the wall , but that door was newly painted, and the copper knocking ring on the door handle was particularly eye-catching, as if many people came and went frequently?

The middle-aged man did not go forward, but signaled the driver to retreat to the alley and wait. After a while, he heard the sound of the car starting. After a while, the middle-aged man let out a long breath. The building in front of him Although the small building is outdated, it looks a bit mysterious against the backdrop of the dilapidated houses around it.

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