Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 244 : Chapter 103 An Uninvited Visitor

[Volume 31] Chapter 244: Chapter 1 An Uninvited Visitor ([-])


Chapter [-] Uninvited Guest

The middle-aged man picked up his robe and got out of the rickshaw, took out a banknote from his pocket and handed it to the driver, walked quickly to the door, hesitated for a moment, raised his hand and knocked on the door knocker.

Soon footsteps came from inside the door. After seeing Dai Li, Chen Gongshu found that Dai Li seemed very happy today?Dai Li is not used to getting up early, because he works very late, and Dai Li also likes to work at night. Chen Gongshu saluted politely: "Secretary! Excuse me, I am here for the affairs of Beiping Station and North China. In addition, Central China is Shanghai The station was cracked by the Japanese, and the loss was relatively large, especially the operation team was almost wiped out.” Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Shanhe 24403

Dai Li snorted and said, "They're all a bunch of useless things! They can't do anything well! If everyone is flying high, there's hope for a revitalization! You should always remind the people below, how much The spirit of learning is more influenced by the Three Principles, always yelling and killing like a local ruffian, walking on the street is extremely different! We are a military commander, a professional spy agency, and our opponents are extremely As professional spies, we can only fight against the enemy if we mature as soon as possible.”

When Chen Gongshu heard Dai Li praise Gao Fei, he felt very uncomfortable, so he habitually said: "Gao Fei is still too young. Once young people gain power, they tend to be confused. It is necessary to exercise a lot. I just came here this morning. Yes, but Gao Fei came here in three big jeeps, it's too ostentatious, knowing that this is the secret resting place of the bureau, how ostentatious it is!"

Dai Li waved his hand and said: "Don't talk about Gao Fei, it doesn't matter if Gao Fei comes here with a tank, talk about your own affairs, if you don't worry about others, your situation in North China will not be closed until now, look at it every day Seeing these jumping clowns jumping up and down, the committee is upset, and it is your task to punish these traitors and traitors as soon as possible."

Chen Gongshu hurriedly gave a detailed report to Dai Li with shame on his face. After the report was over, Chen Gongshu secretly stuffed money into the attendant when he left Dai Li's residence. No, the bureau seat can't listen to it now, Gao Fei sent someone to send 100 million to the bureau seat early in the morning, which is a whole two big leather bags.

Coming out of Dai Li's residence, Chen Gongshu glanced at the cloudy sky, consciously suppressed that he didn't want to get in the car right away, and wanted to take a walk by himself.At this time, there were still few pedestrians on the street, and the mist gradually dispersed, but the sky was still extremely dark. However, with the guidance of his attendants, Chen Gongshu was puzzled, but felt that it was much clearer than before.

At the end of the conversation, Dai Li's words made him feel confident. Although there was still a bit of Gao Fei's shadow that had not been completely removed, he still had his own direction. Wearing military uniforms and fighting desperately behind enemy lines, what exactly does the military command organization do?The layout and development of the future and the development of work in North China are not the most important things in front of him. For Chen Gongshu, the most important thing now is that he can finally display his ambitions. The life of doing nothing and being at a loss is simply a waste Life, murder time!

Chen Gongshu was originally a very self-pitying person. I think he was originally a member of the Whampoa Fifth Phase Infantry Scientist. He was full of pride at the beginning, and he abandoned his pen and joined the army with the pride and ambition of a big man. However, when he walked out of the Whampoa Military Academy, he just felt at a loss. , the country's political situation is chaotic, partisan disputes, who is right and who is evil?Who is in charge?The original enthusiasm suddenly cooled down a lot.

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