Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 250: Chapter 106 Asking for a Pension

[Volume 31] Chapter 250: Chapter 1 Asking for Pensions ([-])


Chapter [-] Asking for Pensions

On the surface, Qian Wenge was not moved at all, just chatting without saying a word!

So, Qian Wenge was laughing and intoxicated, and Gao Fei came to a Shunde Xing restaurant not far from the camp. He chose a private room, a few signature dishes, and seasonal green vegetables. Filling up the wine glass, Qian Wenge drank a little, nodded in satisfaction and said, "Moutai from Guizhou, aged for 50 years! Good stuff! In the early years, this was a tribute. I have a good taste. Thank you, little brothers. One!" Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers 25006

Seeing this, Gao Fei pushed the five two-two notes over at the prompt of Shen Zui, and said: "I am a lowly officer, and I led the troops to guard Yanziji to defend against the enemy. Here, I want to see if it has been approved?"

Qian Wenge didn't even look at the note on the table, and smiled slightly at Shen Zui: "I see that you two young people have a lot to do, what are you doing? Cursing people? Sending a beggar? I, Qian, is also a dignified** Commander Major General, I have seen a lot of money!"

Qian Wenge was rude, his chopsticks flew like flying, he kept drinking, and reprimanded Gao Fei and Intoxication, leaving Gao Fei at a loss as to what was going on with Qian Wenge?

Qian Wenge, who was full of food and drink, looked at Shen Zui and Gao Fei, tapped the note on the table with a fan and said: "I tell you the truth, it is impossible to give you the full pension, and there is a Question, these people are not your Gao Fei’s subordinates, you are just a temporary command, understand? According to the regulations, I am determined not to pay. What should I do with the General Logistics Department of the Military and Political Department after setting this precedent for you? The more than 100 brothers under him also want to eat! Do you want to give you my face?"

As he said that, Qian Wenge put the five slips into his pocket and said, "I accept your wishes. Since you are rich, I can do it conveniently. Where do I have blank documents for pensions? I will give you two thousand copies. Just post it yourself, and Xiao Shen! Get me some French perfume, Swiss chocolate fudge, and American stockings! My concubine likes these things the most, you are tired!"

After finishing speaking, he didn't even look at Gao Fei, turned around and left, Gao Fei stared at Shen Zui dumbfounded and said, "Is this the end?"

Shen Zui nodded helplessly and said: "It's not bad. Qian Wenge is willing to come out to eat and accept your note, and give you a blank list. I thought this grandson would accept it on the premise that he often asked me to run errands." I signed your note and approved the money, so I can save half of it, now I can’t steal anything! This grandson is really ruthless! Why didn’t you let him go to the tax inspection office?”

Gao Fei took a deep breath, touched the pistol he was about to wear, and then remembered that he had already taken it off and put it in the car for camping, pulled out the Lion Awakening Knife, opened the door, and rushed downstairs , Shenzui hugged Gao Fei and said: "You are crazy! Do you think that if you dare to provoke Song Ailing, Mr. Song can provoke anyone? They don't care about you, they care about losing your status, Qian Wen We can't afford to provoke you, I have the opportunity to tell you the inside story behind. e"

Gao Fei looked at Qian Wenge's smug expression and said, "Everyone has their way, and ghosts have their own way. No one can guarantee that I won't pay the price!"

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