Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 251: Chapter 106 Asking for a Pension

[Volume 31] Chapter 251: Chapter 2 Asking for Pensions ([-])


Shen Zui looked at Gao Fei and said: "You have to be careful, Qian Wenge is a typical villain, the one who will retaliate with his teeth, this kind of person will either completely offend him, do you understand? Or respect him , with this relationship, do you believe that you can be a major for five years?"

If it was before this, Gao Fei might have snorted, but after Chiang Kai-shek wanted to promote him as a colonel and was stopped by the Military and Political Department, Gao Fei knew that the high-ranking Chairman Jiang is not omnipotent, and there are some things that are true. Generalissimo Jiang cannot do it either. [e]

Going back to the Luojia Mountain camp, Gao Fei felt more and more breathless as he thought about it. Five 25106 notes were basically equal to one-third of the total pension. He gave Qian Wenge a generous gift, but in Gao Fei's eyes, the generous gift was an insult to Qian Wenge, because according to the regulations, Qian Wenge would eat [-]% of it, far more than Gao Fei's notes. Now, and Shen Zui seems to have overestimated his own face, Qian Wenge just used him as an errand runner. In the national government, military and political system, who really has a backer, who cares about a small military commander?To give face to the central government is to give face to the two brothers Chen Guofu and Chen Lifu. What face does Dai Li have when he is born as a grassroots dog?What's more, Dai Li's dog leg?So when Shen Zui left, he was also full of anger.Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers [-]

Gao Fei knew that Shen Zui couldn't hold back his face anymore, and kept mumbling that he wanted to return a few small notes to himself, and he had to make up for the loss, so Gao Fei couldn't, so Shen Zui didn't stay for dinner, and went back sullenly, so Gao Fei On Feiyue, Shenzui is planning to go to Dai Li's residence for dinner?

I have seen Gao Fei's audacity and intoxication before, but I haven't tried it where I went to eat and drink. You must know that although Dai Li is always smiling, he also wears the same smile when he kills, and the upper and lower ones are different. , how dare you rush to disturb her?

But since Gao Fei took the lead, Shen Zui was not willing to give up this great opportunity, it would be a fool to give up the opportunity to get closer to the boss.

Gao Fei summoned Fang Guozhong and Xu Houde to his room. Gao Fei planned to handle this matter in a more confidential and cautious manner, so he could only choose seven old team members who survived the siege from Yanziji to handle this matter. Gao Fei said with a very deep expression. : "Qian Wenge of the General Logistics Department of the Military and Political Department swallowed our gold but did nothing. The more than 700 brothers who died in Yanziji were counted as missing, and they even swallowed the meager pension. I am going to Let you go find someone with the surname Qian, we can’t touch him officially, so let’s follow the rules of the rivers and lakes, understand?”

Xu Houde and Fang Guozhong nodded. Gao Fei's anger was naturally their anger. Following Gao Fei all this time can be regarded as domineering and domineering. He has never suffered a disadvantage. This time he kept his voice low and met someone who took money but did nothing?At the moment, there are large armies gathering in Wuhan. The Guangxi Army in yellow-green uniforms, the Yunnan Army in blue-blue uniforms, the gray Guangdong Army, the light yellow Northeast Army, and the light green Central Army are all resting and reorganizing near Wuhan. It's okay to be a straggler, but just robbing Qian Wenge's family seems to be easy to expose the target?

Therefore, after research, Xu Houde and Fang Guozhong decided to rob several houses in succession, which was also a cover. Mauser pistols, p-30 submachine guns, and British military police jeeps were used as support. Fifteen brothers were dispatched at a time, in groups of five, to rob at the same time. Three companies, three times in a row?It happened that there were nine households in Zhongjiangli where Qian Wenge lived, and those who lived there were usually rich or noble people. Three households were occupied by unscrupulous businessmen who ignorantly made money for the country. A very popular officer, in the eyes of Xu Houde and Fang Guozhong, what kind of officer is this!It's all money!

For Gao Fei and Shen Zui who came to eat, Dai Li just smiled and ordered someone to prepare a hot pot. Dai Li already knew that Gao Fei and Shen Zui suffered a big loss at Qian Wen Pavilion I was able to hold my breath, so I smiled and said: "Young man! It's a good thing to suffer a little, and it can prevent a big somersault in the future. I know everything about you, and your performance is very good, but Gao Fei, you are still impulsive Point, that Lion Dance Sword is used to slash people? You think highly of Qian Wenge, don't you? Let him be arrogant for a few days, don't take our military commander seriously, and he will cry sometimes."

After finishing speaking, Dai Li ordered someone to serve a few catties of his favorite old rice wine, and drank it with Gao Fei and Shen Zui. Dai Li hadn't been so relaxed for a long time. His subordinates were basically very afraid of him, except for Shen Zui. Dare to have a playful smile with him, and now there is another Gao Fei, who eats and drinks, and gets mixed up with him, but wearing a hat like this is also very comfortable, no one likes everyone, everyone is in awe or even fears himself, only those who are not confident want others Afraid of himself, obviously Dai Li is definitely not such a person.

While Gao Fei and Shen Zui were eating and mixing, Fang Guozhong and Xu Houde changed their clothes and went in ambush near Qian Wenge's house. Now is obviously not the time to do anything, they have to wait until early in the morning to do it, and they are just stepping on the plate at this moment.

Xu Houde and Fang Guozhong were both wearing military police uniforms and driving by. How could anyone suspect that this was a group of gangsters' preparations before committing crimes?

The fall of Nanjing made Wuhan extremely bustling and bustling. Although the Xuzhou war was imminent, the low prices of houses in Wuhan did not fall but rose. This may be due to the trust in the combat effectiveness of the front-line military forces!The Eighth Route Army active in the northwest and southeast of Shanxi and the guerrilla detachments of the New Fourth Army active in the Beijing-Shanghai-Hangzhou area frequently attacked the Japanese supply line. Very passive.

After Gao Fei and Shen Zui finished their meal, together with Dai Li's confidential secretary Huang Hongjun, they began to build the Great Wall and move bricks. Give the leader a "fire"!Dai Li naturally knows the details, but if you are lucky and have fun and win money, why not do it?

What's more, Dai Li has always been stingy with his subordinates. If you give Dai Li a gift, when you turn around, Dai Li will find a way to make you earn back several times, so giving a tie as a gift is a great knowledge.

Just when mahjong was in full swing, masked gangsters ransacked the home of Major General Qian Wenge, and the arrogant Major General Qian will become a gray grandson!

Under the menace of the gleaming dagger, Major General Qian found out that his father, mother, wife, mother and children were all tied up with grenades and P-30 submachine guns. With such quick movements, these guys must be the soldiers of that army , taking advantage of the fire.

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