Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 245 : Chapter 103 An Uninvited Visitor

[Volume 31] Chapter 245: Chapter 2 An Uninvited Visitor ([-])


For this reason, Chen Gongshu thought for a long time, and finally decided to go to President Jiang. Didn't the newspapers also say that Chiang Kai-shek was like a dragon?

Chen Gongshu still clearly remembers the scene when he was summoned by Chiang Kai-shek when he first arrived in Nanjing. At that time, there were many students from different periods of Whampoa like him, and more than 100 people were interviewed in the same group as him. At that time, Chiang Kai-shek shook hands with them one by one with a smile on his face Ask about the name, place of origin and family situation.When it was his turn, he accidentally looked into Chiang Kai-shek's eyes. At that time, he was surprised to find that Principal Jiang's eyes were full of smiles, looking extremely kind, but he felt that this kindness And something horrifyingly hidden behind it.

Everything after that was not so grandiose and intense. The huge gap between ideal and reality smoothed Chen Gongshu's edges and corners a lot, but this Gao Fei in front of him made him feel a great threat. In two years, I am afraid that Chen Gongshu will give his life to this elementary school boy in the future. How can Chen Gongshu be reconciled to this?The military command is such a big place, with so much power, Gao Fei's rise is probably not just a threat to him, right?Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers 24503

Gao Fei didn't expect that he would be missed by others, but Gao Fei didn't know that Chen Gongshu was not the only one who missed him at the moment. was completely disintegrated.

Dai Li sent Chen Gongshu, who had originally gone to North China, to go to Shanghai to restore the work of the Shanghai station of the military command. This matter is a matter of the military command's face, but most of Chen Gongshu's work is infiltration and spying related to intelligence work. Assassination seems to be a bit difficult for Chen Gongshu. It was really a waste of effort to kill Zhang Jingyao at the Liuguo Hotel back then. It seems too difficult to expect him to go to Shanghai to deal with the Japanese "flower tricks" and "beast tricks"?

"Flower Agency" is the collective name of the special agent training school of the Hokkaido General Staff Headquarters in Japan and the Kwantung Army's secret service agencies. After graduating from this school, the organizations associated with the Kwantung Army's spy agencies are named after this, such as the famous "Mei Agency" and "Flower Agency" in later generations. Bamboo Organs", "Rattan Organs" and "Lan Organs".

The "beast agency" is an agency directly under the Secret Service Department of the base camp, and it is often hidden because Japan's spy system is quite large. secret service.

So after Dai Li thought hard, he realized that he really didn't have a team that could cleanly come to Shanghai for the Japanese. This made Dai Li very disappointed. In fact, Dai Li planned to transfer Gao Fei to Shanghai to temporarily take charge of the operation. The person in charge of the group, but Chen Gongshu's words and deeds today made Dai Li dispel this idea.

If you compare it with the human body, Chen Gongshu is the brain of the military command Shanghai station, and Gao Fei is the hand holding the knife. The brain doesn't want to see his own hand?Can your hands obey commands?Generals are not in line with the taboos of military strategists, and Gao Fei is a straight gun who dares to beat even Song Ailing's tricks. If Chen Gongshu uses a dark knife, Gao Fei will not collapse him?

Moreover, Dai Li knew that the Japanese army in Xuzhou was increasing its troops on a large scale at the moment, and the four columns under his loyal rescuers were all engaged in guerrilla warfare in the first generation of Beijing, Shanghai and Hangzhou, and suffered a lot of losses. Li Zongren, the commander-in-chief of the fifth theater, once mentioned to himself that he wanted the military command to send the fifth column to the fifth theater to take on the tasks of reconnaissance and attacking the Japanese supply lines and military depots. Under the circumstances, Dai Li decided to let the Japanese in Shanghai be arrogant for a few days, and wait for him to spare time to deal with these complacent Japanese, and put him on the task of punishing the traitor Chen Jiuming. Finding opportunities may be even more difficult.

Gao Fei returned to the Luojia Mountain camp, but greeted an unexpected visitor. Qin Wanyi paced back and forth in Gao Fei's headquarters a few times and said, "Are you really frustrated or are you just pretending? Did you betray me?" revolution?"

Qin Wanyi's questioning made Gao Fei alert immediately, and at the same time confirmed that he was really the protagonist of the Japanese spy assassination incident at the gate of the camp.

Gao Fei had no choice but to pretend to be confused: "I was stunned by a shell during the Battle of Songhu, and I can't remember many things? Some memories are very vague? For example, the memory of you, Ms. Qin."

Qin Wanyi took a deep breath and said, "If I told you that your real identity is a spy at Nanjing Station who was ordered to infiltrate Whampoa to study and lurk inside the Kuomintang army, and I am your wife, you would have What's the reaction?"

Gao Fei has actually recovered most of his memories, and he also knows that he and Qin Wanyi are just pretending to be husband and wife, but he still couldn't help teasing him: "What you said is outrageous. , You said that what you said could kill both of us, you know? And you said we are husband and wife? Do we have children? "

Gao Fei stood up and suddenly approached Qin Wanyi, squeezing her against the wall with his body. Qin Wanyi pushed Gao Fei away in a panic. Gao Fei smiled slightly: "Who's wife would you ever push yourself away like this?" husband?"

Qin Wanyi blushed a little and said in a panic: "We are a fake couple formed by the order of the organization. It happened before you went to the front line in Songhu. Don't you remember?"

A scene of Qin Wanyi seeing him off flashed before Gao Fei's eyes, but he still said calmly: "Then since you sent someone to assassinate me, you have already identified me as a traitor, why would you take the risk of contacting me? Your underground organization Are the rules and regulations so lax and child's play?"

Qin Wanyi glared at Gao Fei and said: "Lao Wang was in charge before, and he was dismissed because of his rash actions. Now Wuhan Province has appointed me to restore contact with you, because after you lost contact, you did not want to do any damage to the organization." In addition to saving the entire underground lurking team in Nanjing and avoiding being killed in the massacre of the Japanese army, the leaders of these higher-level organizations have given affirmation."

Gao Fei smiled and said: "You forgot to say something, because I am now inside the military command, it is worth taking the risk to see me, isn't it?"

Qin Wanyi didn't admit it or deny it, Gao Fei took a deep breath and said, "I really can't get in touch with the organization, and the memory in my mind is also very chaotic, since I'm an undercover agent lurking secretly, I happened to be in the military command Internally, then you must have an important mission to contact me?"

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