Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 255 : Chapter 108 Bing Feng Xuzhou

[Volume 31] Chapter 255: Chapter 2 Bing Feng Xuzhou ([-])


Dai Li glared at Gao Fei and said: "Nonsense! The military commander can't be domineering without any scruples. Your temper must be restrained, and your character must be tempered! Your fifth column is almost reorganized, and the left-behind office will be established. You have two days to deal with personal affairs. You must pay attention to your personal safety. Your life is your own. There are opportunities to fight battles. If you lose your life, everything means nothing. Reported by the theater commander's department."

The fifth column was temporarily incorporated into the fifth theater's combat order faster than Gao Fei expected, but Gao Fei was still confused?Report to the Fifth Theater Commander's Department?You must know that the structure of the commander-in-chief of a commanding theater is basically the same as that of the battalion, and the structure of the battalion is basically equivalent to the condensed body of the Supreme Military Council of the National Government, the General Staff Headquarters, and the Executive Yuan, so let Gao Fei go to the fifth The order reported by the theater commander's department can be said to be a very vague concept?

Although Gao Fei is said to be the captain of the fifth column of the Loyalty Rescue Army under the Military Control Bureau, but his rank is only a small major?Can't afford to be an officer anywhere?This is especially true in places where colonels are not as good as dogs and major generals walk all over the ground like the commander of the theater.Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers 25508

Dai Li also smiled slightly and said: "Don't think that I drove you away, but Li Zongren and Bai Chongxi from Xuzhou ordered your generals from the committee. It is said that they have important tasks to hand over to our Loyalty Rescue Department."

Although Dai Li said it with a smile, Gao Fei could tell that his tone was not kind?It seems like an old cat whose tail has been stepped on by someone. Although it has been some time since the loyalty and rescue of the Communist Party of China, Dai Li reorganized the remnants of the four detachments of the Jiangsu-Zhejiang Action Committee Rangers withdrawn from the Songhu battlefield in southern Anhui into the "Loyalty and Rescue" **" The first detachment (column) and the other four columns were all newly formed. Dai Li was the head of the Loyalty Rescue Corps and Yu Zuobai was the deputy chief. Dai Li then formally established the Loyalty Rescue Corps in Hankou He and Yu Zuobai served as the chief and deputy commanders of the general headquarters, and Xu Guangying was the chief of staff.

However, in addition to the seed troops of the first column, the fifth column of Gao Fei's troops can do it, and Gao Fei's troops are trained in the model of elite soldiers, and the military discipline is so strict that even Dai Li I think it's a bit outrageous that Gao Fei was forced to implement strict military discipline. You must know that these masters with unique skills are usually ten dissatisfied and eight dissatisfied masters, without strict military discipline requirements and military laws. With severe punishment as the backing, no one in this unit can effectively command it.

Therefore, Gao Fei's initial training of formation and order training and tactical coordination training were almost one to one. In addition to the training outline of later generations of special forces, these veterans with unique skills were trained to be dragged by their tails all day long. Go to bed, that's why Gao Fei built an elite army, from whistling to women on the side of the road, to not even looking at women, Gao Fei's tricks made the whole column horrified.

The column is full of veterans who have fought wars, and the veterans naturally know what the battlefield is like. Can Gao Fei be able to grind on the flesh and blood mill in Luodian for more than [-] days before he comes down?What a fate!A place where an entire division can't hold out for two days, how can someone survive?Also killed the Japanese royal family members?And in the desperate situation like Yanziji, resisting the enemy and finally throwing himself into the river to survive?Floating down the river?

The scars on Gao Fei's body when he took a shower were shocking, and some veterans who always liked to show off their scars kept silent, because Gao Fei had too many wounds on his body. Although none of them were fatal, the wounded The frequency is also the highest in the entire fifth column, and I am very depressed about this honor.

Now that the fifth column is finally going to the front line of the Anti-Japanese War, Gao Fei is elated, but Dai Li is frowning. Column, what about the Tax Police Headquarters back then?Isn't it the same as receiving equipment in Wuhan for reorganization?

If the military command's loyalty to save the country can also be expanded on a large scale, then the strength of the military command will undoubtedly increase dramatically. At that time, the Central Command will be nothing compared to the Military Command. The provincial party committee and party organizations at all levels started their development earlier than the military command, so they took advantage of the blood. In addition, the two brothers Chen Guofu and Chen Lifu were celebrities in front of the committee, and their relatives were not inferior to them, so Dai Li has been looking for an opportunity to win by surprise, and now it seems that he has found the opportunity!Dai Li's chance lies in his loyalty to save his wife, and Gao Fei's chance of his loyalty to save his wife.

That's why Dai Li repeatedly told Gao Fei to pay attention to his own safety, and established a stay-at-home office. The purpose of the stay-at-home office is to divide all the combat backbones into two groups. If there is any mistake on the front line, the left-behind office can quickly restore the organization and combat effectiveness in a short period of time.

After a series of breaks in the fifth column of the Loyalty Rescue Corps, Lin Shujie and Shen Zui were appointed as the liaison officers of the fifth column, Xu Jiehui of Dawanmian and Li Guotong of Little Glasses were appointed as the chief and deputy directors of the left-behind department, and 320 people including Lu Yifeng's troops were transferred to form the team. At the left-behind office, the troops retreated to Chongqing together with the military command headquarters.

Gao Fei commanded Fang Guozhong and Xu Houde's first and second brigades, a total of 420 officers and soldiers boarded the military column heading north to Xuzhou.

Gao Fei didn't let any one of Lin Shujie, Lu Yifeng, and Qin Wanyi come to the station to see him off. What Gao Fei disliked the most was the feeling of a strong man going to see him off. Triumph's celebration wine was Gao Fei's favorite. For the soldiers of the era, patriotism is a very vague term. What is a country?What is a nation?I'm afraid Gao Fei himself can't explain it clearly. Weak warlords have been fighting for a century. Even if the Japanese occupied a small half of China, the internal fighting is still going on!

Although China is big, it is a poor-quality broken plank. Although Japan is small, it is an iron hammer!It is obvious what happens when a broken plank meets a hammer.

Wearing different military uniforms, wearing special armbands on their arms, the fifth column with distinctive weapons is the focus of attention no matter where they go.

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